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Everything posted by kemper

  1. Cliff and I may be out tomorrow morning, not sure which trib though. If he cant go I will be at oshawa for first light, thomas street parking lot
  2. OFC is singlehandedly responsible for the financial crisis. TJ, you need to do the right thing here, its time to shut er down and get these people back to work!
  3. Well said, but musky arent the only fish to be over estimated. This bass I caught last summer for example...HUGE mouth, big dang bass at 21 inches. What did she weigh... just under 4 and a half, not even close to many of these 6 pounders that arent half the size of mine. Bass are all mouth, and muskies are skinny critters (except some of those St Larry and Big O behemoths) and generally weigh alot more than most people would think. Great post
  4. Sounds good Dave, Im off all december with no job (hehehe) so a fishing we will go. I broke 3 to 4 inches of ice out of that hole on sunday for nothing, by the time I was kinda done it was dark! There is another picture of that fish slapping me in the face. Funny stuff.
  5. i changed my mind. too much studying has made me cranky
  6. Sure doesnt feel like Im livin it up at the moment. Finals are comin hard and heavy, and steelhead have taken a back seat... I HATE when that happens haha Thanks all
  7. In fact I am..but those finals are nagging at me...of course they dont start till tuesday.... I will be sneaking out for a fish, probably saturday morning. __sorry for the hijacking solo
  8. Cliff, I think we need to team up and make a gigantic super report with hundreds of steelhead caught in one day so we can make Mike jealous of our unbelieveable steelheading skills for once, and not just our charming good looks.
  9. Dont get me wrong here, CF is definately a worthy cause, although not the only one out there but... Honest question here, I'm confused about how a vote over a charity at a University is putting our freedoms/culture at risk? I'm just not seeing the connection.
  10. it just occured to me that those fish are really dark for this time of year... Is that normal for the river you were on? I have never caught a fall/winter fish around here with that much colour, they usually are mostly silver with pink cheeks. ...that said I SUCK at steelheading in the late fall. bring on february!
  11. awesome as usual! Really wish I had the flexibility to hit the river when I know it will be good, rather then come home when I can and fish. Seems like when I get home its either gin clear or Im busting through 3 inches of ice to get a drift!
  12. Some of these students running this thing could be (actually definately are) 22 or 23. Just wondering, how old do we students have to be before we dont need the "adults" to step in anymore?
  13. youre about a week late on this one, but still a sweet video!
  14. Speaking of alternative power, I saw an interesting creation on a house that was hard on the shore of Lake O. Solopaddler, maybe you can chime in here as I am sure you have seen in walking to a certain trout fishing spot that you gave me. ( I have been sworn to secrecy) It was like a watermill on a long pole that moved up and down with the waver and spun forwards and backwards as the waves moved in and out. okay that was the worst description ever.
  15. Someone troll a big jake through there PLEASE. at least if you dont catch a ski you will probably be able to report a mutant gigantisaurus rex walleye that feeds on 12 pounders and has 9 inch fangs.
  16. The floating ones are a real pain in the ars. The will float up to be about level with your first shot...meaning that your first shot will smack the fish in the face before the worm does. I suppose you could bottom bouce them
  17. We probably fished the same section. I lost a really nice Dolly right before the guide grabbed it. Not being used to barbless I let the pressure off right as he was grabbing it so that if the hook pulled I wouldnt gouge his eye out and bye bye fish. Beautiful river, I got some great scenery shots
  18. not that I approve or anything...but my uncles buddy had a 45 with a 25 cowl...or at least the decaling from a 25 because he often fished a certain HP restricted lake. worked for him for years
  19. I tied some of those up this spring..found it took much longer to tie them and they didnt perform as well. that said I know guys that swear by them
  20. Yes, and I went with a guide. This city boy is way too soft to wander around the real bush without a buddy. Black bears dont scare me, grizzlys on the other hand... Did you fish the section where you had to cross a railroad track and walk the bush to get in?
  21. Disrespectful? absolutely Stupid? absolutely Funny as hell? DEFINATELY
  22. How are you tying those ones? I think I probably tie mine right around two minutes too but are those done the same way? Tie in the strip at the back/ wrap it to the front and tie it in again?
  23. Yep, im a relative nOOb with the pin, but it is definatlely an effective tool for fishin the rivers. ALTHOUGH I must say that I probably caught the same amount of steel the year before on the spinning reel...cough cough. and I see Cliff and Carole putting up some great numbers on the spinner too thanks all
  24. Havent had a ton of luck on the pinkies, although I Dont give them the time they might deserve.
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