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Everything posted by kemper

  1. Because I need a $700 reel so I can pinn with you right? Can I fish your hole if Im not decked in SIMMS? I happen to like my vectra, damn nice reel and outperforms many that are priced (way) above it. Actually this post can go away, since I just completely changed the dynamics of the thing with a quick degrease and light oil.
  2. Hey all Lookin to upgrade the bearings in my Raven SST 3...call it something to do in the off season. Anyone know where I can get some solid bearings at a reasonable price, the stock ones just seem to have the slightest wiggle that I dont like (and I doubt most would even notice, but I am crazy about my gear be it bikes or reels) thanks kemper
  3. Im shootin everything! Get me a gun YEEEHAAAWWW! this game is way too fun 11 725
  4. 10 775! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOo im gonna need a beer after this
  5. 7800, but im not stopping until I get to at least 10 000
  6. bought it new, but was buying a whole ton of other stuff at the time so I got a break on the price
  7. The raven will run you something like 309 and the islander more like 350 or so. Both can be had for cheaper used I looked at both and chose the Raven, its much lighter and had a better start up than the islander...that said the islander did seem to have a certain quality of finish the raven lacked, but imo the raven was the better buy for the water that I fish. You might pick them both up and buy the islander, its all personal preference
  8. ah yes absolute zero -273 C. Strange things happen at absolute zero, strange things indeed. I KNEW I learned something in grade 12 chem
  9. Okay I got a question... how does one arrow take down a beast like that? Im thinking it could wander around for some time before going down?
  10. tell me about it, I had a class in War memorial hall last night. Anyone who has been to guelph knows that you are risking your life travelling between south res and war mem when its minus 20
  11. Depends what you are looking for. Islanders are prooven, and workhorse reels. Personally I went with the Raven SST 3 for my new wheel, after using the cheap raven matrix for over a year and having nothing but great things to say about it. Some would tell you to stay away from raven stuff, others (like me) swear by it for reasonable prices and great products. Morale of the story, you dont need to go out and blow 800 bucks on a reel to have a solid reel that will last you a long time
  12. this is what seperates hunters from non hunters...I REALLY need to learn to shut my yap on hunting posts Nothing against hunting or (most) hunters, I guess there is just something about trophy blasting I dont like.
  13. amazing hunting... but come on does the guy really need to blast away a trophy EVERY year
  14. as much as I need to....? generally not alot, I havent bought any new summer gear (as in rods/reels) for a while now but I guess the float gear I buy makes up for it. Speaking of float gear I need (want?) another rod...looking for a 12 and a half footer thats used and CHEAP
  15. Wear warm gloves.... If you have the coin to be hookin up all this simms gear, go for it I guess. I rock $120 neoprenes and my snowboard jacket, and I stay warm.
  16. I have an 8 wt fly rod that would be stiffer than most of my spinning rods, seems to me most (at least of the ones I have used) heavier fly rods have a very fast action to keep the tip from wobbling around for hours after your cast
  17. Who is to say that this is not just 'evolution'. We as humans are part of the evolution chain as well, we may have the traits that are required to become the dominant specie in the world but in truth we are also part of the animal world. It seems to me then, that as we evolve and force others into evolving at fast rates/ different patterns it is simply evolution. How do you think those animals got the big racks? Did something kill all the small ones? I doubt it, simply evolution. I DO agree however, that we should be taking more care of our resources
  18. Its rediculous. I hate the winter and everything about it. Cold is not fun, -5 I have no problem with. -40 is a big deal though I plan to sit in my warm dorm room until this crap is over
  19. I always thought that it would be easy to just tail a fish in waist deep water....then I tried it! Hardest thing! I was fishing a deepish run and there was ice at the banks that was NOT safe to stand on so I waded out and fished in front of it...I know its not the smartest thing to do but sometimes these things happen. Long story short its nearly impossible to tail a fish when its -5 and you are standing waist deep in the water. Ended up pinning it against the ice with my waist then getting it with both hands! That net is beautiful Mike Of course the one thats been hanging in my garage for 15 years would work too, the holes in it are too small for a steelie to slip through... Just kiddin, that thing is a work of art man!
  20. Yep, January is when I go into depression. Steel withdrawal you might call it? I dont even try in January, but once Feb comes around watch out!
  21. Looks like a beauty to me! I have one of these new set up posts to do myself, as I aquired some new bling over the christmas season.
  22. I havent fished enough to be able to answer that question but I can tell you from what I have fished the SST 3 has the fastest start up, I am assuming simply because it is so light. Check out the Hardy Conquest, and the getting into stuff like AngSpec and Kingpins you just know that the quality is top notch
  23. No kidding. About the spinning though, my Matrix actually would spin for longer than the Vectra does, but the vectra fishes much better. So it isnt always about how long the reel spins by itself, because it has the line to help it along. Meaning (in my experience) that a reel with a fast startup can most definately outfish (smoother and with less checking) a reel that just spins forever but doesnt have the greatest start up
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