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Everything posted by kemper

  1. gonna have to give us a little more than that. Where are you fishing, river/lake/creek/harbour? Floatfishing/bottom bouncing?
  2. Good points, my shimano was the best to me and I have a couple that I trust 100 percent not to fail no matter what I do to them. Anything that says Okuma on it I tend to be really gentle with. haha thanks all looks like i gotta go buy a bunch more shimano stuff....haha
  3. Dont even get me started on Okuma. It took me a year to get them to replace a reel that busted TWICE in 4 days worth of fishing over 2 seasons. I think the thing caught a total of 3 pounds worth of bass.
  4. My baitcasters dont really get a workout on species that make runs. Bass only 99 percent of the time. I had one reel burn out when a big musky grabbed my minature spinnerbait and I didnt get to the drag in time but I am not counting that one because it is clearly driver error on my part. two of thereels I am talking about are in the $200 plus range. They werent cheap. Only the Okuma was brand new and failed, the other two were shimanos and had 4-5 seasons on them. (one expensive one relatively cheap..the cheap one was surprisingly the best for the longest)
  5. Beats me, Okuma admitted the problem on one of them and has sent me a free one (that I dont even need now as I already replaced it with a shimano) but it seems a little rediculous. They dont get wet other than the odd fish in the rain, they get taken care of and oiled every winter. Also I took one of them apart, an older one, to see how bad it was and the clutch bearing was actually broken..hard to explain but anyone who has seen the clutch out of a bait caster the little roller have small plastic (i think) 'feet' holding them in position and two of these feet were just busted. It isnt like they are just out of place or anything, they are actually busted.
  6. I have been going over my summer gear, giving it a thourough cleaning and such and thinking about the damages of the past couple years. I have had three baitcasters (not cheap ones) blow the clutch bearing in the past two seasons. One blew the bearing TWICE in a total of 4 days fishing. That one I am certain is not my fault and finally (a year later) a replacement free of charge is in the mail to me from the producer. Is it possible that my fishing style (go big or go home, Hit em hard and crank em in) is killing my reels? I use heavy line, PP in nothing less than 30 lb test and using drag is out of the question. Anybody else have this problem? kemper
  7. Im really impressed with how this discussion turned out, and can't possibly think of anything else to add. ya'll are pretty refined for a bunch of grumpy oldschool fishermen
  8. There is only one answer to this question, and Bill M beat me to it. Steelhead.
  9. Its a miracle, bad drivers come in all ages, races and sexes. Who'da thunk it? Thanks, makes sense and I believe the 50 over thing. Some kids definately have the need for speed but before all the older folks judge us younger ones...I bet you guys went alot faster! I just wish someone would give me a chance to prove myself thats all. Ive been on the road for three years this December with the cleanest record on the books and I am still dangerous. Just doesnt make sense to me.
  10. First point- Definately agree, I have alot of friends (some I wont get in the car with) because they speed like the devil, but I bet you catch a whole lot of 45 year olds going 25-40 Kmph over too? BAC- I dont have a problem with the 0 BAC for young drivers, mostly because I dont get behind the wheel if I have had even one beer. Its not worth it, why risk your licence or worse your life or someone elses. BUT I still think someone who is older should be punished to the same extent as someone who is younger. Passengers- That rule is just a complete load of crap. Not logical even in the slightest. As Rick stated earlier I guess if myself and 4 buddies want to head up to Scugog for some nightfishing (which we often do) we have to take 2 cars. That puts two 'inexperienced' drivers on the road. From the Gov's point of view that puts two TERRIBLE drivers on the road, because we never get a chance to prove ourselves. We are just bad drivers until we MAGICALLY turn 21 and all the sudden poof okay you are a good driver now? GIVE ME A BREAK FishNautographs, I assume you are a police officer? I have an honest question for you, since you are the one that has to go to the scene of the accidents and chase down the dangerous driver do you think that most young drivers are more dangerous than older drivers? The answer I am guessing is yes, (at least I hope it is yes or I am REALLY getting screwed on my insurance) BUT does it seem to you that we (young drivers) are as much of a danger as the insurance companies and government think we are? I wont be offended by any answer, I am just trying to figure out why I am not allowed to own a car. Because essentially that is what a $4000 insurance premium does to me. My parents aren't millionaires and didn't buy me a car and pay the insurance for my birthday, nor would I expect them to so what these laws and insurance numbers do to me is ban me from owning a car and keep my off the road.
  11. Thats because saying logic and government in the same sentence returns the following alert. "Error on page"
  12. Yep, its passed. Happened a couple tuesdays ago I believe. as for how it is being enforced, im not sure but so far have not heard of anyone getting busted.
  13. You know I didnt even notice you were fishing one until I saw your pictures from a later trip. The thought never even crossed my mind haha. Ill definatly grab a drift or two next time out, see how I like it. Also fished the Raven Vectra SST 3...and fell in love with it. Wicked reel.
  14. hope you and yours are all OK Mike, I would say thats a good enough excuse for the delay on the report, and there arent too many good excuses! all the best kemper
  15. also, I bet the government wouldnt mind putting a rilfle in my hands and shipping me off to afghanistan. but no son, you most definately cannot have that beer (when not driving of course, I dont have any issue with the zero tolerance rules). Thats a different discussion for a different day though...
  16. I personally (being a young driver) have a problem with the blanket statements that get laid on us. I am a male driver, which according to my insurance company means that I should have to pay the $2 500 a year more than my sister does. Does this mean that I PERSONALLY am that much more likely to cause an accident, no sorry it doesnt. There needs to be a "prove yourself" time period. Yes, there is alot of crapty young drivers on the road, but there is also a whole lots of crapty older drivers on the road too. I have a perfect driving record, not so much as a warning for speeding, no fender benders, NOTTA . Same goes for my criminal record, squeaky clean with not so much as an underage liqour ticket (most of my friends cant say the same) BUT according to the government I am a hazard on the road. I wont get a break on my insurance until I turn 25, get married or have a kid. "Under the proposed legislation, young Ontario drivers caught speeding would face a series of escalating sanctions, starting with a 30-day licence suspension. That grows to 90 days for a second offence and to a total suspension for a third offence. The person would then have to start over with beginner's driver training courses and apply for a new licence." Right, because that makes a whole lot of sense. I guess if I am 19 and going 5 over the limit and get pulled over I must be more dangerous than someone who is 24 and going 49 over the limit. Give me a fraekin break. Some of these politicians need to get their dam heads screwed on right. Yes, drinking and driving is a terrible problem on our roads, and those caught drinking and driving need to be penalized in a BIG way. But lets remember that it should be just as illegal for a 40 year old to drink and drive as it is for a 19 year old. Also, its EXTREMELY impractical to limit those under 21 to one passenger in their car. That doesnt even make any sense. Well, I guess next time me and 2 buddies want to go fishing I have to get mommy to drive us. Crack down on drunk driving, crack down on speeders and dangerous driver, but for loves sake dont continue to bust my balls because I happen to be in the 18-22 age bracket.
  17. I have alot of friends into the car game (I happen to be into the custom fishing gear game, cant afford cars) and one of them drives a 2004 WRX. Blows the rest of the cars out of the water, hands down. We are talking turboed, performance exhaust, Cold/ram air the whole bit on many souped up honda's etc and none of them can touch the WRX. Those things are FAST
  18. Yep, I saw it coming too. It was just getting dark and I was the first car behind him and I was slowing down, knowing that the corner can sneak up on you at the best of time. Its a downhill right into a quick and VERY sharp left if you are heading out towards the LCBO. I got on the brakes and noticed that he didnt and all I had to time do was say to my friend "that is not going to turn out well" Lots of damage, luckily only to the truck and boat as nothing of any other value was hit. Its a good thing there were no kids hangin out on the sidewalk or anything. He assessed the damage, luckily only cosmetic too both the truck and the boat and drove away quickly feeling quite embarrased but not worse for wear other than financially
  19. I watched that happen by accident once. Does anybody know the downhill sharp left in the town of buckhorn( right oustide the main street landing) ? Well the guy pulling the boat wasnt ready for it and it was NOT a good scene
  20. Quick buggers eh? I dont mess around with it.. its my dads and I cant afford any tickets. Keep it on the track is my motto. But the odd time it is fun to dump it into 3rd in a sweeping bend WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe
  21. Of course this might mean another float rod...bashes head against wall. In the process of retying a 13'6" Okuma. I know, why? Why? because it gives me something to do, and if I hack it up, it was only an Okuma.
  22. So I am looking to add to my collection of fishing gear and pick up a new pin this christmas from me to me. Been really looking at the Islander Steelheader anybody fish one and love it/hate it? Most of what I have heard says it is a great workhorse reel, exactly what I am looking for. thanks OFC
  23. Now that were posting salmon... Here is my PB Ontario Chinook. FRESH run, were talking in August just after all that rain. I was trapping minnows for a night fishin trip and decided to bring the float rod and try to bother some resident bows, this river has some nice ones and here is what I found in a deep hole in Mid August. Boy was she upset with me! Not sure on the measurements, but she was big. My actual PB chinny was caught on a charter in the Juan de Fuca (sp) strait a couple summers ago off Van. island on a charter. What a blast!
  24. Wicked fishin guys. Not that I suggest it, but some of those browns contain the secret to winter steelhead!
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