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Everything posted by kemper

  1. I had though I replied to this one, but apparently my post button failed. Wicked fishin guys, as usual! hey, that doesnt look like the oshawa creek I think that an OFC slays a US trib day needs to get cooked up. Whos with me?
  2. Although I never met the little guy, it sounds like he was one tough little fisherman. Chris will always be on the lake with you. My condolences, Kemper.
  3. There is no such thing as luck, Experience is number one IMO, knowing the conditions and what has worked for you in the past will shape what bait you throw on any given day. Also experience on the water body is huge, especially in steelheading. For example on my home river I can 9 times out of 10 pin down where the fish are holding, because I have spent countless hours out there, but if you take me to a new river I wont know exactly where they are and what they want. I might be able to put a good guess together and be successful but not to the same extent as I would be if I knew the water. Prep is huge too, I spend a ton of time getting all my gear together before any trip. Every colour of bait, every type I think might work goes into the box/vest. Knowing the water conditions before you go is huge too, for example if I am going steelheading tomorrow, I am not only going to check the hydro charts but im also going to drive to the river today (its close) and see the water first hand. That way I know what I need to bring, and what I dont. last but not least, OFC. Im serious, I would not be half the fisherman that I am today without this place. When I was 13 I joined, and since then I have been on a constant learning curve in getting out fishing with members and just reading endlessly. This place rocks
  4. are you guys hearing this? Im in! split gas and ill pick you boys up on the way out!
  5. Wow, great fishin. Alright boys, JDMLS, Sil, etc etc...lets get down there one of these days in Dec.
  6. yep thats the direction that I am leaning thanks all
  7. How do they land? Its simple...just make like a goose and stick the feet out.
  8. beauties! I wish my creek wasnt frozen... actually its thawed now, and blown right out. I gotta get my butt down to the mighty niagara one of these days
  9. I know it can be confusing, especially when you are fishing at Oshawa... but crackheads are the ones on the path, and steelheads are the ones in the water bud. Please stop staring down the local wildlife, they dont like it By the way, I nearly drown myself pulling a shopping cart out of that run under the tree last time I was out. There is NO WAY im letting that hole get ruined, its too good to me.
  10. This post has really got me thinking.... Is there anyone on OFC (other than the huge musky that has been beaten to death) that has had to face the decision to release or keep a record class fish? Its really hard to make that call without facing it yourself. I caught a gigantic rockbass once, went 2lbs on a legit scale. Wonder if thats worth anything hahaha
  11. Thanks Mike, Dave (JDMLS) runs an islander, Ill have a look next time we get out. Im sure he wouldnt mind if I removed a handle mid drift to check it out I think I might give it a run and make my own as well, something new that you dont see every day. I gotta switch up the handle on my fly reel anyways because it sucks, so extra handles might not be a bad thing
  12. Just keep workin them, and move as high as you can in the chain of command. I went toe to toe with Okuma this year, and it took a long time but eventually I got what I wanted through an email from Head office in Japan, that they CCed to the Canadian reps who magically started to respond to my emails.
  13. BWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHACK BOINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG splat. Soundtrack to a snowmobiler smacking a pressure crack at 100 mph. Its not a pretty sight. Sleds are awesome machines, and its hard not to let them rip at top throttle, but do it when you are somewhere you know is completely safe if you must. A lake probably isnt the best place, because a pressure crack can appear in a spot where is wasnt a couple days earlier.
  14. Feels like a really nice reel, I havent had a chance to give it a run on some steel yet but the neighbours cat was creepin around my backyard yesterday and well, it fell to a mouse pattern (sans hook). Seems like a great reel! Really smooth when it ran!
  15. Im looking to get some nice wooden handles for my new reel that I just picked up. Its a Raven Vectra SST3, and it is a beautiful reel that just doesnt look right with those stupid plastic handles. Is there anywhere I can order some nice wooden ones from? Or am I going to have to spin them myself...which I could do but I dont really want to. thanks all
  16. Very chunky fish, my PB is longer than that by quite a bit but I am sure that fish outweighs it. They never seem to weigh as much as you would think haha great fish
  17. Never, As amazing as that place is I just can't spend my money there. They kill the little guy, and its the little guy that is good to us fishermen. I have a store that I am very loyal to and they appreciate my business. BPS doesnt know me from a hole in the wall. That said, I do go into BPS from time to time and grab plastics and small ticket items etc when they are on sale but if its a big purchase they arent gettin my money. Sorry for the hijack dude, Have you figured out what you are going to go with?
  18. Having never actually faced the decision with a WR I cant say, but I do know that I have caught several (three come to mind) trophys that many would be proud to hang on the wall and all three went back in. I would never eat a fish of that size, and it would cost a fortune to have to mounted etc etc, so why kill it? Of course if it was a WR bass, my greed might give in.
  19. Also just found out that i got a wicked deal...not knowing much about fly rods I figured 100 bucks was a decent rod. I checked out the web site today and found that the rod retails for 139.99 and the dealer that sold it to me knocked 20 bucks off the sticker price of 92.99 which means I got it for 72.99. HALF PRICE WOOOOOOOO
  20. I just picked up my first fly gear last night, had some extra money in gift cards and said why the heck not! Bough an 8 wt Ross worldwide rod for 100 bucks, and an Okuma (I know I know, I hate Okuma too but I was on a budget) reel for just under 100 bucks. Feels great, looks great and it didnt bust the bank.
  21. I happened to be driving over one of the overpasses as the procession was approaching. It was an amazing scene, everyone stopped their cars and got out to show their respect.
  22. Watch out for the BPS reels, I bought a spinning reel I think the same model you are looking at buit a few years older and the drag never worked right. It was a front drag and it just sucked, period. One twist would have the drab knob falling off into the water, and one twist the other way had the drag tightened right down to nothing. It loosened itself off while fishing and after only two days of use I just gave up trying to fiddle with it and retired it. Good thing it was on sale. SHIMANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I replaced it with a shimany symetre and its a beauty.
  23. shankin browns. poacher Goin fishin tomorrow? Ill be out, gonna try the river but im thinking shes gonna be a write off and Ill have to hit the lake.
  24. drink away bud, its WAY cold out there. Its alot less fun when you have to chip ice off your float
  25. Pink worms dont work! except for Dave...right as im telling him they dont work.
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