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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Ah so now the Notty is nothing more then a river fill of stocked wanderers? lol! Of course the no kill zone has an impact, that's exactly my point. That a long with stream rehab has done wonders for that river. But according to you, that's impossible.. Habitat couldn't possibly play such an important role for the wild population of steelhead in that river. At least your replies are good for a laugh, and for that I thank you!
  2. Anyone mention Scotty yet? http://www.scotty.com
  3. I only use the battery/trolling motor when fishing back lake for specs, or if there are long stretches of unproductive water on any of the rivers I float. No issues with weight distribution either, pontoon holds 450lbs, never been close to the weight limit, lol! Mine's in the rear, you can see the motor mount in the pic.
  4. No motor mount for that bad boy? I've got one on my pontoon.. Strap a 30lb Endura to the back, strap a battery on it and I'm in business!
  5. Those are my REGISTRATION numbers... It's not a license.
  6. Explain to us why the Notty's steelhead run has been getting stronger and stronger over the past few years. No stocking, 100% wild self sustaining population of fish, no roe ban, no bait bans, no gear restrictions.. The only thing that has been done is HABITAT IMPROVEMENT and a No kill zone from Nicholston to Angus (This isn't spawning water either) I'm eagerly awaiting your response.
  7. Spiel, Rick, Ernie.... Lots of guys out there that will be able to help you out
  8. Brian the river has been garbage all week man, I drive over it everyday. You didn't miss out on anything, trust me.
  9. Boats aren't 'licensed' only trailers are.. Just get it registered in your name and be done with it..
  10. Time to stop using that 'I've fished for 30 years' excuse because it's obvious you haven't stepped foot on the river bank (Especially the Saugeen) in quite some time. If you like mutant stockers so much, move to the southern shore of Lake Erie and have your fill.
  11. I think we should start a collection for a fancy cane Happy B-Day Wayne!
  12. I can't imagine those are much fun to fillet!
  13. Like Sinker said it really depends on what you're fishing for.. Fish that like cold water (lake trout for example) will be cruising the shallows chasing food until the water warms up then back down to the deep they go... Most fish will be shallow in the spring because that's where the bait is.. Now lake Simcoe perch on the other hand, who knows! I still need to get out this year for those little buggers.
  14. One of the most important factors if you ask me. Temperature usually dictates where the fish will be...
  15. 4th Sat Dave, lol!! I definitely won't be fishing 'steelhead' on opener.. All residents for me (brookies, browns, rainbows, etc)
  16. Steelhead live in the lake, spawn in the rivers.. Rainbows live in the rivers, spawn in the rivers. At least that's my view on things.. Rainbows = resident fish, steelhead = lake run fish.
  17. He's saying you're tying a knot regardless. Whether it's to a snap or a hook it really doesn't matter
  18. A piece of rubber tubing over the notch of the spinnerbait will stop the swivel from going down the wire arm. I think they mentioned this little trick on OOD recently as well. I've been doing it for a few years.. Works awesome.
  19. I like crosslocks. Anytime I'm using a crank, jerkbait, spinnerbait, spinner, whatever I'll use a swivel.
  20. Sounds like everyone needs education (river fisherman and the boys out in the blue zone). Bad apples in both groups.
  21. I don't think anyone would have a problem if the charter boat guys also used selective harvest.. A little education goes a long way.
  22. I tried that early on, only to have my oldman yell at me!! :rofl2:
  23. Use your mirrors, small movements of the steering wheel and all will go well. I love watching the guys with their one arm over the seat, looking out the back window snaking back and forth down the ramp, lol!!!!! Backup up a trailer isn't rocket science, just take your time and go slow.
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