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Everything posted by BillM

  1. I fished Simcoe this year maybe 3-4 times... Ice was way to dicey in a lot of places for me to bother. That pic was actually from the Muskokas... Lots of ice up there this year (In certain places)
  2. So the main lake basin not being frozen and people being 100yrds away from open water had nothing to do with it? It was all the winds fault?
  3. There was no reason for them to be out on the ice... Warm temps, 80km/h winds for 3 days beforehand... Warnings on the TV, radio... There's a reason why no one from OFC was out there, we know better. Idiots like these give everyone else a bad name.
  4. Problem is the people that were rescued aren't paying taxes in this township... It's not very big... and to get slapped with a huge bill like this? I can see their point. But I also see your point as well. Bottom line is those people shouldn't have been out on the ice in the first place..
  5. BB, I really think it's the township that doesn't want to pick up the tab.. That's probably the only reason they are getting charged.
  6. $200 to save your life? Sounds cheap to me. Live and learn I guess.
  7. I didn't think the township was going to pick up the tab for that...
  8. Big stick baits at night, definitely trolled.. It's a killer tactic once you establish a pattern.
  9. Embrace the computer folks and take the shady dealers out of the equation..
  10. Mine took about 50 days from the time it was received.
  11. Walters LOVE big long stick baits at night..
  12. If that's the case, over/unders must be for superheros!! LOL Gimme a semi over a pump any day.
  13. Those humpbacks are the sexiest guns ever made! I'll have to get some pics of mine and the oldmans the next time I'm up there.
  14. Ugh, BB we really gotta stop agreeing with each other, we might become BFF's!!! One of the softest shooting 12 gauges ever made if it's setup properly. My oldman has a Auto-5 dated in the 50's (It was a European market gun, so no scroll work on the receiver).. I was just given a Auto-5 that dates to the early 40's... It will be buried with me, lol.
  15. I'd like to see as many Canadian teams make it into the playoffs as possible. I really hope Winnipeg makes it in!
  16. Agree with BB here, no reason for a 3.5 gun unless you're popping geese from 40-50yrds.. A 3in setup will be fine for rabbits, grouse etc.. If you want deer then a slug barrel is an easy addition.. My oldmans Browning Auto-5 with a Hastings slug barrel has dropped more deer then I care to remember. (This is a 2 and 3/4 gun)
  17. Can't go wrong with a 870.
  18. 1 bite in 10 years shouldn't be a death sentence.
  19. Agreed. They should either make it worth the guys time taking in the forms, or do it all directly through the MNR.
  20. Did my card online in the 3rd week of November, had my 3 year card in the mail by the 2nd week of Dec.. No complaints here.
  21. Pike taper might also work for you as well.
  22. I'll let people figure out the river conditions all my themselves, lol. No need to broadcast it.
  23. BillM

    merc 08

    Would this work? http://www.mercurymarine.com/media/mercury/documents/0911_maintenance-4CylVerado.pdf Plug gap is 0.8 mm (0.0315 in.)
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