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Everything posted by BillM

  1. No prob man, I remembered the first time I went to put on a single hook (due to regulations) and thought to myself... How the heck do I get this one off? I thought maybe you could twist the body, or like on the olds Mepps slide the body up and over, remove old hook, slide the new one on, then slide the body back down etc.. Nope, not on these spinners! LOL!
  2. Canadian Tire should start selling these in the icefishing section.
  3. Calais DC Nice reel! I bought my reel (Normal Calais) for a steal compared to what they sell it there for new (I think $599 or something crazy like that)
  4. Lew, I was down in PA fishing a tribs a few weeks ago and there were fiddle heads already on their way out! I kept tripping over the damn things, lol!
  5. Why don't you do an over the counter exchange at a St.Croix rod dealer?
  6. Depends on how much you buy a new reel for Anything from $5-$100.
  7. Let's wait for the bleeding hearts to chime in and tell us these guys made a simple mistake, nothing more.
  8. Fish at 2:47 is a rainbow smolt.
  9. Look at the weather and decide if you think it's still a good idea to be out on the ice...
  10. Next time put the boots to that fish. You break off, you break off. Better then getting spooled.
  11. I agree you gotta get the proper cat for your application, but there's a lot of options other then the dealer to get it Shouldn't cost that much.
  12. Roy is pulling your chain
  13. Why not order a few cats from Jegs and be done with it? Universal cats are cheap, as are O2 sensors which is mostly likely responsible for destroying them in the first place.
  14. You definitely don't need modern gear to flyfish... I would guess that's a 6-7wt... Should have no problem tossing a few of those poppers for bass. If you are after small resident stream trout you'll want something a bit lighter (4wt for example)
  15. Going to sneak out to a spot up here in the near future!
  16. No problem. Wouldn't want a CO ruining your day!
  17. Stop being a sheep.. You've blinded by Toyota loyalty if you think there were never any unintended acceleration issues. If Toyota was so innocent, why did they settle? :whistling: :whistling: http://www.insideline.com/lexus/es-350/2009/toyota-reaches-settlement-with-chp-officers-families-after-fatal-crash.html
  18. Sweet steelhead! Although you might want to check the regs, pretty sure you can only fish two lines in Zone 20 if it's from a boat.
  19. 8wt or better.
  20. The kid is 22 years old, calling him 'done' is pretty hilarious, lol! He'll play in the NHL guaranteed.
  21. If they were actually in season down here, people would be fishing for them.
  22. I never get line digging in on my baitcaster. I run 20lb Suffix on my Calais, never an issue.
  23. Yup, I'll be making a few drifts with that rod shortly then probably ordering one. Thanks Mike, for making me spend money!!!!!!!!
  24. A guy I know on a car forum purchased this last year.. The real nice surprise was when he lifted the hood
  25. You made it back to shore because you were prepared and you knew your boat could handle the big water. That's smart if you ask me, not stupid.
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