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Everything posted by BillM

  2. 20g for birds and the 12g as well. Still way too many leaves up on the trees for us to go out. Need some cool weather so those leaves will drop!
  3. Right now the shad are running, if your lake has them, find an inflow with some current. The bass won't be far behind. We've been slamming them in 40-50ft of water suspended anywhere from 15-20ft down with vertical presentations.. Gotta find the bait balls but once you do hold on.. Was out again lastnight and put a few cows in the boat with a lot of smaller fish in the mix as well. Electronics are an absolute necessity when it comes to this type of fishing. If you don't have electronics then look for fish actively feeding on the surface. Once you do, you'll want to run something like a Rapala DT10/14/20 in that area. Casting open water when the smallies are feeding on baitfish below can be a riot. Flutter spoons would be another option as well.
  4. Mike those pictures are out of this world... Absolutely stunning!!!!! You might need to teach me a few of your secrets!
  5. Love the Massassauga area, especially this time of year. Zero boat traffic, great fishing and awesome views.. Fish are definitely putting the feedbag on!
  6. Fall is the time to buy used. Check stateside, way more bang for the buck.
  7. Sure they do, Navionics Gold+, G2 Vision bluecharts, etc etc.
  8. We stumbled on the frog pattern by accident, I didn't think the topwater bite was going to be happening either, but the fish told us different I guess. Had to be right uptight on the bank or it was a no go.. If the frog landed 3ft away, they wouldn't touch it. On another lake I fish we've been slamming big smallies vertical jigging icefishing spoons. Find the giant shad schools and you'll find the bass..
  9. Probably dirty. A good dunk in some clean water will fix it right up.
  10. Tough lesson to learn, lol. You wonder why you never see reports from me on this river. Too many lurkers.
  11. Had a great day out on the water with the oldman yesterday as well. Fish were absolutely destroying frogs, once the sun got high they sunk a bit deeper and slow rolling spinnerbaits off the deeper edges was the ticket. Gotta love the fall! Zero boat traffic and crazy fishing! That Pro-V is a nice rig!
  12. Rich, I think he's talking about the twist on his spinning reel, not a centerpin.
  13. Bass thumb! What a day out on the water!

    1. Cudz


      Nice. Where did you get to?


  14. It's a specific type of reel for a specific type of fishing. Trying to compare it to a spinning reel doesn't make any sense.
  15. Yup, things are looking awful colourful up here.. Time to break out the UWA and get some landscape shots! A day trip to Algonquin sounds like a great idea.
  16. Nice surprise at the ramp yesterday Rob We put together a pretty good pattern and had quite the evening. No muskies though! So your rival is still out there waiting for you, lol.
  17. Just stick with it man, you'll get it. I've also noticed that if you let a big salmon way downstream of you, their tail can easily snap whatever leader/mainline you're running. Happened to be a bunch when fishing a Lake O estuary a few years ago, couldn't figure out what was going on until I actually saw it happen, lol.
  18. You need to not let the opinions of some random guy on a internet fishing forum bug you so much. Really man, OP had a good time, I'm sure he doesn't give a rats ass at what I think about it, lol. Hopefully he gets out on Lake O in July and experiences these fish at their prime, once he does he'll figure out why a lot of us don't bother with them once they are zombies and roaming the rivers.
  19. BillM


    Last edit is quite a bit cleaner then the first. Are you editing RAW or jpg files? If RAW, I'd really suggest Photoshop or at least Lightroom.
  20. You're a man of many talents my friend.
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