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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Absolutely serious. Built in autopilot. Set the autopilot and set your lines or land a fish without worrying what the boat is doing. I use it everytime I'm out solo.
  2. Not going to find many chrome salmon this time of year on Lake O. You'll wanna be fishing staggers in close. After dark is definitely the ticket. J13s, big Moonshine glow spoons etc. Your best bet for the Lymans will be used or just buy some Luhr Jensen JPlugs.
  3. Uh, you want to see the balls on the screen... As for those guys using the front trolling motor, they're using it to steer while the kicker or main does the pushing Putting them on auto pilot is fantastic.
  4. Going to be good returns in the next 3-4 years. Sucks for some but nothing but positives from a fishery standpoint. Instagram and Facebook might be a bit upset with the lack of hero shots.
  5. Go find out and let us all know.
  6. Lodges are taking a beating.
  7. It drops off pretty quick in Deer Bay, so the weeds will be manageable. Still thick off the shore though until it gets 8-12ft deep.
  8. You can challenge both exams, you don't have to sit through the entire course. If you think you can pass, then challenge it, if you fail you'll realize you probably needed the course after all.
  9. 8 year old thread bump. JFC
  10. 6 year thread bump. Awesome. Ask the guide you just went out with who you paid to show you spots if you can access the river from either of those roads.
  11. You're worried about a dead moose in how many billions and billions of gallons of water? This might be the single most stupid thing I've ever read on this site and I've been here a while.
  12. Public ramp is still there, been closed for a looong time. Launch at Village. $20, with the high water the ramp is basically gone however, bring your rubber boots.
  13. Anyone else thing that moose was just fine and didn't need any help?
  14. Another great tip, let someone else reel in the wire rod lol
  15. Been in the rivers since July Gotta love those early runs.
  16. It's a little different for smallies when they're deep. I'm usually finding wolf packs of them on the graph, following them with the boat, catching 2-3, then they disappear. Rinse and repeat over and over again. Some days it can be lights out action.
  17. I don't think they'll want to be vertical jigging these things in 30ft of water like I've been doing the past week, lol.
  18. You're best bet will be Cooks Bay, Lake Simcoe. Close, lots of fish. Don't go running around in Georgian Bay if you've never been there before. Boat traffic is insane around Honey Harbour. All kinds of panfish down there, pike, bass whatever. If you want to keep her occupied and busy reeling in panfish all day, Cooks is the ticket.
  19. I'd never buy another Polaris 550 fan again. Glad I got rid of it. Now a 500 fan on the other hand, absolutely.
  20. Kashe isn't that bad Almost all the bad stuff is marked. Lake should have a lot more fish then it does though.
  21. Launch out of Honey Harbour, go tour Gbay then come back. A half day on the Severn Sounds like a lot of work and there will be a crapload of boat traffic.
  22. One day Dave I'll take you up on that offer Gotta definitely knock a few out on my laker bucketlist.
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