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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Lake trout reproduction in Simcoe is horrible. I wouldn't be worried about the gobies, I'd be worried about the lack of prime spawning habitat for those fish. We're already seeing a huge decline of lakers in Simcoe, if the MNR doesn't start their stocking program back up and soon, that fishery is done. Way to much silt and stuff over the spawning beds, due to farm runoff, etc.
  2. Get some leadcore on that fly reel and you'd have a riot, lol
  3. Bass opener is always 4th Sat in June I'll muskie/'pike fish before that. Bass aren't going anywhere.
  4. I leave my TM batteries charging all winter without issue. Need to make sure you've got a charger that can switch into maintenance mode however.
  5. Got my GBay milk run ready. Always a good time out there.
  6. At least you're getting bit!
  7. Nothing but pike for this guy. Although I'm fishing a lake that's not very well known for numbers. I should probably make my way east if I can.
  8. Ahhhh ok, Gotta love the guys that pay no attention to anyone else waiting for the ramp
  9. Some of you guys sure are going down the rabbit hole. Wash your god damned hands and don't touch your face. Stop wearing gloves and touching everything thinking you're immune. If you're going to wear a mask please learn how to wear one properly. You pulling it off every time you get in the car is defeating the entire purpose of it. Common sense will help everyone.
  10. The drainage basin for that river gets a lot of farm run off. It never looks like you expect it to. You can take a peak at the NVCA watershed report if you want some more details.
  11. This is why I watch all of JP Busheys live segments on Facebook... No plugs not sponsors no nothing.judt the stuff that works. Uncut Angling is another one.
  12. Mount the rods reels first. Pointing the tips into the wind is just asking for problems.
  13. Man buns caused Covid-19, I'm sure of it lol!
  14. I'd like spring please. Not ready for mid to high 20 degree temps just yet.
  15. On the Severn yesterday and those buggers were hungry, lol.
  16. I hate tying those things on especially when the light gets low. My fav fly for the exact river Dave mentioned above
  17. Wayne, I'd be happy to buy you a few wobbly pops for that one, lol!
  18. I'm saying find me an example of someone getting a $840 for not physical distancing.. It's a suggestion, not a law.
  19. Your friend is full of crap lol
  20. 4 Blade was great for the hole shot but I lost 3-4mph on my top end. Turn in was good, a lot more bite then the 3 blade I had on there. Currently running a 3 blade stainless. Best of both worlds if you ask me.
  21. My precious will be released this weekend, or maybe early next week. Who knows.
  22. Don't make out with your buddy in the boat and wash your hands, you'll all survive.
  23. Delay the season, that spawn probably doesn't occur until July with those water temps.
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