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Everything posted by mbac31

  1. Very sorry for you and you're families loss. My condolences to you and your family Lew.
  2. Hey Brian. I bought these glory bags. I would not waste your money ever. If some how they get turned upside down that fish will drown. I have 3 culling systems and find that the Berkley one with the plastic tags that do not puncture a hole along with the Livewell Rejuvenede or similar products dont stress them to much. I also like taking just plain old lake water from the lake that I'm on and freezing it. Label it and bring it along with you in a small lunch cooler to add frequently throughout the day to regulate the temp of the water. Look no matter what you will find that fish will get stressed. I have caught fish with tubes, hooks, crankbaits etc still stuck in them. Catching them like most guys here do, netting them, and releasing them will remove slime. Catching them period will cause them stress. I would think with the lower temps up here they would have a better rate of survival and the Tournament directors do a very good job of taking care of them as well as releasing them. The plastic clips i think do a better job of culling. Some people do not like tournament guys and thats just their opinion to which they are entitled to. You will always find guys that will oppose this subject.
  3. I drive a 2006 Silverado. I just sold a 06 and a 05 with bigger engines. Mine now has a 5.3ltr and I get around 575-600 km per tank. You have to drive them normal and one trick is never jump off the start with them. I do not find a difference towing much as long as I take it easy and dont push it I'm usually down ab out 50 -75 km less. I have put a K&N filter kit with tube on there and levelled off the truck. Put a bottle of seafoam in every 2 tanks and change the fluids before reccomended times. Love these trucks. When on the highway travelling outside traffic I get almost 700 km, trick is to keep it under 2000 rpm's usually giving you around 105-110 km per hr. I change the fuel filter every 4 oil changes as well.
  4. I have mine ordered and its still on Backorder from Cabelas. I cant wait to use it.
  5. mbac31


    Hey Stoty. No need to wait that long. First warm day I'll take mine out with ya. Launch out of the bluffs. I run mine all winter still. Fishin near the mouth of Frenchmens bay is still good at times. Usually by the end of Feb or first week in March. PS. What type of Jackplate are you gonna run. Depends on what you plan on doing or rigging that with. You dont gain alot of speed on most boats with a Jackplate. I have put several on boats of mine. I'm putting the new atlas on my boat this spring. Sure is nice in the shallows though.
  6. Great looking meal. Only thing missing Brian is the Sweet Mustard Pickles. Great now I'm hungry.
  7. I've been there
  8. Trout are a top predator. I have cleaned Brook Trout down in Labrador with small mice and even got a large one before with a small rat. They will eat anything.
  9. Me, I like a nice glass of 15-20 year old scotch over some ice.
  10. Funny you mention these drivers Lew. I saw that guy in the green Mazda on the on ramp to the 401 eastbound hit the wall in front of me. Passed me trying to be first doing about 90-100 km. Hit the wall like a sack of sand. No seatbelt and confused as to why he crashed. My first question to him was are you allright. When answered with yes I preceeded to tell him that I was waiting for the cops to let them know they had a Jackass on their hands. He was none to happy. Complete idiot. I hope that law comes in effect that will cause them to haver to pay for damages to others and themselves outside the insurance realm. I counted 21 cars off the road from Bathurst/Major Mac to my house Meadowvale and Lawrence. Complete Joke. Mine is fishing related as I bought Jiffy oil today while out.
  11. Dune Buggy with extra roll bars. LOL
  12. I have been following this for years. Love it. I would love to run in it. Problem is I get lost going to the washroom. I would for sure not take a navigators role.
  13. I sharpen all my own blades. Saw blades and everything else. I have sharpened my auger blades better then factory ones most times. Trick is it takes time and the proper setup. I use what I use for my chisels. Its a sharpening system from Lee Valley and I can get any angle. #1 tool- Bevel Guage #2 this set I use the most http://www.leevalley.com/wood/page.aspx?c=...t=1,43072,45936 #3 this set is probally the best one for me so far for more detailed sharpening. Little fine honing afterwards and the auger blades are good to go better than factory and only takes about 10-15 minutes. I use this one for the Jiffy blades only taking a little metal off at one time and the dremmel for the groved blades. I usually put a more agressive angle on them. You should see how my hand auger cuts. This system puts an edge on a fillet knife that I can shave with.
  14. Hope everything works out for your little girl. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and you family.
  15. Funny stuff
  16. I do actually pick this crap up. I dont need to post pictures of how much. I was not refering to board members. Most guys that I have met on here have been very nice with the couple of exceptions from this past fall. Does not matter how many times this so called crap gets posted. If it reaches just one of these idiots then it has worked for me. I have seen worse posts on here non fishing related. I grew up respecting the enviorment. First thing my dad taught me. I love going back home where you will be hard presses to find garbage in the water or bush. Like finding a needle in a haystack. GCD I'm sending you a nice big box of Canadian Cheerios.
  17. I dont understand. I go ice fishing and what do I always see on the ice. Garbage. Boxes from minnows. Coffee cups. Cigarette butts and so on. I dont understand when are people gonna learn. Fishing is getting tough with many more people on the ice. Pollution, lack of MNR (Government stocking and support) and this does not help it any. For the people who continue to do this. Take a bag and keep your crap off the ice and out of our lakes. I think they should take away the Fishing priveleges of fishermen who leave garbage behind. \Just my 2 cents
  18. Congrats. You guys must be so excited. I'm just five weeks away from a keeper of my own. I was warned that they may comr early.
  19. PM sent
  20. Ice is good to go now from airport side. Other side near plant should be a go as well. Ice is getting pretty thick there and making more each day with these temps
  21. Hey bud. Let me know how you do. Tough fishing there right now. Should ease off now for lakers as everything else is open. Good stocking from this past year for there as well.
  22. North Pidgeon is good to go.
  23. The finish layer is Mahogony which is used to show an exterior finish better looking than the Green sided layer usually associated with marine plywood. Usually not in alot of wet aplications. The full marine grade is designed to be in very wet conditions and is usually used as a backer for fiberglass applications as well. Marine grade plywood is also much stronger than regular ply material due to the glue and the full veneer process being made of full sheets rather than peices. If you are only using one or 2 sheets I would go with the full marine grade. It will last you longer. Remember to seal all screw holes or points of entry and also exposed cut ends properly before covering. This for some reason seems to prolong the life and keeps the water completely out.
  24. Thats going to stir things up.
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