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Everything posted by mbac31

  1. Great now I'm homesick now as well. Capelin on the fire, beans, trout, bologhna. Food never tasted so good. I will be home soon for the food fishery in October. Cant wait till then. Thanks for the post
  2. This kind of thing happens in nature all the time. Same as humans. Extra toe or missing a limb. It just happens. People get to worked up over stuff like this. There is no real proof that it was caused by pollution yet but they are quick to pass judgement on the Government etc before any conclusive evidence.
  3. Sunscreen as well
  4. Peroxide Baby Tylenol for smaller kids Alcohol wipes
  5. Would not leave home without it.
  6. Forgot to mention that Im will throw in the 3rd battery and the charger is a 30 amp 3 bank with box and papers etc. Trade for a similar syatem. Preferbly minnkota
  7. I agree the spot remover ones are good as well as the Title shot ones to. I have found these to be working very well for me. http://www.tourneyjigs.com/shaky-head-jigs.htm I would imagine that the Chompers would not work that well because of the profile, very short and stubby. I use various different styles. Worms work very well also.
  8. I currently have a 2 1/2 year old Minnkota 101 Bowmount with a 1 year old Minnkota Charger. I was looking to see if someone would trade for a 24 Volt system. Willing to throw in the extra battery as well. This motor and system is awesome but to much motor fo my Aluminum boat. I really dont nhave the room for the extra battery either. I will have it serviced at Minnkota if need be. I think everything is still under warranty. Not sure. I would rather go back to a 24 volt system. I never use the full system anyways and would rather gain back the room.
  9. September or October here I think. Awesome reels
  10. Never been bitten by a spider however got bitten by a Scorpion a few years back. The spidr bites I think can turn very infectious usually. Go get it looked after.
  11. The lake has an Algae bloom usually each year usually because of hot temps. I saw it last week on Sturgeon so I would assume it has hit St John now as well. Probally not as thick as most years because of the high water levels there this year. You will find it around the trailer park side mostly. Up in both rivers, also you will find it around the plant side shore very thick usually. Hope this helps
  12. I'm in for it as well.
  13. Good show!! Thats a pretty large Carp you have there. I was at Shermans point recently. I found them in close and was able to catch them on crankbaits, strange as it was a clear day as well.
  14. I think the bleach will ruin the color of the carpet. I have found a color safe bleach that I will be testing today and a cleaner from West Marine as well. We will see.
  15. I'm having a problem sometimes getting mold in small areas of my boat. The carpet is hard to get at and sometimes has mold there which seems to be very hard to get rid of. What type of cleaner would be good to buy other than spray nine.
  16. The reel you are talking about has a web design which is actually stronger then most metal under stress. This is found throughout structures in every aspect of engineering. The plastic is actually better than the metal or solid machined framed reels of the past due to its ability to perform as a duel use reel for both fresh and salt water. Take your older reels in the salt water and see what happens to them. More metal parts in this one as most. Drag,etc. Older models have a graphite one. Clutch bar is also graphite. Old cardboard containers have the same ridgid webbing design that I'm talking about. Houses are built the same way in other parts of the world. The weight has been reduced, more ergonomic fit for peoples hands than before. The color is pretty nice if you look at it. Same handles as the new core reel. Same handles and knobs as the Core as well as the same gearing as the Curado D series (HEG). I have the Calais, Calcutta, Chronarch and they are all great reels. Infact I'm not so sure that there is a reel out there that I have not owned at one point in time or still do. I take them apart and add drag components, spools, aftermarket handles etc. The sad part is j ace, me and you are in a small minority that are called tackle entheusiests for a reason. Shimano built this reel with alot of input from the general and average angler in mind. I agree the Daiwa reel being sold by Snidley is a great reel for the money. I have 3 of them still as well as the calcuttas. I'm actually a Daiwa man myself with just about every reel they make in my collection now but love when these topics come up. That reel will sell. If you look at the other curados from past years, this one exceeds them by a leaping mile. THis reel was asked for by the public. Cheaper, saltwater safe, lighter, same price and there was a reason why it one at Icast.
  17. I cant wait for this reel actually. Looks sharp tp me. I pre ordered mine on the weekend from Tacklewarehouse.com. They are taking pre orders allready. Should have it soon.
  18. I have been throwing the Jackall Giron's lately with some good success. Sebile baits are working good on clear lakes as well. I agree these lures take time to get use to but usually pay off in the long run. Skeeter99, I would give the Bassmagnet ones a try as they dont tear apart so easily like the Basstrix, they are a little tougher and swim on the downward fall as the Basstrix tend not to. Very hard to run the Matt Lures now with all them weeds on Rice and Scugog. I have those Storm baits but have not given them a try as of yet. How do they run in the water.
  19. Im doing good with the 4-5 " perch and shad colored for walleye. You need to fish these very slow though. I'm using 5 and 3 speed reels for them. The Basstrix will not float when rigged as most will not. The new Berkley ones are very difficult to make run straight. I have been using these hooks and doing very well in open water for smallies and Walleye http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/descpageBRSBI-BRHSBI.html These seem to work very well. Makes the bait run perfectly every time. The Mattlures run perfectly every time no matter what. You need to invest in a bottle of mend-it glue for these however. Works great and does not harden. You need to spend time with these however and th trick is to fish them slow. Bassmagnets are local anr run better than the Basstrix and when rigged weedless you can throw them anywhere. Here are the 6" Basstrix
  20. I have been throwing the Basstrix as well. I'm doing good with them. I fiound out that they need to be very well balanced and you ned to fish them very slow as well. Bassmagnet lures makes a better one, local as well. They sim on the down fall where as a basstrix will not.
  21. http://www.mattlures.com/ I cant wait for his stuff to come out later this year. He just showcased it at I cast and it looks amazing.
  22. Yeah. I have a pretty big collection of them now. I have been fishin them for a few years now. Just wondering what everyone else is throwing. I find that the Matt lures are working for me now.
  23. I'm just wondering if anyone here is throwing swimbaits this season. I'm talking 6" and above. If you are how are ya doing with them. I'm not seeing to much info here in Canada on them and wondered if I'm in a very small crowd. What are your setups for throwing them and where are ya throwing them.
  24. These guys are great. I buy from there all the time. Infact I just bought some of their Under Armour thats on sale. The rods however will cost you from there. They will only ship fed ex, charges by the time a rod gets to Canada are usually 60-70 bucks more. Buy from a site like BBC, Tackletour, or here as you will pay actuall shipping with insurance no more that 25 bucks US tops.
  25. It was meant for ultraman18. The rod is comparab le to what he wants. 1oz spinnerbaits. Try a G loomis or a Dobyns for your spinnerbaits. I have them that handle up to 8 oz for my swimbaits. Great rods. Try a Dobyns Champ Cast Rod 7'3" Med Hvy XF 735C. The Fenwick rod I have , it covers up to 1 1/2 oz actually. The same tip action as a G loomis spinnerbait rod. I have both.
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