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Everything posted by adempsey

  1. What an awesome trip. That is what Canada is all about.
  2. This site is pretty decent. Haven't verified any of it, someone sent me the link.
  3. Will be driving through there tomorrow morning. Not looking forward to it, especially now.
  4. Looks like it was a great trip! Kesagami is definitely one of the few lakes that I want to fish both summer and winter. Someday.
  5. Soon, how about now?
  6. Welcome to the new world of business. It's either reach an agreement soon or not have a job. I am sure they would shut it down without hesitation.
  7. Could always try here for an open seat: http://www.walleyecentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=31
  8. Looks like a fantastic trip! Those are some nice healthy fish. Thanks for putting up that report. I always enjoy reading about other peoples experiences.
  9. Four days until I leave for Lake Obakamiga!

  10. You mean that fish next to the dinosaur? lol (yes I know it's not a dinosaur...)
  11. Are they flying out of Chapleau with Canadian Airventures as a regular option now?
  12. Awesome looking trip! Thanks for putting that all together, especially so soon after the last report.
  13. Stare too long at the guys bikini clad girlfriend as you troll by their boat. Although, I only got mooned for doing that, lol - which I really wasn't, I was trolling!
  14. Thanks for sharing your story. It's always an interesting read and the pictures are outstanding, as usual. Those trout look incredible. I've never seen them like that before. PM me your address and I'll send you a well deserved six pack.
  15. The baby looks a bit frightened...... Silicon pads might work, but not sure if I would bother.
  16. Maybe Island Lake? http://www.creditvalleyca.ca/enjoy-the-outdoors/conservation-areas/island-lake-conservation-area/
  17. Nice report! Thanks for putting it up.
  18. I just can't see someone named "Big Cliff" driving a Kia Soul. I've seen plenty of good reviews on both those cars, so I think you'd be fine with either as long as you like them. I bought a new car 2 weeks ago. I was in the same situation as you. Narrowed down to two cars - Mazda CX-5 and Subaru Forester. I had a slight preference for the Mazda, but if I didn't get a good deal I would have seen what I could have done with the Forester. I suggest you make sure you look at all the dealers in an area equal to the distance you're willing to drive, not just locally. Also use the internet to your advantage. I found a salesperson through internet forums who straight up offered me 2% over invoice with no dealership fees (Nitrogen, Globali and all that other garbage). Almost everyone else played games. Honda and Toyota were some of the worst in my experience. Good luck!!
  19. I've painted jig heads and home made panfishing ice jigs with nail polish + clear coat. Worked great and stands up quite well. Not sure how it would do on a hook, but no harm in trying (as long as you don't cover the points). Could always try a red piece of plastic, fur, feather or bead instead too.
  20. Pink - the universal fish catching color! Actually, white is probably just as good as pink but I always start with pink wherever I fish.
  21. Could always pinch the barbs down.
  22. Great report! Thanks for putting it all together. The videos are always nice addition and the photos are amazing. Definitely a fishing paradise.
  23. Is this it at 1:50 ?
  24. Of course it is worth contacting the manufacturer. What's the harm in contacting them about the problems you're having with their product? Especially one that isn't that old. Worst case, they say "tough luck", best case is a new boat.
  25. Glad to hear it =) Look forward to watching your first episode.
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