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Everything posted by Dutch01

  1. You're going to focus on semantics now? You knew, or ought to have known what I meant.
  2. I watched 5 minutes of it, the same amount of time I gave to OP's video's. I concede that I can't judge that video from a five minute segment, but I don't have 30 minutes right now. I have however done literally dozens of hours of my own reading on this topic so I feel well enough informed. One interesting point that could easily be missed in your video, is amid all the talk about how "special interest groups" are making a farmer's life harder, they point out that Europe has already banned GMO crops. I haven't heard of a mass famine over there after all their farmers went out of business. I haven't argued for a ban on Glyphosate. Although I would like to see one, I'm not usually one to advocate prohibitions as solutions. In the end a ban may not be necessary. If the masses want non-GMO crops (and I'm not saying they do yet, just saying if), then farmers will have to grow what people want or go out of business. That's how markets work. So how does Monsanto fight the will of the consumer? They spend the kind of resources that some small countries could only dream of to fight labelling efforts, thereby restricting our ability to choose.. I don't think that's right. But that's just my opinion. I'm not saying that you aren't entitled to your own.
  3. I was at Lakair for the GTG's back in 2003 and 2004 I believe it was. Those were great times at a great place. We had a magical hour at Devils Elbow, a walleye just about every cast for almost an hour. There were lots of pike caught too, we had quite the fry. Those were fun times, sad to see the way things turned out, but good luck to the new owners.
  4. Those are huge perch! I thought we catch some pretty big ones in Simcoe but I haven't caught any quite like those. Great job!
  5. GMO concern is about much more than the food it generates though. And many GMO foods can be differentiated from their "natural" counterparts by the effect Glyphosate has on metallic minerals and metalloproteins in the plant. In a "no till Roundup field", corn contains Glyphosate and Formaldehyde, which non-gmo corn does not. The "normal" corn does contain minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which were virtually absent in the Roundup corn. Roundup Ready crops are pretty much a monoculture (meaning genetically identical and without genetic diversity). As Roundup Ready crops supplant and eventually eliminate their natural counterparts, the world's food supply will be increasing susceptible to a single pathogen. This is poor planning. Mother Nature knew what she was doing with biodiversity. There is also the issue of whether people are okay with a corporation controlling the world's food supply. This isn't scare mongering, in my opinion this is Monsanto's goal. When the only crops left are Monsanto's, do I have to pay them or starve? Is access to food (our at least the right to grow your own) not a human right? Monsanto had sued farmers because the farmer's crop became pollinated with Monsanto pollen. The court sided with Monsanto because they have a patent and the farmer didn't pay to have Monsanto seed. How is this just? Should the farmer not be the one suing Monsanto for polluting his crops? It's a complicated topic, let's not reduce it to comparing sugar in a lab. Monsanto would love that.
  6. You're correct that technically selective breeding is a form of genetic modification. But that doesn't mean genetic modification is no more than selective breeding accelerated. You can never selectively breed pig genes into a fish, for example. As for probable carcinogens, sure there are lots. It doesn't mean that I want to intake an industrial de-scaling agent with my vegetables, and it is becoming increasingly hard to make an informed choice. Monsanto spends hundreds of millions of dollars fighting labeling so that I can't make an informed choice about what I eat. I would encourage everyone to watch the video I posted. It's not a slick Al Gore style "documentary" (does that qualify as an oxymoron?). It is a lecture about how Glyphosate works, in the field and in your body.
  7. Roundup (Glyphosate) is nasty stuff. It was originally an industrial de-scaling agent that was repurposed as a herbicide. It has no business being in our food. The World Health Organization has declared it a probable carcinogen, and I believe it damages the gut biome and causes autoimmune disorders (personal opinion alert!). I don't claim that the following video is from an unbiased source, but from my additional reading the science is pretty accurate as far as I can tell.
  8. I found this on Google: "Reserve Capacity (RC) is the number of minutes a fully charged battery at 80 o F (26.7 o C) is discharged at 25 amps before the voltage falls below 10.5 volts. To convert Reserve Capacity (RC) to Ampere-Hours at the 25 amp rate, multiple RC by .4167. More ampere-hours (or RC) are better in every case." If it is correct, then your battery is 83 amp hours.
  9. It's fair to say that response was a little lazy, but you really only need to type two words to verify what he is saying. I'll make it easy for ya: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Ceo+psychopathy
  10. There are Pickeral is Simcoe still. I was watching them in the Talbot today. Big ones too. Edit: I should probably add it's a sanctuary just in case anyonle doesn't know..
  11. FYI I'm pretty sure the black river is a sanctuary south of the blue bridge. Edit: I could be wrong on that, can't seem to find it in the regs....
  12. The kids are around here (Markham) are all driving high end BMW's and Benz's. Pretty sure they didn't get those from part time jobs.....smh
  13. I used to take my Son when he was little, it's good for the kids. http://uxbridgebia.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/HuckFinnCTC2016poster-page-001.jpg
  14. Found a picture: G-Flex saved the day in my eyes.
  15. It was cracked, it's really hard to explain, a picture would be worth a thousand words right about now. The vertical metal from the transom folds inside the hull at bottom, and the folded part of transom is riveted to the bottom hull. There is a split, but it's on the seam. I'll try to find a picture when I get home.
  16. It is what it is, it's done. But several shops told me if you weld aluminum wrong it gets brittle and is f'd for good. Gflex is an an elastomeric adhesive epoxy. As an adhesive epoxy, it does add structural strength. because it is elastomeric, it flexes with the hull. It is designed specifically for fixing aluminum boats. I'm happy with it for $35
  17. It was on the seam where the two pieces of metal meet. A few rivets had stretched to allow the gap. I just filled the seam with gflex. It's a cheap fix but it works. From what I've heard/been told, welding aluminum, especially old aluminum, often creates more problems than it fixes. I fixed mine last spring and fished all summer, even in rough water, and it's held up just fine.
  18. My leak was in the same spot I think, it was split about 6 inches long and almost a quarter inch wide right where bottom of the transom meets the bottom of the hull, dead in the center of the boat. I used the powdered filler to make the gflex thick and just stuffed the split with it and then used the included putty knife to smooth it out. It was actually really easy.
  19. I used g-flex (http://www.westmarine.com/buy/west-system--g-flex-650-k-aluminum-boat-repair-kit--9223140) to fix my transom and it's held up real well so far. Easy to work with and I've heard nothing but good reviews.
  20. That's my hood. I'm on Robinson creek, a rouge tributary near Milne. The trout were stacked up a week ago, but not many there now, and they'll be long gone by opener. I try every year and they're always gone by opener.
  21. ^^^ This. When you go to register your trailer, they will ask for a receipt. If your receipt is for a boat, motor and trailer, you will pay tax on the whole amount. If you a receipt for the trailer only you will pay less tax.
  22. I had a 3 series BMW before my Silverado and it was rock solid. I had one visit for a recall (new battery), and never had a single repair in 70,000 km. I haven't heard many good things about the x5 but don't write off the whole brand because of one model.
  23. I agree with the prevailing sentiment, this is a great show and is much better than the typical "infomercial" type fishing shows.
  24. I just bought the BassPro Pro Qualifier bib pant. I haven't even worn it out yet, but even just trying it on I could tell that it was high quality. There are tons of positive reviews of it online. Main downside is it's quite pricey.
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