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Everything posted by Dutch01

  1. That's right Glen, it's all made up. Don't worry about future generations choking on smog. It's their problem, not ours. Notice I made no mention of global warming or climate change? Stop being taken in by the buzzwords and think. How long can we pour millions of tons of poisonous gases into the air before we die? A hundred years? 200 years? How does it get any less costly to do nothing now and clean up a bigger problem later?
  2. Science and religion are NOT the same thing. Science is a set of conclusions based on the examination of all available evidence. Faith is belief in the absence of any evidence. The theory of evolution is the result of evidence to support it (the fossil record makes clear that man is NOT 6,000 years old). Creationism has not one iota of evidence to support it.
  3. I agree with you, I believe nuclear is the way to go myself. I also don't believe the corrupt Wynne government will do anything other than line the pockets of their cronies.
  4. Electric cars powered by clean generation may have a cost, but it's not as high as the cost of maintaining the status quo.
  5. There is nothing stopping us from building new nuclear plants except a lack of will on the part of our politicians. Resources Canada calculates the current installed small hydro capacity at 3,400 MW, with an estimated potential of 15,000 MW. So we can expand hydroelectric capacity by a factor of 5. We can generate electricity with LNG in the interim, which will generate less pollution than the cars it would power. Options are there. Stopping looking for reasons to say no to a clean future.
  6. My time to change the world has passed, at least directly. Hoping to inspire the youth in my life to take up the torch.
  7. You forgot nuclear and hydro-electric. Also, it's easier to control emissions on a few thousand power plants than on billions of cars. Next argument?
  8. Regardless of whether climate change is man made, or even real at all, we need to get off of fossil fuels. We are pumping poison into the air we breath. We have the capability to move to an air pollution free transportation system, but we maintain the status quo to protect vested interests (big oil and the auto industry). It's time for change, even if it requires a push, even if it stings a little. In a related news story, the four major political parties in Norway (currently the world's 15 ranked oil producer) recently agreed to develop a plan to have zero sales of new combustion engine cars after 2025. This is the kind of announcement that spurs research and development. Good for them.
  9. Feeling wealthy? http://www.thebunkie.com
  10. I have a 16' Legend SC with a 40 Merc 2 stroke. Less power than yours, but two stroke, and probably similar hull to yours as I think Smokercraft made Legend at that time (if not still). Trimmed down, my boat won't plane out with 3 in it. When I feel it stall out a but I trim up a little at a time and she gets fully planed. Eventually. My top speed is about 31-32 mph with 3 guys. I'm guessing that you're just maxed out with 3 guys in the boat as it's currently setup. If you get the trim tabs please let me know how they work. Maybe they'll work for me too.
  11. If consumers were made to pay the full price then I can agree with that too. It shouldn't fall to taxpayers is all I'm saying.
  12. Sure, let's let corporatism ruin the world we live in...... People are too stupid to make the right choices for our own good. If you want to make a profit, you should shoulder all the related cost. Why should my taxes pay for a producers choice of packaging?
  13. I've done both (commuting and now living in the city). Neither is ideal. It will all be irrelevant in twenty years when AI takes most of the jobs and we're all getting a basic personal income from the Gov.
  14. I like the idea of the producer paying 100% of the future recycling cost up front. It would force producers to change their packaging, and save government the cost of recycling. For all goods, not just bottles. The amount of packing on new stuff today is ridiculous.
  15. I didn't say can't either. Wynne doesn't need a plan to jam people into the GTA. The GTA is where the jobs are, people are coming here regardless.
  16. Now I KNOW you're not from the GTA - nobody obeys signs down here!!!. ???
  17. Where is this Oshawa pot shop you refer to again? I ask purely out of scientific interest of course ?
  18. I am simply suggesting let's not wait until we also have 350 - 500K deaths from air pollution.
  19. Fair enough. But to get off the analogy, if the end result of not spending enough was 350,000-500,000 dead per year, than it would be foolish not to spend whatever is necessary. Keep in mind that that many people dying annually would cost billions as well. We can spend to prevent, or spend to treat, we're spending either way.
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