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Everything posted by Dutch01

  1. Did you just volunteer to go down there with Roe Bag??? That's awfully nice of you to offer, Rick
  2. I'll take some of that over here - most of the "new rap" I've heard is crap. They don't make it like they used to. Maybe you can turn me on to something good made after the 90's......
  3. I'm 44 and can't stand country - it doesn't sound any better as you get older!
  4. I've never done a trip like that, but I know there's a nice patio above the locks on upper buckhorn. After lunch you can lock through to lower buck. I've had some great days walleye and bass fishing in lower buck.
  5. Where I live in Markham, a $900k house will sell over list, in under 24h, and will be torn down to make way for a McMansion. There's no way I will ever own down here. Having said that, my Son is in an amazing school. Once he's grown and on his own, I'll be heading north too.
  6. Man that spot is quite the honey hole! Great job, wish I was there!
  7. I use a combination of Netflix and downloading. Once downloaded, I use TVersity to stream the video to my PS4. It's super simple. I may look into one on those Android boxes though. Sounds convenient.
  8. Or on some gnarly LSD! Awesome video, thanks for sharing DRIFTER.
  9. Love Suicidal, I was a punk long before I was a reggae loving st*ner! http://youtu.be/nxcJW6bs5os Hmmmm, not sure why my video won't preview....
  10. My turn to compliment your taste - I love The Who! I just downloaded a Blu-Ray rip of Quadraphenia the other day. It's a great movie the Who made about mods and rockers. If you haven't seen it check it out.
  11. The script blocker eliminates a lot of ads, but not all. It prevents all scripts from running until you extend permissions manually. Pain in the beginning because none of your sites work until you extend permissions, but it definitely provides an element of security to your browsing: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noscript/
  12. You have a point, I did no math. I reasoned that pot smokers are regular Canadians. Only a percentage of regular Canadians vote. I believe a like percentage of pot smokers vote. The question is, which way will they vote? "If 100% of pot smoking adults voted Liberal" I do not believe that this is what occurred. I know many people who partake and no two are alike. Different personalities, political agendas, etc. "Marijuana users" is not a homogenous group. That 18% of Canadians used marijuana last year does not mean they all vote, or even that they all want legalization. Some of that 18% will also be drug sellers who may prefer the status quo. In my opinion, it garnered him some votes. I don't think it was what put him over the top. I think to believe so misses what really put him over the top. He made a conscious commitment to positivity and he sold his message well. Harper was perceived to be negative, and his attack ads supported that perception. Those attack ads also backfired. They used out of context sound bites to paint him in a bad light and said he's just not ready. But at the first debate, which I consider to be a turning point, Trudeau came off as polished and confident. He didn't resemble the guy the Conservatives tried to portray. And he sold a message of hope to a large constituency who wanted anyone but Harper, who were desperate for someone to rally behind. The resounding message in the media, editorials and that I encountered on the street after Trudeau's win was one of renewed optimism. I think it was a masterful job of framing the narrative by Trudeau and his campaign. That is what I think put him over the top.
  13. It may have been a factor in his win, but I doubt it was a major one. A forum research poll in November 2015 concluded that 18% of Canadian adults have smoked marijuana in the last year (http://poll.forumresearch.com/post/2426/most-want-it-licensed-and-sold-through-government-agencies/). In my opinion, it is unlikely that the entire 18% voted unanimously for Trudeau, so I believe it is fair to say that he received less than 18% of his votes from people based solely on his legalization promise.
  14. -I cancelled cable 2 years ago. I have Netflix. I will never go back. -I got satellite radio for the truck. Can't stand regular radio anymore, more commercials than music! -I have no social media. Unless you count OFC. -I use a script blocker when surfing the web. I said something innocuous to a friend the other day, and she laughed and said I reminded her of some commercial. She's like "you know, the one with the...." I said "nope, haven't seen or heard a commercial in a long time". It made me realize that lots of my "wants and needs" weren't real. They were things I was convinced I wanted or needed because I was bombarded with advertising to the point of it being psychological warfare! Bottom line is if you're on the fence about cancelling cable, do it. Before long you won't even miss it.
  15. I'm no economist, but I'm willing to take your figures at face value because they support my point. The debt making machine marches on no matter whose face we put on it. I suspect Trudeau will end up being the same but I can't condemn the man until he's actually done something to condemn.
  16. I agree only to a point. That's like arguing do you want to burn the house down with 20 gallons of gas or 30 gallons. Either way the house is burned down! I feel like I am being painted as a Liberal here, but all I have really said is that neither Liberal nor PC have done a good job, but I will judge people on what they do, not what they haven't done yet. To summarize: 1) Harper = bad 2) Wynne = real bad 3) Trudeau = don't know yet
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