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Everything posted by Dutch01

  1. Allow me to play devil's advocate here. We have observed a depletion of the ozone, and determined that Freon was a major contributor. Was that speculation? Similarly, I don't believe that since we don't have one thousand years of temperature records we should just ignore the records we do have. More data is never a bad thing. We know that if you close yourself in a garage with a running car, you will die. And yet millions of cars pour emissions into the environment every day. Regardless of whether or not these emissions are changing the climate, we know they are poisonous. Shouldn't we be using technology to reduce pollution whether the "chicken little's" are right or not? Someone mentioned earlier in this thread that they'd go electric as soon as they make an electric pickup that can tow his boat to the cottage. Fair enough. We have electric vehicles that can tow much more than gas trucks already. They're called trains. The reason we don't have electric pickups is due to battery limitations. There are those who will reply to me that as soon as there's a profit in it, industry will come along to fill a need. I generally don't disagree with that kind of thinking. But in this case, industry can make more money by poisoning us. That is why our government should use policy to guide the stakeholders (industry and citizens) towards a mutually sustainable society. That may mean subsidies, it may mean prohibitions. There's a lot of discussion to be had. But right now there's a well financed lobby trying not to have the discussion at all. Finally, I'm not as old as some of you fellas, but I'm 45 years old and the Wynne Liberals are the most corrupt government I can recall in my lifetime. They are not the people to implement anything, let alone something this important. Further, they are idealists who make decision based on belief. We need realists, not idealists. Because if we don't fix this, it will eventually catch up to us. Maybe not soon, maybe not for 20 or 50 generations. No one really knows. But I do know you can't mix poison in our air forever and not pay the piper someday.
  2. You are right when you say the machine will keep marching on, no matter if we complain, no matter if it is ethical. I take issue with your statement above though. Monsanto is spending many millions of dollars lobbying our government against labeling, so that I can't make an informed choice as you describe. I don't have millions of dollars to fight them, but I pay taxes to a government that is supposed to protect me from this type of action, and so far they have failed the citizens (consumers) in this case. That is corrupt.
  3. Not everyone puts money over ethics either.
  4. That may be true, but it doesn't automatically make it right. History is replete with wrong-headed or unethical decisions made by corporations in search of profit at any cost (to others).
  5. That's no joke. Monsanto has a history of repurposing chemicals. If they can find *any* disorder or illness that was improved by even the most statistically insignificant amount, they would market Glyphosate as a pharmaceutical.
  6. I agree, make the best of a bad situation. I love my I-Pilot, drives while I fish!
  7. I don't know why anyone would buy Auto Pilot anyways. It's compass only. I-Pilot has a better compass plus gps.
  8. Sure, when surrounded by horrible drivers I will remove my 5500 pound Chevy armor for tights and a helmet lol! It's honestly a good idea but I'm too old for that sh|t!
  9. Auto pilot has been replaced by i-Pilot as far as I know. If you bought the one without i-Pilot, you can still buy it separately as an addon: http://m.basspro.com/Minn-Kota-iPilot-Wireless-GPS-Trolling-Systems/product/10215401/ If you want to network it to your fish finder, you actually need i-Pilot Link. I'm not sure if it's available as an addon.
  10. As far as I am aware, you cannot buy the Terrova without i-Pilot at all, at least at the stores I patronize. If you are referring to i-Pilot Link, that is a different feature only available on specific models that carry a price premium. EDIT: comment above is true for LeBaron, but I see MK has it without i-Pilot on their website....
  11. I'm not in agreement there, you ought to try my commute in Markham. 55-70 minutes to go 12km. ???
  12. Definitely sad news. He is/they are a Canadian icon in my opinion.
  13. Thanks, but that was my Bro-in-law. I was not so lucky - at that spot. We moved spots and I had walleye for breakfast the next day, so all's well that ends well!
  14. I've been doing this for years, it has saved me more than once.
  15. "Glyphosate unlikely to pose carcinogenic risk from exposure through diet" is not exactly a ringing endorsement.
  16. I think we all need to separate this discussion into 2 issues: 1) do you believe that we should leverage new technology in order to move away from combustion of fossil fuels to generate energy? I think that's an easy one. Even if you don't believe that greenhouse gases are causing climate change, anyone with half a brain knows that putting combustion by-products in the air we breath isn't smart. So if the technology is there, why wouldn't we use it? In my opinion, it's not there - yet. Business will never go there until forced, or until convinced the status quo is less profitable than change. Consumers are lazy and will buy the cheapest thing first, and think about the environment later, if ever. I do think we need to nudge people along. If we have the option to not pollute, we should exercise it. Which brings us to part two: 2) is the present Provincial Liberal government trustworthy or capable enough to move us towards a better way? For me at least, the answer is a resounding no. I don't think they can do anything right. I think they are both incompetent, and corrupt. The reason I point all this out is those attacking the Liberals should differentiate between the messenger and the message. The messenger is rotten to the core, but as outdoorsmen we should always aim to minimize man's impact on the environment we love.
  17. We were fishing for perch/walleye on Saturday when my Bro-in-law hooked into this one: It put up a heck of a fight on a medium light rod with 6# test!
  18. It's not a given that double any substance equates to double the affect. Does smoking two packs a day give you twice as big a tumor as smoking one pack a day?
  19. No, because the reading I've done is invalid, because I referred to soy as a vegetable. Google is your friend. I don't know you, and I don't care what you think about my opinion. Not as in "I don't care what you think man!", just as in I have no interest in trying to argue this out with you.
  20. The sugar comment has been addressed. Factual or not, it is not the only area of concern for some people. What do you have invested in this conversation that makes you think it's okay to be condescending to me? When I eat Edamame with my Sushi, I think of it as a vegetable. That doesn't mean that the reading I've done is invalid, and it doesn't warrant a "smh" in my opinion.
  21. It was described as a "non-round up, organic field". They did not specify the method of pest control but obviously we all know they used something. Whatever they used did not result in Glyphosate being present at 13ppm and Formaldehyde at 200ppm. I'd say that's a plus.
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