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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. the stigma of unreliability associated with Evinrude is very very real. It without a doubt has affected their sales. Go through the thread on Bass Boat central and every 4th post is someone cracking a joke about them.
  2. The tour was riddled with guys motors blowing last year. Just most noticeable that it cost the guy that would have won angler Of the year his title.
  3. After what happened last year on the absolute biggest stage to the Johnston brothers live in front of hundreds of thousands of viewers for the entire world to see, I’m not surprised to be honest. end of an era
  4. definitely more bang for buck available in the states but hoollllllyyyy that exchange rate is nasty! that 5,900 boat is 9+ grand by the time you get it here.
  5. Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki Ive got a 93 honda, a 88 suzuki and a 98 yamaha and guess what...they all still run without issue...The suzuki's carb is finally starting to flood a bit after 32 years. I can get a new carb for it on ebay for $100...the bloody oil pump still works! That crestliner deal scares me...it seems too good to be true...The year of the motor is what scares me most In 2000-2001ish the EPA changed its regulations and basically all of the two stroke motor manufacturers changed over to direct oil injection two strokes to meet emissions standards. RIP to the smoke billowing carb two stroke. Those late 90's yamahas are stupid bulletproof. The proof is in the pudding, go down to mexico or cuba and every single boat is running one. the early 2000's is basically when 2 stroke outboards turned to ticking time bombs. The manufacturers didnt have the oil delivery on the direct injection dialed in and hence you dont see as many early 2000 two stroke engines around because a heck of a lot of them blew up. The proof is in the fact that Yamaha just completely bailed out on making two stroke motors. The VMax went four stroke and the rest is history. Im sure plenty of folks around here will say my opinion on the matter is Bull because they have one that runs, but my bone stock 98 yamaha on my skeeter I think has had the valve cover gaskets changed and then Ive obviously changed the impeller since I bought it. The thing fires like its brand new and hardly blows any amount of smoke, part of that is also the oil I use but the motor runs as good as new. There is definitely something to be said for that!
  6. hahaha this is great....imagine the playoffs being expanded so that a team with 17 regulation wins could make the playoffs...yet you still dont make it lol Brutal.
  7. you are going to be very hard pressed to find a boat that is big enough to do what you are thinking in that price range. I know you are saying 15+ years old...my boat is 22 years old and I could probably sell it no problem for $12,000 1st tip, get a boat that doesnt have a trolling motor or electronics or any other stuff on it if you can. You'll most likely ending up wanting to upgrade those things anyways and its just an excuse for the seller to jack up the price. I think i saved $1,000 immediately by telling the guy that sold me his boat that i didnt want his screens. I slowly outfitted mine over the course of the next year with what I actually wanted buying both my trolling motor and screens on the used market. From what it sounds like is you need a simple aluminum fishing boat. A side console would probably work well. The challenge is that you want something big enough to go on the great lakes and thats going to be really tough to find in that price range. If I were you Id be looking for something that needs TLC and invest hard work in order to save some money. The problem with that is that you are going to be kept off of the water working on the boat. Theres lots of boats with rotted out decks and carpet, and maybe some bad rivets with enough power to get out on the great lakes on the cheap. The challenge then is going to be finding someone with a boat with enough power to get you out on the bigger lakes. My buddy has a 16 foot legend that actually fishes very nicely and it can do absolutely everything you are describing. Ive fished it on the right days on lake Ontario and bass fished in slop with it in the kawarthas, but the problem is that its got a 25 horse on it and it really struggles with two people in the boat. I would hate to see it on big water when things get nasty. My personal suggestion is find an old japanese two stroke from the 90's. Those motors are literally invincible and are actually very easy to work on should something be wrong. Recent looks at the used boat market incredibly tell me that the market has increased along with the price of everything else. For example a similar boat to mine seems to be going for at least 4-5 thousand more than when i bought it 3 years ago...ridiculous but I dont control the market. Im just glad i bloody bought my boat when I did! Good luck with your hunt!
  8. Not laughing at ya terry but that autocorrext is horrendous in this thread. what a horrible situation but appreciate that the military tells it exactly how it is
  9. where are you getting that number from? 2019 "killed an estimated 405 000, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa." Its May and 350,000 people have died from coronavirus already...
  10. I think there is something to at least making people aware of navigation buoys although I know a huge majority of people literally cheat the test or have someone else write it for them. im glad my father was a hard ass about it, and rightfully so, if I was going to be driving his boats back when I was 18 he wanted me to know how to navigate safely. I remember taking the test and literally acing it with one “wrong” that I knew was not truly wrong because they gave two correct answers for one of the questions. I remember my dad being pissed when he found out I got a single question wrong and then I proved to him that it actually wasn’t Hahahaha. to be honest ive probably forgotten basically all of those weird ass buoys having never seen them. There’s one of those fancy black and yellow ones up in pointe au baril everything else is green and red and then sometimes white and red in wake zones. I’ve literally never seen anything else. The way you deal with sailboats? Stay the literal hell away from them, that’s what you need to know lol
  11. Even worse, a particular “high end” bass lure company based out of Japan that likes to charge north of $30 a lure has some of the worst hooks in the entire industry on their baits...nothing mega about the quality of their hooks at all. my favourite experience was the time a fish bent a hook out and the lure came flying out of its face right into my hand past the barb.
  12. That’s exactly it Grimsby. I’ve been out on the big sound In parry sound riggin Lakers, did one pass across the bay on glass and by the time we turned around we were in 6 foot rollers and taking on water. scary scary stuff. It happens even when you are trying your best to be careful
  13. thats what i heard, huge schools of fish over the weekend on the tri lakes all in <4fow. love is in the air! or the water lol I dealt with my dock issues 2 weeks ago...wasnt so fun lol We have a dry suit thank god, but after 10 hours of diving down 8 feet to hook into chains in 40 something degree water I was over it lol
  14. I actually specifically clued into the “work from home movement” about 5 years ago when I saw a couple of Toronto’s biggest auditing firms move entirely to a hotelling based structure. Deloitte built an entire 40+ story office tower down near Bay Street within the last 6 years which literally does not have a single permanent office space in it. Every space is “bookable” for people to come in and have meetings or work if needed. The major group insurance firms in toronto have also closed their offices or removed entire floors within the last 2 years. They have forced their employees into working from home at least 3 days a week. all things considered the concept of commuting to a desk job is perhaps the biggest waste of time, money/resources and carbon emissions probably in existence in North America. Generally speaking, anything that is wasteful specifically monetarily is cut off once a solution is available. I thought it would take another 10-20 years for the boomer generation to totally retire before this movement really took off. Quite literally looking at the office I work at, the teams with older management want their employees in the office every day. Looking at their work habbits they are also the same people that use a pen and paper to take notes, keep a lot of files hanging around and will have meetings about things that could simply just be emailed. You can’t blame the guys this is just how things were done their entire careers. You wouldn’t want to be in the office printer industry either, paper is inherently very hard to “secure”, expensive and just outright wasteful/polluting. I’ve already been looking into “satalite” city based real-estate and looking at places like collingwood I think you can see the movement has already started. heck even living in parry sound, you are only 2.5 hours from the city, that’s not a bad commute to do once a week for a meeting if the real estate prices are pennies on the dollar compared to toronto. my company sent out an email on Friday with a survey outright asking “we are working very well from home, would you continue to do so even after the pandemic” just as mentioned above, I think management is taking notes and realizing the immediate cost savings of reducing toronto based office leases. this is a great thing for the environment and people’s mental health. Going to be a it on the oil and automotive industries! Cheap gas for everyone though!
  15. Thats exactly the point. I totally understand people’s need to go outside...I think as fisherman we alllll get that one. but thinking about how to do so safely is what was missed. This was on another level. Not just being unsafe, but specifically piling in on each other for the purpose of being in a party atmosphere. such strange stupid ignorant behavior from a surprisingly large group of people.
  16. That’s the problem, tournaments it’s now my rods and a partners rods in a boat where the rod locker just isn’t big enough. Even after taking a few rods out that I know I probably won’t use based on where I’m fishing and when. For example I don’t typically fish a ton of topwater in tournaments because by the time Im at my spot it’s not usually a bite I’m going to chase so then the frog rod is out of the boat. If I’m on the tri lakes in August then I’m not going to be finessing smallies that eliminates a couple of rods etc etc. with the rod buckles I may have a little better ability to run them the other way though. I agree it’s a pain in the you know what. see how this works? Now I want a 20 foot boat lol. I also just need to buy a big old house with a big old garage so I can work on this stuff when I’m not up at the lake lol. Anyone interested in throwing me a couple mill? Lol
  17. I think my plan is to cut out a jig that basically matches the profile of the cutout and the area above the ridge like kicking frog suggested. I’ve bought a piece of plastic off of amazon. Simply cut out the piece and there will be a half inch ridge where the buckle is. If I’m extremely careful and basically “carve the thing out making sure to sand it nicely it should not look to bad. At least I hope!
  18. the mechanism itself is about 2-3 inches deep hence needing open space behind it. Some quality ideas here. Pluma, i like your idea too, mayble i simply use a cutting board to allow it to sit flush with the lip. If i sanded it nicely it might make a nice flush bracket. Itd stick out 3/4 of an inch but that wouldnt even look much different than just the bracket itself. What I guess im not showing is that the mechanism with the belt behind it is nearly as wide as the mounting bracket itself. Not leaving too much room to chop the top and bottom of the plate off. Man I wish I was with the boat so I could play with some of these ideas.
  19. Main reason for doing it the other way was spacing. I can bunch the tips together easier than I can 4 rods with reels taking up the front of the boat. Deck isn’t that wide at the very very front but it’s definitely one of my options. was going to mount them against the gunnel into the floor but there’s a rod locker door on that side and I believe the strip between the rod locker and the gunnel is too narrow! I can’t win lol man...What they say about the foot itis in boats is so true lol. I went from a 14 foot tinner to a 18 foot bass boat and Immediately I already wish my boat was bigger lol no hope in that though this is just the way things gotta be for now. Just need some way to come up with a solution.
  20. Hey Guys, I just bought some boat buckle rod straps for the skeeter and I realized I may not be able to use them on my boat unless someone smarter than my idiot self has an idea on how to make this work for me. Ive been using the classic velcro style and needless to say, they do not like it when the boat is going 50+mph. Too many times ive seen $500+ combos almost fly out of the boat when the velcro releases mid drive. In fact i lost a G loomis last year and im not convinced that this is not exactly what happened to it. I just realized that my boat has a ridge in the fibreglass along the rail. As you can see the mounting plate flush mounts along the rail, but if theres a slight ridge is there any way to mount this thing? Heres a drawing and a photo of what my boat edge looks like and a real photo of it. Im seeking your thoughts, ideas, solutions or confirmation that im screwed lol Let me know what you guys think.
  21. lol thank you for identifying yourself.
  22. John Tory just did an interview with CP24. He actually went down there and talked to the people at bellwoods to try and gather some form of understanding of why they were doing what they were doing. He blasted them today and has confirmed that additional enforcement and ticketing is going to be done today. He even explained that there was ample room throughout the park to ensure distancing measures could be maintained, but instead these people purposely piled in on top of each other. Their explanation was simply that they didnt think that the dangers of Covid applied to their demographic. Absolutely brutal.
  23. thats a lot of boat for a 25 horse to push around. Even more so for a 4 stroke. Ive got a 14 foot tinner with a two stroke 15, and once you throw 300lbs in it, it goes from ripping down the lake at 25 mph to crawling along at 10...You mention taking it out on lake O...sounds a little scary to me. The great lakes are big enough to produce significant lake breeze caused by day time heating. Youll go from Glass to large chop in literally 5-10 minutes very often. That 25 putting along through lake O rollers may not be something you want to experience.
  24. I think a lot of what the older generation thinks of folks in my generation about being selfish and entitled is looking to ring true. I can’t help but notice that the footage has almost 100% of the people falling into one specific age demographic. Embarrassing is the only way to put it. what blows me away is peoples inability to use some basic logic that says “if I’m going to see my friends at least space ourselves out” no we will just all pile onto a bed sheet together...that’s needed.
  25. Sad the selfishness of people. Just shows how human nature has always been, if we don’t see the immediate impact of our decisions we rarely make good choices. sad to think that large numbers of lives are going to be lost because of this. safe to say you will want to get your fishing in ASAP because it seems like things are going to be closing up again very soon. Luckily I have the option of launching out of my private property. Those that rely on public launches will be screwed once again...unfortunately what I though was a strong minority appears to actually be the general population. In some ways this entire thing is teaching me that much of what I thought of society in general is exactly as I assumed. I used to wonder if I was just a judgemental A Hole for thinking that the large majority of people were selfish ignorant morons and that my general dislike for almost everyone was somewhat unwarranted but it turns out it’s actually 100% reality. even people that are somewhat close to me have totally disappointed me. It’s pretty sad. im not even the type of person that believes that you should just permanently stay home, there are some pretty basic common sense approaches to being able to see your family members or closest friends. yesterday we visited very close friends, we brought camp chairs and sat out on their lawn and sat 20 feet away from eachother and chatted for a few hours. When we needed to pee we went home. Why people can’t conceptualize this, I will never know. Maybe a cull of our race is what we need at this point, I’m literally losing faith in humanity.
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