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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Pop’s alumacraft has a nautolex floor. I have two complaints about it. 1. When it’s cold it’s slippery as hell. 2. The side compartment etc where the liner had been folded in, the OEM glue and staples have started to fail as the stuff tries to straighten. So if you have spots that are folded, you will definitely need to give them some extra attention as the stuff tries to straighten out. Nothing I’m sure that by taking extra caution that can’t be fixed. on the positive side of things, holy hell its 1000000% easier to keep the thing clean. It actually seems to somewhat just clean itself. While my carpeted boat is constantly covered in sand and required vacuuming etc, the rain etc just seems to wash all of the sand fish blood and poop etc out of his boat. if you aren’t insane like me and clean your boat more than you do your house and truck and then the vinyl is a great idea!
  2. One of my tournament partners does this, but worse he always talks on speakerphone so that he can continue fishing. I used to listen to him talk to his girlfriend for an hour at a time about drama with her friends, listen to her complain about work etc etc on speakerphone in the middle of tournaments. Luckily they broke up lol, but not sure if it’d be much of the same with his new GF lol
  3. To get this thread back on track I thought that I would share some information that seems to have just come out but has not necessarily been advertised because it would suggest weaker social distancing measures. the WHO has posted that they no longer believe that the virus can be transmitted in an airborne matter. And furthermore asymptotic people are far less dangerous than originally thought. Their spacing guidance is now 3 feet rather than 6 and I even heard some articles begin to suggest that it needs to be 12! the only danger with people experiencing mild symptoms is that they may not believe their illness is coronavirus due to the mild symptoms and therefore they may not take necessary precautions to avoid coughing etc in public. for me this was important as well because I have been shopping on behalf of my immuno compromised mom and was concerned that I could give her the virus without even knowing it. Turns out that unless I’m experiencing some form of mild symptoms it would be extremely difficult to transmit it to her. So if I am extremely wary of my own health, and can ensure that I don’t have a cough, runny nose etc then I will have no issue continuing shopping on her behalf. more importantly, this means that if you ensure that you wear gloves and sanitize the surfaces that you touch and wash your hands very frequently while not touching your face you can do a lot to avoid contracting the virus. as far as I was aware originally the assumption was that if you came even near someone who was asymptomatic that you were potentially at risk, or if you breathed their “breath droplets” you’d contract the illness. it sounds like you have to come in contact with their saliva and subsequently then touch your eyes or mouth to contract it. For me I don’t plan on changing anything in my routine of spacing between strangers at the grocery store etc. but at least it put my mind at ease that by wearing gloves while shopping and not touching my face, sanitizing products that I’ve brought home that I am most likely not going to fall Sick by going to the grocery store.
  4. Nice fish Jimmer must of been a hell of a fight
  5. Sounds like you guys all want a fishing partner with a pair of D....cell batteries to use for your fishing scale
  6. I’ll take responsibility for turning this to politics. I apologize, I obviously understand that it’s against forum rules. i let my frustration with a lot of what’s going on impede my judgement. Then someone specifically insulted me and I responded when I should have just let it go. Sorry guys!
  7. good fishing partner has their own tackle, knows how to fish well, and the funnier the better.
  8. I definitely put mine to work during boating season. Aside from the super extreme tournament guys its safe to say i put over 350 hours on them over the period between June and October. The key for me has been to ensure that they get charged every time i dock. I also top up the water in the spring...cant bloody find any distilled water lately anywhere though!
  9. where can i sign up for notifications?! lol Maybe you have some sneaky Skeeter gear??? Stuff thats basically impossible to get in canada!
  10. all of the best Johnny...but started smoking at 40??? you should write a book lol You may be the only person I have ever heard of that started smoking at an age over 30 years old lol
  11. Not exclusively, absolutely not. But when Canadian lives are being put at risk due to another government’s horrible mismanagement...then ya I definitely have a problem with it.
  12. Bigotry, racism, ignorance have all been on wide open display from the most powerful nation on earth, and more related to this thread, blatant horrible policy when dealing with this pandemic. Coming out and addressing the nation that the pandemic was a democratic hoax in March put global lives at risk, and furthermore attempting to cut off Canadian supplies of PPE for our healthcare workers due to terrible internal mismanagement has a direct impact on Canadian lives. All of these things have a global impact and I don’t think too many of us are very happy about it. Thankfully I can pretty much guarantee that most if not all of the American members of this board don’t fall into that category at all. This is a global issue and we definitely need to all be pushing to fix the problem.
  13. This can maybe be taken as a shot at Americans, but honestly I don’t really care, but in my experience significantly far more Americans are completely uneducated about the world outside of America in comparison to Canadians. Some would even go to the extent of calling it ignorance. I.e. if it doesn’t concern America then it doesn’t concern them at all. It’s an unfortunate reality as far as I’m concerned. im also sure a significant component of Americans would have no clue who the British, German or French president/prime ministers are either.
  14. Just try to remember that the people that are self sufficient and can hold it together during a crisis like this are the ones that are carrying the people who can’t. My next door neighbor and family friend in pointe au baril runs a small marina and he’s even closed his boat ramp to me even though I wouldn’t need to use his docks, or touch anything on his property. I understood his position entirely, however others that have places on islands have been yelling and screaming at him about the fact that he won’t let them on his property to dock, Park their vehicles etc etc.
  15. None taken man, I don’t write the rules lol. And trust me I consider myself extremely extremely lucky. A fluke really, and I wouldn’t be shocked if they change the rules even more after trout opener when the gongshows on every tributary in Ontario fire up. Those morons will probably get all fishing cancelled even for those of us who are doing the right things.
  16. Small skeeter, no rear storage. I’ll measure it out this weekend. My charger is already totally out of the way and tucked up beside my livewell against the side of the boat. It’s actually pretty nifty lol if the charger’s cables were any other orientation it wouldn’t have worked! Just a fluke!
  17. No stops for coffees, gas or food either. Straight shot from home to the lake and back. my grocery bill though 😵
  18. Moms immuno compromised and living north to totally isolate. ive been living in their house in Georgetown to avoid living in my apartment in toronto with 10000 other people. I bring her groceries from the georgetown and if I’m making that trip, you can sure as hell bet the boat is getting wet.
  19. nope! still good to go. Just need to find your own launch and not access public parks.
  20. Ive avoided this thread for weeks now simply due to my personal decision to not overload myself Covid related information and content. This thing is scary, and for our neighbors to the south its perhaps really going to get even scarier before it gets better. Rather than us settling into our pattern of distancing to get through this thing, some people are already starting to turn. For republicans in the united states its become a matter of individual rights and freedoms being violated by Covid restrictions. I dont want to dive into the politics even though I have obviously referenced american politics, lets just say im glad I live in canada where from what I can tell >90% of people understand that our sacrifices are making a difference. We are openly seeing it in the statistics that are coming out this week. We are effectively flattening the curve and our positive projections are aligning with our reality. Canada is going to come out on top of this because we are a nation of smart and caring people. Its honestly making me proud to be Canadian again. The difference in dialogue between our forum and the american fishing form is in stark contrast and I am extremely happy to say that we are on the positive side of things. Good on everyone! Dont let the news also twist your outlook on this entire thing. There is very very little content to cover these days with us all on lockdown, hence the small faction of people not adhering to the rules represents a disproportionate amount of the news content. I go for a walk each day, and people stringently adhere to social distancing guidelines, it even becomes the old dance where one person tries to go out to the road to walk by while the other does the same to be polite. How canadian! My visit to the grocery store was even in contrast to the one i took two weeks ago (I have been doing my best to limit trips) Yesterday not once did i feel frustrated with other shoppers not adhering to the distancing guidelines. People were courteous to step back as you passed, people waited for you to grab items from a safe distance and depart so that they could get their own, and people lined up appropriately according to the measures in place spacing everyone out. We all have our individual levels of precaution, but for the most part we all also have displayed a very common sense approach to this and are in my opinion taking appropriate measures. Some guys are getting out fishing still even but doing so in a manner that appears to be very very responsible. Others take a more hardline approach...either way at least I dont see anyone here moaning and groaning about the fact that their bass tournaments arent allowed to run...good grief! 🤔 We are a long long way from getting back to the lives we once knew, but at least I think Canada is on right path to getting things back to a more normal existence at least here at home.
  21. For people that like fishing smaller ponds, they make a ton of sense. Sheesh half of the Yankees down south run their bass boats on puddles. lil different game trying to fish out in the open on the Great Lakes. Lol it can get scary or tough enough to fish on a 20 foot boat some days!
  22. Sheesh, doesn’t look like ice out is coming any time soon around those parts! We’re already boating up in Sudbury!
  23. In my yard once the spring mud dries up a bit. Luckily I’ve got the rare gentle sand beach shoreline on Georgia bay! Heck if the water wasn’t so high itd be super easy. Might need to use a couple of sheets of plywood just to keep the tractor from sinking too much!
  24. I get it for the cost savings, but then I see guys install like $3,000 worth of features on a $2,000+ kayak and I’m like...I literally own a bass boat for not much more than that 🤷🏽‍♂️
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