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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. That’s a 50 for sure. I look at my PB 46 and this looks wayyyy longer. I’m still waiting for the day I run into one of these giants. Only caught lots of smaller ones in the spring and one ok one actually trying to fish for them. It’s something I need to spend more time doing. i thought with the spring we’ve had being so warm and the opener being a week late the fish would be already holding to more summerish patterns but low and behold they are still stacked up right up in the sand still in any of the pockets I find them. We shall see what this heatwave does this week. congrats!
  2. I’m gonna also chime in and tell you that my 88 suzuki still goes, my 94 Johnson is dead with electrical issues that couldn’t be fixed without buying a new control module every year the thing kept frying itself. The 98 Yamaha runs like a top. The 2002 Mercury is running but it’s had electrical problems as well that we were able to fix.
  3. I’m gonna pm you about this jacking up the boat procedure. I’ve watched a couple of videos but it scares the hell outta me
  4. I might just have to do this boat jacking up thing to re-gel some of that fiberglass. Hell it doesn’t even have to look good you can’t see it unless you literally swim underneath the boat and look at the very very back.
  5. A change in chemicals used in the fiberglass or gel coat to meet some kind of environmental standard....or did they realize there was some kinda crazy carcinogenic compound they were using to do the fiberglass? I’ve been reading horror stories, specifically about Phoenix boats and it really surprised me. What gives?
  6. Gotta pay to play. Agreed that if you wanna run the boat 100kmh you hope your boat is well manufactured and been taken care of. Maybe I also just got lucky with my rig that the hull was made by skeeter and has been bulletproof so far. I already know though the bunks have put a few bad spots into the hull, i can see them when I swim beneath my boat. Tough to work on a boat though without being able to jack it up somehow.
  7. That 15-20 minute boat ride out to your fishing spot doesn’t get even close to recharging the juice you’ve used running graphs, livewells, sump pump, and turning your motor over. I think this is why a lot of people have problems with batteries dying after 2-3 years, their battery is almost permanently in a state of discharge.
  8. Don’t worry about ipilot link...minkotta did such a poor job developing their lakemaster canada card that it’s basically not worth it to have to use lakemaster. Just get regular ipilot and run navionics. If you want to get real fancy you can get yourself a zero lines card and start making your own charts (I love this) using autochart live. The ipilot will give you spotlock and bearing lock. The only real thing you’ll miss out on is using link to allow you to stick to particular depth lines. But I’ve found the lakemaster card required to do that to be totally garbage. It’s actually sad how bad it is. I think a group 31 with a 55 will easily push your boat around all day. There’s a reason the stock is so low, it’s because it’s such a good cost effective set up! as far as chargers go, you definitely get what you pay for. Don’t mess with bass pro brand or any other junk. Best bang for your buck though (imo) is a noco genius. Cheaper than minkotta with the same quality and a beautiful waterproof compact design.
  9. Ya no one would do mine without one and I tried. Hence no insurance on my rig. A total scam and pita. They list blue book on my boat at $1,000 and expected me to spend more than that just to get insurance in the first place. What a joke. anyone know if general liability insurance provided by OFAH would help me with actual liability so that I could fish larger organized tournaments?
  10. By the way I’m not saying it was...but there was a huge amount of counterfeit power pro being sold all over the place in recent years. You’d see guys selling it all over the internet and Kijiji. obviouslt you won’t have that problem if you pay the full $24 at crappy can
  11. Terrova ipilot 55lb...best motor for what you are looking for for sure!
  12. the amount of places with incredible fishing literally within 20 minutes of barrie is a joke. I have no idea what the heck they are thinking. Its as if they think people wont spend the $30 to just drive to port severn...and be on a nicer lake anyways lol. I even know of a place right off the highway on the water that you can park for free if you are only launching a kayak.
  13. Lmao and this is why I don’t fish simcoe. The 30 dollar sky dome air canada centre parking in innisfil was enough of a joke to make me never want to go back.
  14. I don’t know, I’ve been using power pro for years 20lb and have never had any complaints. It definitely will wear out after a year or so but it tells you it’s time to respool when the line gets frayed. some guys swear by j braid, it’s expensive as hell though. I personally find that nanofil has too much line twist and sometimes acts too much like mono or fluro. I like it on really light rigs for crappie and ice fishing because it’s ice build up resistant but much prefer braid when doing heavier fishing for big smallmouth or pike etc. classic powerpro is tried true and tested for a reason, just need to respool a little more often. The nice thing is they usually If you wanna save a buck you can unspool and then respool it on backwards.
  15. where did you source em Bill?
  16. personally id run a 55 lb in that boat. The weight of the extra battery from a 24 volt would be really noticeable in that tinner with a 50...thats just my take on it. I run a 18 foot glass boat and a 80lb is a lot of power in a boat that heavy. Electronics, I personally think that a helix 7 is your best bang for buck graph/sonar on the market. It also doubles as an ice fishing flasher and draws very little power. Side imaging will cost you a bit more dough, but if you like trolling around and driving, watching whats on either side of your boat is pretty powerful stuff. You may see a rock pile or other structure out in 20 fow 75 yards off to your port side, throw a mark on it and go drive over that spot and notice that its stacked with fish. Down imaging is incredible for showing things that 2d sonar cant I specifically bait, and will help you distinguish between whats weeds, wood, rock or other junk down there that simply shows up as blob.
  17. im not sure why they would tell you that. My dads been running a 858hdc for years and never had an issue running the 2d sonar at speed. Now there is definitely something specifically called a "high speed transducer" that guys will mount through hull etc etc. But to me thats if you really really need a perfect image while travelling at speed. Once again in my experience the only thing you wont be able to get a reading on at speed is your down and side image. They also dont like too deep of water either but thats an entirely different story.
  18. i personally use the loon oil, its pretty darn good. A drop every 20 casts or so. Keeps the flies dry to. You can blow the excess water off and keep it floating. Seems to not allow them to get saturated.
  19. You aren’t going to read side image or down image with much detail going that fast if at all. But that’s not what those views are for anyways at that speed. the 2d works totally fine at high speed. Once you start going 50mph I find mine starts dropping out though but that’s also the way my deucer is mounted. also if you are hoping to go 40+mph consider buying the metal deucer mount off of the helix 10’s and 12’s the plastic one they gave me with the 7 couldn’t hold up to the speed especially once I was running chop. I swapped to the metal bracket and haven’t had a problem since
  20. Trust me, the only “new” things in my boat are the seats, the tie off ropes and the batteries lol. I shop the American market hard for used gear, it’s the only way I can afford to make it happen. If you can believe it I outfit the boat with electronics (doesn’t include the re-wiring) for in and around $1,600 canadian spaced out over 3 years and that included two ice fishing transdeucers as add ins for the helix 7’s so I can ice fish with them! our dollar now makes that far tougher to pull off! we could go for a fish sometime once covid is over with. I already know we have something in common to talk about lol
  21. Just speaking from experience, I ran two helix 7’s a helix 9, two livewells and started and stopped my main motor 10 times on a group 24 for 9 hours yesterday without issue.
  22. topwater at low light jig with a craw pattern or an 8 foot diving crankbait during the daytime. Smallies are easy this time of year.
  23. i run one of these units myself. Nice little bonus on the networking capability of this one too. Really fantastic imaging at a budget price! These definitely double up as an ice fishing flasher. I personally own 2 helix 7's for this reason! A digital flasher/graph, with GPS capabilities...for that price! Also these units have a built in "ice fishing mode" that reduces battery consumption!
  24. Love love love me an offshore boat. If I was more of an open water guy that’s what I would buy too!
  25. I’m running a 22 year old Yamaha...thing starts like it’s new, doesn’t really put out much smoke for a two stroke and hasn’t given me a single issue and I definitely run it close to 100 hours a year. I also have an 88 suzuki that runs and has been abused horribly over the years lol. The original oil pump still works I don’t even have to run mix in it. previous owner told me the only thing ever done on it was the valve cover gasket. Aside from that it’s oem. I changed the impeller in it when I bought it. That’s it.
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