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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Hopefully Lupes can find his form again, bit of a grind last year but the guy plays with the most heart on the team. The team overall is a bit more well rounded up front. Clarkson will be better this year (cant be any worse) but once again will disappoint for what hes being paid. Look for Bernier to further solidify his place as a number 1 goaltender in the league. There are a lot of haters as normal because hes a leaf, but I think the move to get will go down as one of the best moves they made in a long long time. Leo will be fun to watch, the leafs defence will continue to struggle and I expect Carlyle to last no longer than December. Its not going to be a fun season overall to watch and I would be surprised at a playoff birth. They still need a more defensively minded back end. Gardiner and rielly will impress as normal, but the defensive side of the game will still lack. Dion although everyone hates him, is a good D man (maybe not so much captain), hes just not capable of doing it all alone.
  2. youll be fine, the water level is friggin high as hell on GB right now. Our dock cribs are literally underwater. The water hasnt started going down for the fall quiet yet. If the boat launch has been fixed since the early 90's when water levels were still high, you will be fine because the water is the highest its been in 10 years.
  3. killin err baaddy well done man, some piggies there.
  4. If this past weekend was "slow" I cant wait to see what a "fast" weekend will look like for smallies on GB what a weekend!

  5. had a pb smallie on but i lost err on the prop of my boat after a timely gust of wind! ughhh Lets see what the fall brings!
  6. I literally had this conversation with my dad this weekend after i Questioned how Lawrence could ever justify giving a fantastic GPS with such a small screen, but never providing you the option of simply having a GPS unit and then connecting whatever the hell screen you want to it. Here is the solution! As someone mentioned, why wouldnt you want a nice big screen, the days of navigating on a 6 inch monitor are over!
  7. I personally just wear cabellas private label hunting rain gear. stuff is durable as hell, has all the pockets yould could ever need and the boot strap system in them is bar none. Throw them on with a pair of rubber boots done deal. Ive fished in complete downpours, was cool comfortable and dry.
  8. ughhh biggest fear driving to pointe au baril every weekend. 3 years ago i was following a guy towing a boat near go home lake rd, was doing the standard 110 in a 100 in my mazda speed protege (lowered oh boy) plenty of space between the boat tower and me...following a sweeping right bend with the standard rock rock faces on the right obscuring any vision...next thing i know the guy towing the boat slams on the brakes, Ive got plenty of time to slow down and proceed to switch lanes to pass, when i realize the mistake ive made, there standing right on the middle line covering both lanes is a full grown bull moose antlers and all...fast maneuver hit the shoulder doing 90, the mooses head misses the corner of my car by less than a foot, i might have even skirted under its head since my car was so low. proceeded to nearly go into cardiac arrest and I am only 23.
  9. something tells me the fishing isnt so great in this spot, but you make frequent trips anyways. Havent named too many but I am going to start after reading this thread. It actually is a great idea just for future reference with the family. Ive only really got a couple and they are simple The buoy Channel Bay The river
  10. ughhh this cold front is gonna make for a tough go saturday!

  11. you have yourself some competition. To this day it is still the only pickerel my brother has ever caught in Ontario lol!
  12. Matty it was a verfied 7...it was weighed in at the theona trailer park bass tourny. Ive fished Stoney once and I will vouch for the fact that it really holds fish. That one morning i fished, i saw 40+ largies boated, 3 5lb smallies boated and a musky on a spinner as well.
  13. Google Maps GPS works like a charm...I have an iphone and opted to not get navigation in our recently purchased car. The iphone recently just took us all over Nova Scotia including backroads absolutely no problem. Get a used Iphone with Google maps, done deal.
  14. 3/4 inch ply with some paint or stain...you cant go wrong.
  15. my bad...go figure lower buckhorn is north of upper buckhorn! Ive always heard the fishing is better on lower than upper anyways! I stand corrected, i was on upper buckhorn.
  16. the bridge to pigeon off of LB is where I saw everyone fishing for pickerel. There is musky and giant carp there as well.
  17. my buddy has a trailer in Theona park...theyve caught a bunch of 4's and 5's. The park fishing derby last weekend produced a 7. The consistency is just off this year, been hard slugging for the bigger guys.
  18. LB produces every time I go, made an annual trip there in July and caught a pile. The size recently in comparison to previous years has fallen off a bit. I think the hard winter might have something to do with it. But the consistency in regards to quantity is always there. Thanks for the update.
  19. im surprised no "ladies died" get it? *rimshot*
  20. unbelievable, hopefully my cottages resident baby gar grows as big as one of these cows some day.
  21. Hey Guys, I guess this is the place where i can formally introduce myself. My name is Scott and I have been fishing pretty much from the time I was old enough to hold a fishing rod. I was born in Flin Flon Manitoba, hence my families passion for pickerel fishing. As time went on my families interest in fishing definitely declined until our family purchased a cottage in the pointe au baril region in 2008. Since that point my interest in fishing has steadily increased year after year until reaching a real peak. I can definitely say that this year has been the first year where I feel like I am beginning to obsess over fishing and I think being a member of this forum has something to do with it. I have spent a lot of years blindly attempting to figure things out on my own as my immediate family has less interest in fishing other species therefore they rely on me for any knowledge that I am able to gain through research and trial and error. I am definitely the most committed fisherman in my family. I do most of my fishing solo, therefore being part of this community and specifically speaking to a few knowledgeable individuals directly has helped me gain more knowledge in a 3 month time span than I have learnt in my entire life. Personally I mainly target pickerels in the spring and fall, laketrout, pike, largemouths and starting this year have taken a big interest in smallmouth bass fishing. I specifically really look forward to the day that I know enough to be able to share my personal experiences and lessons with my nephews (kids someday) and people in this community in the same way that people have taught me over the years. Tight Lines.
  22. so the elusive GB King does still exist...very rare
  23. weighing 230 pounds is healthier than smoking. Any one in the medical field willing to back this point? Being a bit overweight causes nowhere near the damage to your body that smoking does.
  24. good job bill i hope the friggin thing died. These birds are becoming ridiculous in our area, the poor loons have nowhere to go anymore. A year ago i witnessed a family out fishing with bobbers and obviously a live minnow underneath, needless to say a persistent circling bird put on a hilarious show for a good 15 minutes before the family was able to scare the bird away ahaha.
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