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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. we got a reset up in PAB leading up to new years, our 5 inches of slush on top of 1 inch of black ice froze up solid...however a pile of snow and wind has made the whole lake a swamp again. Hopefully its gotten wet enough that this cold snap is gonna lock the slush up again. Typical on GB though for us to be variable as all hell with the ice, the majority of our ice is just frozen slush most years from the continuing daily rise and fall of water levels due to the wind. Yes...this ice is as bad as it looks
  2. drove past little lake on friday and didnt see anyone out there. A mix of rain, snow etc has been making ice conditions crapola up in that neck of the woods. things may have changed over the past few days? or will most likely improve with the upcoming cold snap. my advice is to Take all precautions. i.e. Carry picks, a float suit, consider roping off to eachother, and spud spud spud.
  3. look how friggin clear that ice is...ive litterally never fished on ice like that.
  4. Haha! you can read his lips, he actually said "nice try" and patted the guy on the shoulder ahhahaa uncle leo is the man.
  5. just throwing this out there...my experience with fishing guides, and others in the fishing industry has been ridiculously hit or miss. Disturbingly the large majority of the time it has been a miss though. Its one thing to know how to fish, but if you are a weirdo, I do not want to spend money to spend the day hanging out with you or giving you my business. My buddy just had an experience on erie 2 months ago where the guide has his wife drive the boat and the whole time the dude was calling his wife fat amognst other things...how are these folks in business still?
  6. i can only picture iron tippin or the remix, which i actually prefer over the original
  7. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbvh97_above-the-law-black-superman_music lets get funky
  8. mathews looking more and more like a stud every game...remember when the laine debate was open? Ha!
  9. enjoy guys, im off ice fishing for the holidays, ill chat with yas in the new year.
  10. merry christmas friends! im off to the lake, see you in the new year

    1. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      Merry Christmas to you too.

  11. Never been a fan of Kadri...but leave it to the best coach in the world to figure out the guy and put him in a role that he is succeeding in beyond anything anyone could have ever imagined. Heard in an interview that he now enjoys not allowing crosby to score more than he enjoys scoring himself.
  12. glad to hear this...things should be shaping up in PAB, although the meter of snow weve got is not gonna help the ice.
  13. you sir are smoking some good stuff...care to share? The leafs only weak spot is on D...so you trade away a young talented defenseman?
  14. judging by that hole...that is some sketchy ice lol...a little cold never hurt nobody though. Well done, im hoping to have some gators on the ice by thursday.
  15. lets not forget how much of a bloody crook don king was...he basically pimped the entire boxing career. While you were fighting you had all of life's riches...but it wasnt real, Don was taking all of the money.
  16. half my family is from edmonton. Went for a visit two years ago in March...figured, its March...should be a bit warmer than jan feb... woke up the first day after arriving and the thermometer was reading -39...to hell with that coldest day I ever experienced was in Flin Flon. -45 with a windchill of 70. My mom swept off the porch for less than a minute and permanently damaged her ears due to frostbite. Incredible.
  17. The PA has absolutely no interest in making players skate more than they already do. As exciting as it is and I think absolutely everyone agrees that 3 on 3 is the best thing going...but to ask players to skate another quarter of a period isnt gonna happen.
  18. its been rocking parry sound since monday night....I am gonna be the first one to get up there next wednesday. Ive got some plowing to do lol. Word on environment canada is putting totals close to half a meter by then.
  19. hell yessss I should be fishing this weekend but a prior commitment from months ago is ruining it for me! ughhhhhh Next wednesday cannot come soon enough!
  20. Big news http://healthycanadians.gc.ca/task-force-marijuana-groupe-etude/framework-cadre/index-eng.php?src=mj_task_force_16&medium=banner_en&content=&campaign=carousel_health_theme
  21. god the fishing world is small. had no idea you were friends with Ashley, i met her in a river near port hope last fall. Strange one degree of seperation going on! thanks for the report!
  22. pops got a TLB series kubota with the snowblower attachment for the lake....we cant get him to come inside anymore.
  23. also this track is for you manitou...i know youve been hurting so this track will get your ass up that ending though "we need to go back in time to when muhfukas could rock"
  24. can someone get this guy some positive rap please? Iron, here is the complete opposite end of the spectrum, have a listen Iron, to be honest, most hip-hop is a product of its environment. The swearing is not in the music simply because its trying to sound tough...the music literally is a reflection of the streets that its growing up on. Think of how guys on the job site spoke. Same thing. Big L laid it out simply "speak with criminal slang, thats just the way that i talk yo". Big L wasnt rapping like this as an act...dude grew up in harlem and was a gangster through and through...both him and his brother were murdered. Obviously it can be very difficult to connect with someone's whos reality is the streets, but thats what makes it appealing, its like someone telling a story about something that you couldnt imagine living. You obviously dont have to like it, but thats the reason for the language, these guys know no different.
  25. thata boy joey! ugh...im 9 days out!
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