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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. no one said anything about the cup, except for the fact that ottawa definitely wont win it lol. Also goalie is questionable? he must have got his Andersons mixed up.
  2. i signed a petition a while back to try stop their harvest...it seemed bloody ridiculous that they were still allowing a threatened species to be harvested anyways. Glad to see some action in effect.
  3. IMO come playoffs all bets are off. Totally different game. in the past 32 years only 8 presidents trophy winners have won the cup...thats telling.
  4. i have a cabellas guidewear...i swear by it and would recommend it to absolutely everyone. I friggin love the thing and literally wear it 100% of the time that im in the boat. Anything that I am comfortable wearing 100% of the time and is keeping me safe is worth the money.
  5. funny how far ahead of ourselves we are getting. I almost feel as though unless we finish #2 everyone is going to disappointed. I am beyond thrilled that they are even in the playoff picture, never mind battling for home ice. Its going to be tough, but barring a totally epic collapse, and a subsequent total run by tampa or the islanders...we are in fantastic shape. Leafs literally need one point over the next 4 games to clinch. I see them beating tampa in OT Thursday.
  6. was up in PAB this past weekend and things are finally starting to open up. The areas where the ice is traditionally questionable are wide open and the areas that are good are starting to get very rotten. I walked out 50 yards to tie a rope off on the dock and the ice is very very rotten. I imagine over the next couple of days its going to start breaking up. A good wind and it will be done for. We also did a hike to a back lake called Bird lake..it was still locked right up with a good 8 inches of ice. I imagine this rain though would make it totally unsafe for passing. I give it two weeks and everything south of sudbury will be wide open.
  7. this is why i was so discouraged back when the leafs were behind the isles...this time of year at least 2 teams go on a stupid hot streak so I knew what it was going to take just to make it. Everyone was trying to act hopeful, but I can honestly say that if you were going to tell me that Toronto was going to go 7-2-1 over the next 10 games I woulda said you were smoking something. This is exactly why you focus on what you can control, i.e. just keep winning games. Whatever you do, just keep winning and the rest will take care of itself. Imagine how frustrated the Bruins and Nottawa fans are with Toronto. Personally I dont agree with the more Canadian teams the better notion. The last thing I want to see is Ottawa have any success. They along with the canucks are an embarrassment to Canadian Hockey. You can group them in with teams like the panthers, Carolina and now soon to be Las Vegas...cant fill a stadium and will never do anything as a franchise ever. Carolina won a cup but who cares.
  8. lets get serious, the leafs have home ice advantage at canadian tire centre or ACC..oh man I wanna see the leafs beat the senaturds in the playoffs again...its been too long.
  9. i think people are inherently concerned that you are selling it for the wrong reasons. the funny thing about that is that if this was the case you wouldn't tell them anyways. What I hope for when i buy anything used is that the reason the seller is selling is that they simply arent using the item enough to justify owning it.
  10. as a current user of a 88 suzuki...i will stand behind the sentiment that they just dont make em like they used to. 1 pull at -10 and the thing is purring like a kitten. Engine starts running like crap? Spray out the carb with some solvent, throw a lil premium and seafoam in...vroom vroom maybe todays 2 stroke outboards are the same? maybe this is all just a stigma? I will say the new 4 stroke 175 yammy we got last year...oh baby that thing is niiiiceeee
  11. great/not so great story about permit. while on my trip we were in the middle a fairly significant bay with probably close to 10-15FOW casting for baracuda with spoons (i couldnt fly cast at this time) when my guide starts freaking out, i say whats up and he whispers with insane intensity "permit" i look over and i see a crowd of about 50 fins sticking out of the water 50 feet from the boat. My guide starts quietly racing around the boat to set me up with a lure to throw out infront of the crowd. hands me the rod and says ok cast... i say ok, and immediately throw a cast, as the lure is flying through the air my guide says "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" I look back at him and frantically say "what, whats wrong!?" "why did you cast!!??" "You told me to!" "No, i didnt" what i quickly realized is that when he said cast, he meant, get ready to cast when i say so...the language barrier prevented him from being able to convey that he wanted me prepared to cast and do exactly as he said. he tried some maneuvering to get back infront of the school but my one cast was enough to spook the entire school of what he said was most likely 100+ giant permits. According to him in his entire life guiding every day for 20+ years...he had seen a similar situation one time where a school that large had appeared within casting distance with no requirement to move what so ever. He was sure to add in the dig that "That will never happen again in your life" That was the story of my fishing trip, me friggin blowing it all day long..i dont know why i guess i was just too excited, my casting accuracy was friggin aweful, my hook sets were pathetic, different gear could also be to blame? whatever it was, i should have basically had a grand slam twice over if I wasnt such a failure. I wanted to also ask, how is your double haul? Im not good at it yet and im wondering how much of necessity you found it to be. I am a natural when it comes to regular fly casting but the timing on the double haul is something that i need to work on a lot more. also been trying to perfect the tongariro roll cast..
  12. that would explain it. I was targeting juveniles in the mangroves near isla blanca...the big ones are out to sea. Mind you juveniles are 15 pounds of complete fury.
  13. I honestly didnt see a bear my first 10 years in PAB...ive seen 6 in the last two years. ill point out that these are not trouble bears, these are bears in the bush in their natural habitat that are curious or most likely can smell the fish that have slimed my boat and are coming down for a peek. Elk is another great one. i have been hearing that elk population is exploding.
  14. by dictionary definition Drunk is - (noun) Someone who is intoxicated - (noun) a chronic drinker chronic drinker implies addiction.
  15. you ever seen a drunk going through physical withdrawal? Its not pretty. Theres a big difference between jonesing and being physically ill, breaking out in a sweat and shaking uncontrollably. Thats not habitual. see a person going through opiate withdrawal...you can literally die. Your statement is kind of messed up.
  16. good point grimsby of course this is all just talk, i really dont have an opinion except for the fact that I am glad to see them back. Call me crazy...but the reductions of pesticides, the addition of hunting regulations, the idea of conservation is doing wonders to improve animal numbers and their natural habitat...maybe not so much in the GTA where we are growing at an absurd rate, but being in the bush and on the lake weekly for the past 15 years I have noticed a significant incline in the numbers of wildlife I am witnessing. Specifically in areas where humans had ruined or poisoned the native species habitat. The first 10 years in PAB i never saw a bald eagle, now they are everywhere. We now have wolves frequenting our area, the fishing volume and size has been on a constant incline and this past winter we even found tracks from a lynx.
  17. if a dead cougar was worth $100,000 to the local "medicine" shops would you still think so? ive seen folks do a lot crazier ish for a lot less.
  18. well done, I know that the next time i get down there I am saving my nickles for another excursion myself. Did you hook into any tarpon? I had 2 on and obviously lost both.
  19. ughhhh this is friggin heart breaking. its not worth risking your own life to save a random dogs as horrible as it is. You made the right decision by taking your safety into consideration first. The first thing you learn when taking First aid is to conduct a scene assesment to ensure that you are at no risk of personal harm.
  20. you sir, are a much smarter man than I. what a life
  21. Lollll when can we get tags for the endangered species hunt!? i can already see the trophy hunters licking their chops. and measuring another part of their body in the hopes it has grown a millimeter. thats another debate...we need to be doing everything we can now that we have proof that they exist to protect this species. Weve done our job ruining the population, now its our job to steward them back. Chris, the reason for the MNR's denial is rumored to be that by denying reports of locations and sightings they can protect this vulnerable species from poachers. the last thing the MNR wants is to confirm that there is a cougar from manitoulin and then jimbo and his crew of flunkies runs up to manitoulin in the hopes of selling cougar teeth for boner medicine at dundas and spadina.
  22. Theres OFC stickers? thats actually pretty cool, id throw one on the Ram
  23. looks like i might be picking one of these bad boys up.
  24. cheers ohio...and my bad! Not memphis...nashville...got my country music mixed up with my Elvis Presley Thanks for the article Bill...funny enough ive already gone over all of those spots on the navionics web app and have them marked lol.
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