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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. If that was you that launched out of Forans on Saturday morning then that was me in the bass boat ripping around there... The wind was absolutely nuts ripping from the south. I went out maybe 500 yards off shore to test the boat out and there was already a 3 foot chop rolling. Was great for testing out the new boat in though!. A warning to anyone launching out of Forans, a sand bar has formed at the entrance to the marina, water wasnt much more than a foot deep. I ended up bumping the sand with my outboard in a bass boat. If you have a big draft you could end up stuck on the hump there.
  2. I call total Bull on the "oh i wasnt aware" you do realize that when you are the CEO of a large corporation, when your company breaks the law you are legally responsible for your business...as such the owner deserves to be charged. The "i didnt know" excuse doesnt matter...did you commit the crime of leaving garbage on the ice? Yes...therefore you should be charged.
  3. Hey guys, I had plan to boat out of Humber bay boat launch this weekend but the forecast has taken an absolute turn for the worst. Lake O now has a gale warning out with waves building up to 2 meters tomorrow. Plan B looks like launching somewhere out of the south end of the lake. I know that the launches down there close up for the winter. Can anyone guide me to an open launch somewhere between Burlington and Niagara Falls? let me know what you guys have got! Thanks!
  4. humber bay boat launch...ill probably be off the water late morning though, apparently they are calling for 80kmh winds....efff that...unfortuntaely thats probably when the best fishing of the day will be...but 18 foot boats and 80kmh great lakes winds dont mix. https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/region_map.html click on the lake you wanna see its every day
  5. The OP asked about whether there was any open water near simcoe for pike...I pointed out that Zone 20 closes Saturday hence, theres a great opportunity to fish for some big pike this weekend. I mentioned to keep an eye out for me and give me a wave. Its always good to meet other OFCers
  6. need to find me one of these big girls this weekend! Nicely done!
  7. This bureaucratic Bull is friggin stupid i did it through this webpage using the transfer form....https://www.pcl-pep.snbservices.ca/1001/PubWeb/Application.aspx?lang=en-CA I hope i did the right thing, you basically need a lawyer to figure it out. So stupid. Lape...you do have transfer the boat license to yourself.
  8. why the hell are we so soft on this kinda crap. Like dude built a false floor into his fifth wheel to assist him in poaching in a foreign country? All we do is fine him? what the hell! take his passport, never let him back in the damn country. 10,000 bucks? and he lied to the officers? How are there not criminal charges being pressed. God we are soft on this kinda crap...thats why it keeps happening.
  9. lol lots of folks agreeing that they wouldnt go to wasaga...(i friggin dispise that place and the douchebaggery that goes on there)
  10. something about getting 100pts Us leaf fans are friggin shell shocked from the years of misery...does anyone really realize just how friggin good this team actually is. The great debate right now...who would you rather face Boston or Tampa Im going with Boston. I understand that Boston plays a big heavy game and has experience, but they are not the Boston Bruins of 2014 anymore, they are old and slow. When you try play big and heavy like Nashville does with the leafs...well look what happened.
  11. sounds like someone is either going ice fishing...(you are insane) Or to a honey hole...and if so, send your GPS coordinates thanks.
  12. im pretty sure everything is wide open...maybe a little ice in the very back channels but aside from that she looks pretty ice free. I spoke with the harbor master today on the phone to get my harbor license and he seemed to imply that I would be travelling through the back channels and warned me that they are not currrently fully marked because its so early in the season. If you see me out there give me a wave.
  13. sorry...i meant Saturday what the heck am i saying anyways...ill be in the skeeter bass boat out around the islands.
  14. seems like you are cut out for fly fishing lol
  15. zone 20 Pike closes on Friday...maybe consider that? If so, see you out there
  16. Definitely not a drive to be made with family or kids or anything of that sort. Its my 3 best friends in a truck for 15 hours...not really a bad time cause the company is good. Typically its no different than sitting around a campfire for that long. only thing we dont got is beers, the snacks, food and jokes are all plentiful. the drive from ohio to pointe au baril seems worse!
  17. thats quite the feed of slabs holy cow
  18. This The salmon fishery has also gone to turd on Gbay in recent years. The alewife collapse has done a serious number on the salmon... Serious question...coming from Quebec, if this is your first time coming here to camp, is there any particular reason you chose wasaga beach? As a heads up, Wasaga is quiet literally a party town on the lake. Lots of young people partying hard, drinking etc etc. Its not exactly what I would consider a place for a nice relaxing fishing and camping vacation. In the summer time think "spring break" Maybe thats what you and the girlfriend are into? but it sure doesnt seem like it? May i much more highly recommend a large campground like Killbear? Absolutely stunning scenery, a fantastic beach, incredible fishing for everything from laketrout to pike bass and walleye and boating, in a much more laid back environment?
  19. really cool to see walleye that far up river almost like a trout or salmon.
  20. i need to get a motor cover for sure. Ill probably buy a pool noodle and cover the windshield and trolling motor to try and avoid wear on the cover. Some great info here!
  21. lol offseason, offseason consists of working on the boat last weekend instead of fishing to get it ready to go fishing this weekend lol
  22. the overhead is insane...pouring led is also not good for you at all. You are better off just buying high quality hooks and jigs...i.e. owner...and taking care of your stuff making sure it is dry when you put it away. get a good hook sharpener and take care of your stuff and you will come out on top IMO. My buddies got into making jigs and their stuff was just ugly compared to owner or the like.
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