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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. seeing if I can get something worked out....
  2. I would say it is the inverter.. as I ran a large shopvac off mine to blow up air mattresses etc!
  3. well hopefully however you are seeing it... you are seeing it!! G
  4. lets hope someone is broadcasting it.... G.
  5. yup I will be on veetle!
  6. I pretty much grew up on St.John... spending countless summers there with my family... I was there when Soap was discharged into the lake.. it was not pretty... while I did not witness any die-offs as a result, there was foam washing up on shore for months. My families property was located directly across the lake from the soap plant. While there are pickeral in the lake, pike are more abundant. G
  7. <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
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  9. Only took 3 years Mike! He only went so I would stop bugging him! LOL overall the fishing was slooooooow.... with not many fish being marked.. we tried all over the place at different depths and structure.. it just seemed as though the fish were not there! I am sure the water levels have alot to do with it... but there are other factors as well.. Joe, I have two as well! As always a great time was had by all, and I was happy to see Chris FINALLY took me up on my countless offers... I dont think he will pass up again no matter how sore his neck is lol! we have a way to numb the pain.. dont we Chris? *gulp* Thank for doing up the report Will. G
  10. Sometimes slowing down can be even worse then keeping on plane.. as when you slow you push alot of water and create an even larger wake... I am not saying what this guy did was right, I am just saying sometimes it is safer for those in smaller boats to keep on going.. G
  11. I caught a few this weekend off the dock... in fact I joked I should have been fishing for them!! seeing as how I could not land a pickeral for the life of me.. (tough fishing!!!!) But the green trout wanted to play... it seemed We had a few discussions about the seasons and the spawning habits of bass.. and I will leave it at that for now, for fear of starting a war. Anyways I put the xrap i had success with pike last year away for the remainder of the trip.. as the Bass were nuts for it! But I did see a boat intentionally targeting Bass... warm shallows tossing spinner baits.. we agreed that was his target species.. anyways, had another amazing long weekend.. and I am bush wacked... Lemons had ALOT to do with it! PS... I HAVE TWO! G
  12. http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/16-products-they-only-sell-at-chinese-walmarts/ G.
  13. So I am heading up to Nipissing tomorrow in the early AM.... and it never fails! I get to worked up to sleep! Little butterflies in the stomach, thinking about the big one.. Am I alone in this? I feel as though I am on edge, and have this odd feeling about me.. jesus I get excited about fishing trips like these... So tell me am I alone? G
  14. lose the leader.. it kills the action of your baits. when I fish pike I do not like to be in the slop... but I rather be on the weed edge. As this tends to be where the fish "bunch" up... open water ahead to ambush their prey.. give it a shot! what do you have to lose. G
  15. I think it is a penalty box of his own choosing... best to leave sleeping "dawgs" lay... so to speak.. I am sure it is not the last we have seen of him.. G
  16. Last I heard he and Sugarpacket split or something (he or she mentioned it here) and one of them moved down east .... that was last year I think? He seemed like a nice enough kid..
  17. looking good Lew! Is that Clear Lake across the road from you that I am seeing in the pics?
  18. Nipissing, on Friday morning
  19. LOL! this house was huge! extremely modern.. all the floor were light weight concrete.. it has been in a number of ads and commercials! they thought it would reduce costs.. but given the windows it hindered it! My link
  20. seems a bit odd.. normally at least from what I have seen is the water is pumped to manifolds and distributed throughout the house... unless there is a heatpump involved as well I suppose exchanging the heated water to heated air.. I would be interested in seeing this system So where abouts are you moving?
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