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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Gotta say that attic window looks sweet! Nice report boys, looks like a good time was had. G
  2. Yes, save it as a word file ( it is an option) I have used open office for years on my Mac with zero issues. G
  3. Getting hammered here in Brighton... G
  4. Sounds to me like the limit switch is being tripped. Seen this myself with my own opener, and solved this issue several times for others all because of the same issue... Springs over time become weaker, adding more force against the door. Adjust your limit "switches" or adjust your spring( add a couple turns) Should solve your issue. G
  5. Keep an eye on kijiji.... You never know G
  6. Tried it... Did not work for me. Seems I have a super mole that does not like gum.
  7. Given the amount of damage and the time of year I am going to try and smoke them/kill them I picked up some smoke bombs that supposedly kills them, if smoking them does not work I'm going to have to order some mole traps and try that. Thanks everyone for their replies. G
  8. Thank you! After doing a bit of research it appears I have a mole or two making all these mounds. As voles apparently do not make mounds? So the moles are after grubs and not the grass roots? So many different theories out there it is confusing. G
  9. Thanks for the advice. Being the "whateveritis" are digging up my front lawn there is little there in terms of sheds etc... They seem to be loving the ditch on my front property, I will take some pics in the morning and post them here. We have a pest control company at work.... Perhaps I can swing a deal if I can't do it myself. Thanks for the reply Edit to add... Perhaps it's the culverts under the driveways of all my neighbours driveways they like? It would be difficult to convince my neighbours to allow me to block them off G
  10. In my situation I know it is a burrowing critter, as I could see dirt being pushed out of one of the holes I raked out... So whatever it is, is underground. I pulled back a patch of grass yesterday and was able to put half the rake handle into the hole! Seems like large holes for a small little vole. And a lot of dirt moved in one day for such a small creature. Any advice short of blowing up my front lawn is appreciated G
  11. How did the battle with the moles work? Did you find a solution? I ask because I am now doing battle on my front lawn with them.... I wake up in the morning and find large mounds of soil appear from nowhere... After raking to mounds out I found holes.... Next morning more mounds! Very frustrating.... G
  12. I have lived in caledonia, I have seen first hand the lawlessness that occurs there. The OPP does nothing, the native police do nothing, the government does nothing. They do what they want how they want. Put the six nations reserve in your backyard.... And those that are standing up for them might be singing a different tune..... Unless of course your a contractor who was just doing his job at a construction site nearby only to have his face beaten in where he is no longer recognizable... All for doing his job. Or a elementary school put on lock down because of gun fire... Highways shutdown down because the keepers of our land were burning tires in the middle of them... I'm sorry but the so called natives of canada have earned this reputation by their own accord, by their own actions. So long as there is a reserve system the natives will never be part of main stream society... It's impossible. G
  13. I'm sorry sir but you are incorrect. Not everything is made in china, Infact most juice is not.
  14. Brian as for the harshness or as vapers call it "throat hit" variable voltage units help control this. The lower the voltage the less "throat hit" G
  15. I have a good friend who is in the e-cig business. He is not just a reseller but actually makes the liquids, you would be surprised just how little is actually in the liquid. VG 99.9% USP Food grade Kosher Certified Vegetable Based (GMO free, and allergen free) PG 99.9% USP Food grade Kosher Flavourings Nicotine Hope this helps. G
  16. You bet it is. Which is why insurance companies want you postal code and the method in which it Is parked.... Garage, driveway etc
  17. Nice report and once again mike comes to help out! Kudos mike. Happen to have any pics of your trip? G
  18. Yup dealt with them for the same issue as mentioned tail dancer lips separating while on vacation lost 4 lures.... Nothing but the lip left. When I received an email back from them they also included their general council in the reply.. Needless to say they were not going to help me. It was then I decided I would avoid buying their products as much as possible. G
  19. Having lived right next to the reserve.... I am certainly not surprised. That said your BIL made it easy by leaving the keys in the bike. Most crimes are of opportunity.... Which this was. G
  20. I did caledonia to Vaughan for over two years.... I feel your pain!
  21. I live in brighton and commute to belleville. I too am now a shift worker for the past two years. 12 hr shifts allow me a lot of time off. I work 14-15 days a month not including overtime. The commute for me is between 35-45 minutes... Depending on traffic. But it seems this stretch is a magnet for issues on the 401... The highway is two lanes here, nutcases doing 140 and truckers doing 105... Make for strange bedfellows all jockeying for position to be the first stuck behind the other.... It's madness.. Add winter weather into this mix and well it leads to multiple closures.... Meaning my short commute can take hours.. Looking to move closer to work within the next couple of years. Away from the 401 corridor. .
  22. On my peppers no... As u want them soft and not crunchy, the brine was poured in hot, and then water bathed for ten minutes. Not sure how broccoli and cauliflower would turn out, but they are also hard crunchy veggies.... Maybe try a small batch both ways?
  23. Nice haul of veg there! I just did a bunch of pickled cayenne peppers I use this for the brine.. 6 cups water 2 cups white vinegar (5% acid) 2 tablespoons kosher or canning salt Throw in some peppercorns Bring to a boil. Add a few cloves of garlic to each sterile jar. You may notice I did not add pickling spices.... I want my hot peppers to taste like hot peppers... Not pickles G
  24. Well my name is my name with an added "t" it is considered the Canadian way of spelling Gerrit, which is a dutch name, and it seems everyone wants to spell it with two T's..... So I have two R's, two T's and two A's ( in my last name).... My name get butchered pretty badly by most... So yeah I was not drunk enough to have any creativity, and chose my name.. G
  25. When I said rent a boat, I was referring to a charter
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