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Everything posted by Tdel

  1. I have caught white perch near the coal dock in Midland (Severn Sound, Georgian Bay). When I caught the White Perch at first I thought it was a small Silver Bass (White Bass) but the colours weren't right. The White Perch was silver with a yellowish tint. It was without the definite black horizontal stripes on the sides. Silver Bass are exactly that ..... very bright and silver with the dark horizontal stripes, they have no yellow tint at all. Tom
  2. On the news today they said that all electronics were proposed to be banned. I guess we shouldn't check the dashboard cluster for speed, engine temp, outside temp, oil, rpm, fuel level, mileage, etc, etc, etc, it is too distracting. Might as well remove it. Government should also take away all the controls on the steering column too, along with the all radios especially the ones with text information, cd, mp3 players etc. People misuse these devices by not paying attention to the road and spending too much time playing with their toys. What makes the premier think that making it illegal will improve their driving. That seems to be the problem with our governments. Most of the time, instead of addressing the issues they just lump everything in together and ban it all. The people who normally follow the law will try to follow the law and the ones who are causing the problem will continue doing what they were doing before the ban. I am sure all the lobbyists and politicians will feel much better for doing what they do the best>>>>>> Going over board creating new laws that won't correct the problem and only cause aggravation for the law abiding public. Tom
  3. I agree with ccmt. I bought the Canadian Tire Nordic's for my Toyota Matrix last year when they were on sale and I am satisfied with them. I wanted to get the Michelin X-Ice because of better reviews but the price was around $192/tire without rims. I saved a bundle on the Nordics which also had good reviews. All season tires just don't cut it when the going gets tough in winter. Tom.
  4. Results are in ................. HOAX, SCAM, Whatever you want to call it. 96% Opossum and some human dna. Tom.
  5. I got mine. Thank you T.J. Tom.
  6. I just voted and had no problems. Try again MrEh if it says you have to wait then your votes went in, if it lets you vote then they didn't. Tom
  7. Outlaw, Why would you not buy a Canadian made vehicle? I own a Toyota and I did! Tom
  8. Google seems to give info that would identify this as a Silver pike. A pike mutation. I have never heard of a silver pike but I am pretty sure I have seen one when I was in my teens. Tom
  9. Bump
  10. Musky Mike, they were actually extensions that weren't compatible with Fire Fox 3. Tiny Url Creator was one of them and Avg Security Toolbar/ Avg Search. Clipmarks was another one that wasn't compatible. Right now the only one's that are still not compatible is Avg Security toolbar & Avg Search. The others have been update since my last post on this subject. I decided to stay with Fire Fox 3 and not go back to 2. Wild, I like ADP too. Tom
  11. Looks like you beat me to the punch freshwaterfanatic. I should read a little more carefully. Tom
  12. You should be reading Greencoachdog's posts more often. Tom
  13. I too will never buy a ford. I bought a brand new 1990 F150. This was my first new vehicle and the last with Ford. The tutone paint was starting to peel so I contacted Ford and told them I wasn't happy because the paint was peeling. It took a while but they set up a meeting with the dealer who were going to do a tape test on the truck. They decided they would re-paint the center grey colour but not the outer red even though the red paint was falling off too. The grey was coming off in big chunks and the red paint was falling off in little pieces. Within 6 months the grey was showing rust where there wasn't any before the re-paint. Where the red paint was missing and they didn't re-paint, there was no rust at all. I also had 3 recalls for items to be fixed. The oil gauge then started bouncing around and I took it in to the dealer. They said the motor was done and I would need a new one. Cost would be $3600. I had never driven the truck hard and always changed the oil. The truck was 7 years old with 50,000 km's on it when the oil gauge started acting up. Then the cruise control stopped working, gas tank leaked etc etc. Never again!!!! Tom Maybe stuff like this is why the big three are having problems now. Funny how companies can have the don't care attitude until the whole company is at risk of going under, then they scramble for their lives.
  14. It is indeed a very nice picture. I love those type of shots. Tom.
  15. Nice pictures Kawartha Kev. I like all the bright colors contrasting with the dark. Great shots. Tom
  16. Yep, you can charge the Panasonic R2's on regular NI-MH chargers. Tom.
  17. CAA does have discounts for various attractions including the Toronto Zoo. There is a discount of 10% but you have to be a member. Twilight here is the link you were trying to show. ParcSafari Tom
  18. Mattk, the name to look for is Joey Cambridge. 14th now Joey, good luck. Tom.
  19. Your welcome dielan123, First of all I would like to welcome you to OFC. After I saw your post I thought I would reply to you and give an update on the Panasonic NI-MH R2 batteries. I still think they are great!!! and worth the money I spent. I don't have any more lost "Kodak moments". Since my last post on this thread in Dec/07, I pulled the camera out in Feb 08 and took a few winter shots and put it away again without charging it. I checked the batteries in May and took a few shots with no indication of low battery charge. Finally in June I pulled the camera out and put the batteries in to check the charge and they were dead. Almost 9 months without charging them. WOW! I have never had batteries last more than 2 or three weeks without a charge whether I take pictures or not. I have re-charged them for the second time in June/08. I went to a bbq get together yesterday for my brother in laws birthday and took about 25 pictures. Now to see how long the charge last this time. Tom.
  20. My first car was a 1952 ford 2 door coupe. Good thing my brother taught me how to drive a standard in his Morris Minor before he sold me the ford. Of course I had to pay him for the lessons. Tom.
  21. The musky is light-colored with dark vertical bars, no scales on the lower part of its gill plate, and has 6 or more sensory pores on each side of its lower jaw. Muskies also have pointed caudal, pelvic, and pectoral fins. The northern pike is dark-colored with light spots, has scales on the lower part of its gill plate, and has 6 or less pores on each side of its lower jaw. Pikes also have rounded caudal, pelvic, and pectoral fins. The tiger musky has irregular light vertical markings on a dark background, 5-7 pores on each side of its lower jaw, and scales on the lower part of the gill plate. The picture that you have posted makes me think it is a pike also. Tom
  22. Version 3 is nice and fast. Only problem I have is that all but one of my add-on's are not compatible with version 3.0. Don't know if I am going to keep 3 or go back to 2. Tom
  23. Deano, I am using firefox and haven't had any problems seeing fisher girl's art or photo's. Tom
  24. Very nice Dan. I like the colours and dark clouds with the mirror image. Bracketing seems to make some pictures look that much better. Tom
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