OKay, so I have a shot at the Bay of Quinte again this year, and decided this would be a good excuse to go buy more crankbaits. Grabbed an assortment of lures, and am now equipped with Reef Runner Deep Runners, Shad Raps, Live Targets, Minnow Raps, Dives-to raps, Trolls-to raps, and probably more stuff that I forgot I had.
I've enjoyed using my leadcore setup this summer with spoons for the lakers, and figure I should be able to put it to use with the crankbaits...however...I'm wondering how to account for the depth I'll ultimately run at.
I've been doing some research online, and am undecided on whether or not the lures will go deeper than they're supposed to because of the leadcore, or will just run at the depth the leadcore says they should be (ie. 5-7' per colour)
Does anybody on here troll crankbaits on their leadcore? I'd love to know if you notice a difference when running a shallow running lure vs. a deep diver, and how long of a leader you run.
Thanks in advance!