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capt bruce

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Everything posted by capt bruce

  1. A woman and a man are involved in a car accident; it's a bad one. Both of their cars are totally demolished but amazingly neither of them are hurt. After they crawl out of their cars, the woman says, "So you're a man, that's interesting. I'm a woman. Wow, just look at our cars! There's nothing left, but fortunately we are unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days." Flattered, the man replied, "Oh yes, I agree with you completely!" "This must be a sign from God!" The woman continued, "And look at this, here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished but this bottle of moonshine didn't break. Surely God wants us to drink this moonshine and celebrate our good fortune." Then she hands the bottle to the man, The man nods his head in agreement, opens it and drinks half the bottle and then hands it back to the woman. The woman takes the bottle, immediately puts the cap back on, and hands it back to the man. The man asks, "Aren't you having any?" The woman replies, "No. I think I'll just wait for the police..."
  2. Aroura Trout to Carp , TJ you got them covered , another great site , keep it up . Now what you gonna come up with , cant wait to see ...
  3. For the price , I would jump on it , you can just about smoke anything in there , go for it ..
  4. One of my fav movies of all time , gold hat was the guys name if i remember right.
  5. If it gots wings Im sure irish can fly it , sure would help getting to work in morning along the gardener parking lot , I would just soar over it all , lol
  6. Irish good to see pics of the daughter smileing , with great parents like she has , even with this terrible disease she has lots to be happy about , my wife has suffered from this since the birth of our first child and if I could change places with her I would , cant explain if you have never seen how much they suffer ,on a good day my wife 5' 10" and weighes 90 pounds. Right now with an infusion every 6 weeks after 3 bowel resections (cost of meds 6,000 , with 2,000 dollar clinic fee every 6 weeks), thank god I have a good job with great insurence,she gets by , but would not wish this on my worst enemy . If you can give to this cause , they need to find a cure.
  7. Bill like most things goverment , its there but not not so easy to find lol , glad I could be some help , finde the district office in the area you want and give them a call , maybe because its not so easy to get their numbers ,they are very helpfull and will shoot the breeze with you and give you all the help you need , I fish the elliot lake area alot for trout and the district office there has helped me in finding loggong road access etc. to many unfished well stocked lakes . tight lines B
  8. I used to guide on rice lake and the americans used to come up with their 10 meter poles with 20 feet of 20 pound line a float and hook with worm or maggot , float goes down lift pole swing into boat take off fish rebait and back into the weeds it goes , no reel , at first I thought they were nuts but it works . They allways out fished me with my rod and reel , dont knock it if it works . but not my kind of fishing etch to their own ..
  9. Sounds to me like you got a bad case of pole envy.
  10. Heres where I started " http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsFish/2ColumnSubPage/STEL02_165904.html " .. I have allways found people at the district offices very helpfull . good luck
  11. Terry ,did you not read the "I TRUST THIS ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS" part ,lol
  12. nice ride dude but you should be getting more speed , change of prop is in order but great ride , to quote my friend brian DROOL and double drool with a little "why did I have 5 kids" lol if you ever get lonely and need some company CALL ME ....
  13. Like my granddaddy used to say "better to fart and feel the shame , than hold it in and feel the pain" blllllluuuuu who cut the cheese
  14. My grandfather and father and uncles all talk of great trips in the day for these beautiful fish I never got the chance , and when TJ asked for pictures I remember some old ones my dad would show , my mother has them or they went into the past , but I remember tales of full stringers and trout that tasted even better than they looked , sorry TJ I didnt turn up any . So I have allways had a place in my heart for these fish and wanted my son and I to share what my grandfather and his had . When I found out these fish were no longer available I did lots of looking around to find out what went wrong , as im sure TJ has , and that has led him to create this site honoring this fish . for all the science on these fish see here .. hope this helps King ...http://www.brooktrout.ca/aurora-trout.pdf . Again thanks TJ for giveing these fish a place on the net ... B
  15. Bill Im with you ,You cannot fish for these guys in the two lakes that they originally found in , you can only fish in the stocked lakes (the 9 lakes that now have established populations)and only 3 are opened in any year , the pressure is gonna be very limited Im sure the mnr has thought this out and to make it sound as if your going on a whopping crane hunt , is way out of line . Remember Canada geese were in the same dire straights and now you cant walk near the water with out slipping in goo , commorants were rare at one time etc. etc. I think its great these fish are back and see nothing wrong with fishing them NOW that they are healthy again .
  16. AHHH Yes Roy the gentle aroma of beer and eggs ,
  17. Good luck TJ a chance at a trophy of a life time , few since the 1950's can say they did it , but with my luck I would catch a little 10 incher on my first cast and than thats me done , not even a good meal lol let alone a wall mounter.
  18. There is no multi catch-&-release because of the high mortality rate of released fish. We can't have people catch-&-release 50 Aurora Trout in a day only to have half of them die. That would defeat the purpose of having any regulations in the first place. Aurora Trout are a deep-water fish during the heat of the summer, especially in August, but when brought to the surface, they don't burp out air like a Lake Trout. As a result, their internal organs get bruised or even rupture thus 50% of Aurora Trout would die if released. Also, you are catching them 50 feet deep in 50-degree water and then trying to release them in 85-degree water on the surface. They also suffer from temperature shock. . The safest way to fish for Aurora Trout is on the surface and the best time is late summer and early fall. They will come to the surface late in the evening, early in the morning or on a rainy day in August if it is unusually cool out. By September they should be easily taken on the surface with a fly, which is a safe time to catch them.But as I said we planned a trip for this rare fish but allways cancalled when we had no plan B lake to go to if we were lucky enough to get one fast as from T.O. to anyone of the three lakes opened that yaer it was a long drive for one fish , T.J. you are alot closer , but I will settle for pictures and just go brook trout fishing somewhere like the elliot lake area , easy to get to and if you chack the stocking lists lots of lumber roads to lakes full of fish .
  19. There has been some confusion about NO MULTI-CATCH & RELEASE. There are additional regulations pertaining to Aurora Trout under the Endangered Species Act. You are allowed to catch one (1) Aurora Trout per day. You can keep it or let it go but that's it. No more fishing for the rest of the day on that lake. If you do keep the trout, you must eat it to be able to fish the next day. If you give the trout to friends, you cannot fish on that lake until they eat the trout because legally it's still the trout that you caught.
  20. nice looking site , lots of great content . as for fishing for these guys the rules are one fish NO catch and release , first fish you catch you hace to keep and than stop fishing , what if you get one on your first cast , long drive for one cast lol . but great looking fish and a great story of their come back .
  21. For eyes im a big fan of the chapleau area for fly-ins ,but solo is the guy if you want help he will set you up , pm him .
  22. Kevin posts here some times I believe hes the guy who would know .Check out the Nungesser Lake posts and ask him .I remember he was her camera guy and the rumors were (are) that they ran off into the northern sunset to live the good life , as I said ask Kevin ..
  23. Mitchell mooching reels, I have 6 sets with 13 foot fenwick med action rigger sticks , when we go out to the depths 350 + feet in the summer (middle of july the best )and troll the top 20 feet for bows , I pull these out for the experenced guys , 10 pound big game and I try to stop boat for most fish. one on one no gear ration in your favor , makes for fun fun fun , palm the reel for extra drag , much rather do this than drag them in with 20 pound braid heavy rod and drown them on the surface with the boat and high gear ration reel . Only trouble with the mitchells are the drag disks ,I learned to lightly oil them with some thin gear oil as they heated up on long runs and seized up , a little oil did the trick and most of the reels i have are over 10 years old ,but in the biggining before the oil I seized up a few, new drag disks and all was well . Great way to fish .
  24. Hope you dropped a few dollars into the site , for your Advertising .
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