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2 tone z71

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Everything posted by 2 tone z71

  1. damm that Quinte is loaded with them hogs eh great catch
  2. HAHAHAHA LOVE IT ,probable the worlds slowest boat as well with that choked up 5 star emissions Etec on there,great vid I gotta save this one
  3. cant get to the pics ,you cant post them on here ?? Photobuckets your friend
  4. great thanks, I had the swampers on my last bike and with the front diff locked you start looking like Popeye at the end of your ride,im gonna try tre zillas thanks Bernie better luck with the deer
  5. Bernie great pics there wasent many swamp donkies taken here this yr either weather related,off topic are those Mudzillas on your Can Am id love to get a set wondering how they perform
  6. save your money and buy a real boat would be my tip lol
  7. if im hungry im eating nuff said lol
  8. John ya ever get lonely in that boat im only a PM away
  9. umm thats some nice equipment I havent bought lures in 6 months ,good luck out there
  10. yes if it has an OMC verticle drive on it RUN ,dont look back ,if its got a Mercruiser or Volvo your ok they where a decent small lil package
  11. I had 35 BFG ats on my chevy they couldent balance them they also cracked in between the lugs in the first yr,My crew cab has 22s with Yokohama MTR rubber they seem to be a good tire they ,the stock Generals are crap ,if I where you and you stated it already id spend the dough and get the michelins best ride and handling outta all them
  12. why would ya stick with a LC you need SNOW to cool the LC sometimes ya have poor conditions you can run a fan anytime you can let a fan sit and idle for hours if needed you cant let your LC sit there long or it will start to overheat,LCs are great and superior in there application
  13. pull off the flame arrestor and spray thru the carb
  14. anybody else get snow still getting snow
  15. love it great package I am looking for a Ranger myself ,congrats again sehs a beaut
  16. I know the Commercial fisherman here are getting them now out on the shoals
  17. read the pack once do the starter rows yourself have others finsih off the runs there will be no problem,if I was closer id do it for you no problem
  18. those are not hard to put on bud,start reading the directions 10 off 20 off 30 off full shingle just have one guy starting all the way so he dont screw up his stagger and loose pattern and your golden ,the first roof I did with those shingles I hated them and my Boss but after doing about 10 there alot nicer looking and longer lasting
  19. get some star bright bottom cleaner or slimy grimy its the only stuff that will take off that scum and make the boat look new ,Its pretty much Acid based
  20. Nice I love it great pics nice fish
  21. Dammit I was heading to the fridge to make a Sammie too,oh well ,want a job to keep ya in shape become a contractor haha Mike holmes,nothing wrong with working out,I wouldent go the Gym membership trainer route ,id get some freeweights a bench walk lots and drink tons of water
  22. WOW those are some awesome Bass congrats
  23. well theres this way But I took notice to the yr of the engine yeah cheapers better on a 25 + yr ole engine ,a replacement head with proper plug threads is the right way to fix it ,helicoils is a backyard hack fix in my book,to each there own
  24. well a helicoil isint excatly the right way
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