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2 tone z71

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Everything posted by 2 tone z71

  1. well the Marinas in Pointe au Baril are fetching $90-100 hr ,there may be a hidden fee due to it being 35 yrs old and they are afraid of what may break, not come apart, can of worms they may open ,get your self some seals and a manual and do it yourself its not difficult
  2. King Starboard is very ridgid and easy to use I would NOT use it on a transom thou stick to your regular plywood for that have your priced a sheet of Starboard yet,I have a feeling you will be using standard boat building materials on the ole girl
  3. dammm G if I was closer and WANTED to live in the city, I know up here there paying us good money to stay around
  4. sweet ,I came across some big buggers driving from Ignace to T bay @ back every night for a month a few yrs ago any idea what that monster weighs
  5. hahaha wow ,nothings free in life, dont stress it support your local lil tackle shop they remember you
  6. mmmm moose meat if they put her down get ya some
  7. well if your loading her down heavy get a 50 60 hp max
  8. hahaha no no I cant say it lol
  9. Yep Yamaha or Suzuki 4 stroke you wont be buying another for a VERY long time
  10. Have a good one Lew
  11. why give them 3 strikes first offence no more license ever ,they crash and kill someone ,Murder it is off to jail you go you will have all the time ya need to sober up,our goverment is unfortuantly out of touch
  12. hello again French River eh ,we may have to hit the water next year,ill see ya Thursday night
  13. yep High lifter Snorkel kit,my Hondas FAR from stock
  14. yeah wasent to bad both needed a pull once
  15. my buddies not so glory shot all in all a fun afternoon
  16. my pride in joy in her glory back on my buds farm land the not so glory shot hahah
  17. great sleds handle very nice and reliable,quick as well ,nice Fat boy ?? over in the corner
  18. I watched that Lew on the History channel the other night,great story
  19. great looking pair of Dogs man love em
  20. beautifull fish wow what a day
  21. judging by the graphics ive gotta say 88-89
  22. ahhh for once I agree and wouldent have wrote it any different
  23. Monsters man great walleye pics
  24. amen the mans right on the money here
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