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Everything posted by SuperDave

  1. The photos aren't huge, but the fish you catch are!
  2. A friend of mine fished Thames river yesterday ( wed) caught 3 muskie trolling. 2 40's and a 45". If you haven't been, expect a real $hit show on sunday because 10000 other anglers are headed there as well. Including me lol. Launch at Jeanettes creek if you can find parking. I'm launching out of Belle River, if I can find parking lol. The muskie bite is on!!
  3. I believe the officer did what he thought was best with the info. he was given. I also believe they didn't want to shoot in case they missed. It's an unfortunate incident.
  4. Check your trailer ..... period!! My first trailer had several "near breakdowns" that by the grace of someone higher up, never happened. Lost 1/2 of the leaf springs on a trip home and a cross support just hanging by a thread another time. Got home both times before noticing
  5. LOL so true. Great post!
  6. Spent a lot of time on the Moon River Basin. Toughest muskie fishing around IMO. But, they are in there. Try fishing Blackstone Harbour. There are resident fish there. Its not a large area, and there's a big reef right smack dab in the middle. Try big spinnerbaits in white. Caught my only muskie out of Blackstone on that. Took a friend of mine there, told him how tough the fishing was, he caught a 43'er within 1/2 hr of our arrival LOL. As for the rest of the area, get a good map because you can get lost. Or maybe its on a chip now? Been too long....
  7. Been through this stuff enough to know you can't trust anyone. When I drive 401 or 400 and stop for food I always take all loose ends (tackle boxes, rods, and especially electronics ) off my rig and lock them in my truck. My boat is stored out of sight and also locked in the garage at home. Our family lost 1 boat/motor right from the dock and 1 motor right out of our driveway. Sucks that you lost your boat.
  8. I have fished alone many times. I personally think it makes me fish smarter. The feeling of accomplishment when you catch and release a big muskie is like no other. A bit of a fire drill sometimes, but worth it. Being able to launch/load with no assistance is a great way to hone your trailering skills. Used to go to places like the Moon River and sleep in the back of my truck 2 nights. Nothing else like it.
  9. You were wrong. As weird as it seems when you come across these ancient techniques, some guys still rely on them. Seen it many times and asked myself the same thing... do I pick that up? The verbal barriage was not necessary especially in front of the young guy. Don't lose sleep over it though. Lesson learned.
  10. Nothing like ruining some pristine settings with a noisy dirt bike lol. Very cool footage though.
  11. We didn't fare too well trouble finding fish. Did manage a few good size ones and several on topwater, my favourite way to catch 'em. All fish caught 3-8ft.
  12. was at Crystal Beach wed. water is clear.
  13. I have the same storm suit. Just another example of hype imo. Get some big name to push it and watch it sell,sell,sell ! Mine also didn't stand up to a heavy rain a couple years back. I haven't used Nikwax yet, but apparently that will help.
  14. The Crystal Beach launch can be a real poop show. If you get there really early, you are ok. My experience on Erie in east winds is rather poor. Really struggled to catch fish. On the up side, Burdie Bay could be out of the wind. That's the bay to the right of the launch with all the boats anchored. A few years back, my buddy and I crushed them in there all morning. Of course, the forecast could change again. You really don't know until you wake up and look out the window.
  15. Been crushing smallies in NY waters. Looking forward to Erie when it opens in a couple weeks.
  16. With muskie, you win some, you lose some. Sometimes you think a fish is well hooked and it is just holding the lure in its mouth. Sharp hooks for sure. I would be careful about re-setting the hook if you're not too sure. I did that and pulled the lure free. Keep fishing for them and have fun!
  17. PM me. I know both lakes inside out.
  18. I use a St. Croix mojo bass rod specifically the drop shot version or the tubing version. The drop shot is super sensitive and I find with topwater smallies the key is just letting them slurp the popper up off the surface. I don't set the hook just raise the rod up and reel in. As far as WTD baits, I haven't had the same luck with them but use my baitcaster for that application. Already had a great day of topwater popper fishing on NY waters a few weeks back. Tons of fun!
  19. I have one purchased it with the boat. Seems kind of flimsy but better than nothing.
  20. Maybe its just me, but I would buy my minnows from someone who actually wants my business.
  21. I bought my 1775 Lund Impact and my biggest worry was fitting it in the garage. I must have measured a thousand times and tried every angle before its arrival. It fit at an angle. The garage is 19ft 6" and the boat to swing tongue was 20' 2". I turn my motor on an angle and I think that gives me a few more inches. Anyway, I have lots of room on both sides for garbage,lawn mower etc and about 6" clearance to the door. One thing to remember is the height of the door frame. I had my motor tilted up and hit the frame, putting my first mark on my new motor. :wallbash:Also the windshield just clears by about an inch.
  22. How the heck do you get 14 years out of a set of tires? My understanding is you get 4-5 years and that's it. Did you check your leaf springs? had one shear in half one year.
  23. my vet does the test every 2nd year. Every year is overkill. Still, love my dog so much, I would feel awful if he got it due to my negligence.
  24. my longest and heaviest is 49" caught on the French. Been fishing for them for 20 years. That elusive "50" is out there somewhere with my name on it.
  25. Well as Pigeontroller just revealed, if you WANT to fish for them. buy a $50 NY license and you will have a blast! We've been fishing for them since April. However, as soon as they set up their nesting areas we stop. The pre-spawn bite can be spectacular!
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