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Everything posted by ecmilley

  1. ahh crackbook i am on there too
  2. didn't realize ther was a thread that was getting nasty and i was on OFC all afternoon
  3. Since your coming up Friday night Fishindevil don't forget your OFC symbol thingy so you can "catch one for the team"
  4. most excellant, now I want my pilots license, love to spend time in gods country
  5. When i gt up every morning this is what i usually see once out in the boat. and i fish for awhile i get some some like these. then i get some eaters like these. as you can see not a single person lining salmon any where and the only loons are birds. then after a coouple hours it's time for breaky. have a good day everyone
  6. p refer strink kings and boo-yaa spinner baits both produce a great thumpping action and are available in a great selection of colours like white and white, and when you donate one to a log or ski there not priced high wenough to break the bank, if money isn't a object then titanium baits are the way to go, they pop back into shape eveb after a ski takes a chomp on one
  7. great hunt fromt the sounds, and a good meal ahead as well, if i had the patience(and didn't suck at it in the first place) i would give it a try, but for now i 'll try beggin pleading and maybe trading a bag of walleye fillets for fresh game
  8. make sure your truck is in park, release brake handle, crawl under truck and wiggle cables by hand, should g=loosen them up and try to figure which one is sticking, my expeirence with gm is that there cables are pretty darn good more likley the parking brake shoes that are binding, after wiggling cables, drive the truck back and forth and see if it pops loose
  9. I would think the 4-strokes have been around near long enough to determine there reliability, a 4 -stroke will outlive a 2 stroke and uhem a 2 stroke will always use more oil than a 4 stroke engine , no mix required i don't mind any of the outboards available today but if slammings required i really wouldn't trust my hard earned cash to any brp product, seeing most of my friends 2-stroke sleds have a hard time getting 2500 km out of them without frying a crank withe either power-tek or sdi controls how much different can a outboard be from brp? let them show me some quality with a machine they have been building for the masses since 1961 i believe i maybe i would buy into that e-tech technology. At this point after sampling the available technologys on the water. snow ect, i would say 4 stroke technology is just as good if not better than 2-stroke technology and it's here to stay
  10. forgot the pier fishing thing, you should use a longer rod there. and the shimano clarus would be a resonable priced rod in 8 ft or so length, there is a compre in that lenth as well 8.5 ft just ordered one for planer board fishing
  11. yammys and hondas are the best outboards out there, being said the yamaha are usually a little lighter than the hondas, i have heard good things about e-tec as well but it is 2-stroke technology. i have a four stroke merc it's not a bad motor but should bought the yamaha or honda instead prefer the way there put to-gether , with that being said everyone has a preference to what is the best
  12. i own a couple rods, really would have to go check the out and find one thqat fits you, but two that come to mind are st. croix premier 6.6 mh fast taper i use it for bottom bouncing and casting great sensitve rod, anothe would be a shimano compre anothe great feeling semi-stiff rod great hook sets and feelor or or there is so many just drag your butt over to gagnons and check them out
  13. jeez looks like a have a new use for my black light i use for leak detection, that only cost me 80 bones high uv concentraion don't shine in your eyes
  14. http://www.lurenet.com/catalog.aspx?CatId=SmithwickLures see if this helps
  15. way back in 86 or so I went to Henry st high School in Whitby< the fishing club we had was run by the history teacher (steve vidakavitch sp?) who was a writer for ontario out of doors, had the pleasure as a teen to fish with john kerr as well. as far as I know Steve is still teaching at henry give him a ring
  16. well i got the 310s is that close enough? lol slap a chevy symbol on it, i could fix it.
  17. welcome to the community
  18. doesn't usually get this catty until march or so but oh well I'll be pounding sturgeon on the weekend for toothy critters
  19. just read the instructions closely cliff, the part that reads "wear gloves" ain't foolin I had bright pink hands for a month once
  20. 118 is gonna be my guess and i think i have a tackle tray that looks just like that
  21. never had that problem with the teenagers around here , mailbox sabotage maybe.but thats it, hope you catch whoever is pilfering the pilsners , i am usually in my 12 ft tim with just the minn kotta on the back to lazy to carry the 9.9 down to the lake
  22. I live just off gilmar rd probably seen you out there
  23. Cliff I use 10lb xt 14 lb big game on Quinte, it matches the line in the trolling bible for lengnth out (the 14 lb big game has the same diameter as the 10 lb xt) never had a problem with hook ups and such and run the off-shore boards
  24. sturgeon lake in my neck of the woods was 57 on sunday morning in shallow and 65 ish out about 300 feet. don't re,e,ber what iwt warmed to was in by 8:30 having walleye fillets for breaky
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