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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Excellent report and pics Cliff!!! Pretty soon you'll have all 3 of your women trained to hook big fish for you to reel in!!!
  2. Take a dishrag and clean those fish up!!!... you know how I hate nastiness!!!
  3. It looks and sounds like you and bly have done an excellent job of raising your daughter Cliff! Y'all should be very proud, as I know you are!!! ... and I don't know aboot you, but I'd be kind of worried if I had a daughter that age and she wanted to hang out on the internet with a bunch of stinky ol' fishermen... like you and me!
  4. After how many Ol' Mulehockey's?
  5. After the second time of "no sale" I'd have had to jump up and ask "Just what the @#%& will you take for that boat???" That was ignorant Bull on their part!!!
  6. Great report and pics!!! Those are some nice Pickerals! Too bad y'all couldn't get into the larger Wall-ices... but small Pickerals are nice too!!! That's a pretty good wake yer tiller is kickin' up there eh?
  7. Don't forget to tether all of your valuables and pay attention to the fishin' lessons TMH is gonna give ya!
  8. HA! Excellent report and pics!!! Your Mom is a great fisherperson and you will do well to listen to her if you're interested in the sport. I suspect she hooks big fish for your Dad to reel in all the time!!!
  9. Yer gettin' old!!! I don't know what section of the Nip you're fishin', but I caught some decent Wall-ice on the West Arm at the G2G last June... but I'm pretty sure I was using a presentation they hadn't seen before.
  10. It could be the fish just weren't biting this morning. ... but heavy fishing pressure will do what do described to a body of water whether the fish are kept or not! You can only catch a fish so many times one a lure before they become educated, it's called conditioned learning. You've either got to show them a presentation they've never seen before or use live bait. We have the same thing down here and is the reason I use live bait so often. I use lures and catch fish... but only under certain conditions. I'm not saying the body of water you're fishing hasn't been overharvested, but if it has... you may want to look for other waters.
  11. I'm gonna be Ol' Yellers shopping slave in a little bit... plus she'll really kick my if I leave her sight without permission
  12. BAIT!!! http://www.naturalmotionlures.com/
  13. I found the vid rather amusing! ... and posted it hoping others would find the humor in it too, although I do realize that some folks may be "sensitive" and may not like it. The Hoser-Frog in the vid and I may look similar because we wear glasses... but I don't own a "Kenora Dinner Jacket"... maybe I could borrow yours sometime??? ... btw... I had to watch the vid aboot a dozen times to understand aboot half of what he was saying, that "Paris Talk" plum evades me!!!
  14. Don't know of a website, but you should vary your retrieves until a fish bites... then try to remember what retrieve you were using when you caught it
  15. Oh heck!!! I thought this might be something I didn't know aboot... or that we all need to be "upwind" of you!
  16. As Camillj said, black is an excellent night time color. It should also do well up north because of the leech forage.
  17. Superb report and pics Cliff!!! Very nice of you to make sure everybody caught fish! I don't think you got skunked at all!!! .... now about those gloves Bly's wearin' in the first pic. Have you ever noticed how someones fingers look a lot bigger than they actually are when the wear those gloves?... huge actually!!! ... and that poor fishes eyes look 3 times bigger and a lot more bugged out than the other fishes, what is Bly doin' to those poor fish???
  18. When it comes to Cormorants... cull, cull, cull!!! They have few natural predators and are not a sporting waterfowl.
  19. Carp are a VERY resilient breed, and I don't believe you could kill them all even if you wanted to.
  20. Type FISHING in the search window of youtube and see what you get.
  21. Don't forget the marshmallows and landing net!!!
  22. Great report and pics!!! Would that happen to be a Steelhead net?
  23. ... aboot those pics you took and keep looking at... we're waiting!
  24. Yer such a wet blanket on the Pike porn Dan!!! Excellent write up Ric!!!
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