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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I agree Sinker! An uncontested divorce without joint properties should be relatively cheap.
  2. Great Report and pics!!! Keep practicing taking pics with the logo and fish and you'll have the hang of it in no time!
  3. Pike fishin' on the West Arm!!!
  4. Great report, pics, and fish!!!
  5. Bass are soooooo overrated!
  6. Excellent report' pics' and fish Dan!!! What was the bait/lure of choice, if you don't mind me askin'?
  7. While everybody else was getting blistered/sunburned with bright sunshine and high temps, it looks like you were nice and cool (fleece sweater) with heavy cloud cover... and a Musky ta boot too!!! How lucky is that???
  8. Yeah, hang it over the side... then when I think they're aboot mid way thru I like to holler SOMEBODY'S COMIN'!!!... I always get a real good chuckle outta that one!!!
  9. Great report and pics K!!!
  10. Have you been using live bait? If not give it a try.
  11. Noice Slab Black Crappie!!!
  12. Bly is the Brown Trout Queen!!! ... and I remember exactly what kind of bait she was using! ... hope I wasn't s'posed to keep that secret!
  13. I said that because I too have been accused of having "trained pet" fish, trained to bite only my lures and pets because I don't hurt them and always put them right back. It almost is like they're your trained pets when you've been fishin' a certain spot for years and you know what and when they're gonna bite... but it doesn't work nearly as well if you always keep what you catch.
  14. You and I have nothing further to discuss...
  15. ... and then one day when he was fishin' for some food...
  16. Yeah... but what aboot the professional wrestling conversations?
  17. Grease everything on a spinning reel! Save the oil for the baitcasters.
  18. I think it'd be pretty safe to say that Wall-ices from shore during daylight hours will be a pretty tough go for the next couple of months... but what does it matter to someone that's just gonna skulk around the ceement pond anyway? Catfish on the other hand really like the warm water and will take the Wall-ices place, find some clean water with Catfish in it and you'll be throwin' rocks at them scrawny Wall-ice!!!
  19. I think it'd be pretty safe to say that the fish that made it into the inside of the boat was one of Lews "trained pet" fish, prolly got released with a mouthfull of smoked Anchovy treats! Good on ya for gettin' out and makin' sure they were ok Lew!!!
  20. It was definately the nanner!
  21. Great report and pics Double "O"!!!
  22. A catfish wouldn't even eat that stuff!!!
  23. At night and the wee hours of the morning will be good from shore, during daylight hours for Sunfish.
  24. Great report and pics Dan!!! The only way I'd wanna hold one of those Lamprey's is with a pair of vise grips and a blow torch!!! Those things are absolutely disgusting!!
  25. A hearty congratulations to MTP and GlennK!!! Great report, pics, and fish!!! LMBO at 768 grams!!! some folks will do anything to make a fish seem bigger! ... but a 1.71 lb Perch is a nice fat fish, especially @ 10 3/4" He was prolly a fatter 10 incher 'til you grabbed him by the head and tail and stretched him!!! I know that sunburn is painful!!! Put some white vinegar on it and it'll take the sting out. You'll smell like a pickle, but feel better. I know about sunburns and Alabaster skin, I worked at a motel in Panama City Beach back in my younger days.
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