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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I was wondering where he had run off to... out propagating the species eh!
  2. Here's me with a nice one I caught on the West Arm of Nippissing last year.
  3. Didja learn a "life lesson"??? ... don't whizz or bear spray into the wind! ... especially if you have your mouth open!!!
  4. Great report and pics ya ol' Stinker!!! You keep eatin those Wall-ice slime doughnuts and we'll be callin' ya FatFart!
  5. The Captain gets the price of the charter, the mate/deckhand gets the tip (if there is one). We pay our mate Gill $240 USD for a 12 hr. trip out on the Gulf of Mexico. We pay the Captain $1600 for the charter. Gill works his butt off taking care of 6 anglers, and is a very nice guy! He deserves every penny of it. Mates work for low wages and count on the tips for a large part of their earnings.
  6. If the boat has a "mate" ( deckhand that takes care of the fish and fishermen) it is customary to tip him 15-20% of the cost of the trip... IF he/she performs well and is friendly. If the deckhand is grouchy and lazy, he doesn't get a damn cent from me. The Captain is already getting paid for the charter, so tipping him isn't necessary.
  7. Alabaster Canadians!!! Y'all are gonna get blistered! Great reoprt and pics!!! Nice mess o' fish!!!
  8. You may want to consider investing in a couple of these TJ: Not only will the sound skeer the she-yit outta the bear, but will also alert you that they're in trouble. I keep one in my boat at all times incase of an emergency. You can buy them online here: http://www.safetycentral.com/orsasiairho8.html The bear spray can also be purchased online. Just google bear spray Canada.
  9. You're really gonna like that bow mount Glenn! You don't need a kicker, the bow mounts these days are very energy efficient. I can run mine all day and use only 40% of the battery. Drift socks are very good too,they take a little getting used to... but once you get the hang of it you'll love it! Kickers are very handy if the big motor breaks down far away from the launch.
  10. That looks like a Wild Golden Shiner to me Steve. Great report and pics!!! Looks like a very charming camp... but no hot water??? Did that Trout not beat your other entry?... or did you forget your logo?
  11. Do ya think Jeffro would et it?
  12. 5" sinking minnow in watermelon
  13. Frugality may not be an option when safety is a concern eh? There's a reason for marine grade seating , and I think you found that out this weekend.
  14. I find that overkill works a lot better when installing or fabricating anything that a person may need for safety. Glad to hear you're ok Beans!!! ... has yer "little buddy" come out from hiding yet?
  15. Why are all the pics the little red x in the little white box?
  16. Great report and pics!!! Ya gotta love orange for the Wall-ice!
  17. Great report and pics!!! You may want to consider carring one of these the next time you're in the Bear Woods without a firearm: http://www.safetycentral.com/safesoundlarge.html
  18. Great report and pics!!! Some good lookin' Pickeral and Wall-ice!!!
  19. Great report and pics!!! Those Drum are good "tackle testers"!
  20. ...
  21. Great report and pics!!! Good on the Sinker dude for takin' the time to check out your motor for ya!!! Those construction worker type hoser/rednecks come in handy sometimes. Those look like some nice Kawartha Pickerals, and should make for some dandy fine eats! Looks like y'all are gettin' the hang of "boat fishin'"... lookin' forward to some great reports!!!
  22. So the coast should be clear for me to rape and pillage at Lakair on the 17th of June?
  23. Maybe you should go fishin'...
  24. ...
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