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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Great report and pics TJ!!! Looks like Avery has the design and presentation "down pat" for those Jumla's!!!
  2. Nice report and pics!!! The carpentry work looks good!
  3. I wouldn't go with anything less than a 2400 watt. I stepped up from a 2400 to a 4000 watt unit and can't tell that much difference, but I fish relatively shallow water. I think another important question you need to ask yourself is what kind of transducer do you want. I stepped down from a triple beam transducer to a dual beam transducer and don't like it as much, I'll be purchasing the quadruple beam transducer here shortly. Dual beams are good for deep water fishing (100' and deeper), but for less than 100' i like a triple or quadruple beam. Hope this helps!
  4. HA!!!
  5. I am finished with this thread. I would like to commend Sam of Carra Outdoors for offering to exchange Kempers reel for him even though he didn't purchase the reel there!!! Sam is a First Class guy all the way!!! I will definitely be stopping into his store the next time I'm in the area!!!
  6. That's what I thought, throwing it in the trash is only the right thing to do when it's someone else's money and not yours. I was sure I could count on you to do the right thing and give Kemper his money back and dispose of the reel properly so nobody else would run the risk of getting ripped off... guess I was wrong.
  7. No no no Son!!! It's not passing it down, you will throw it in the garbage so nobody else will get it... get it???
  8. Good report and sounds like a great trip except for the Bull! As for the camera and cell phone, you don't really have any proof so just chalk it up to a lesson learned. Keep all of your valuables either on your person or under lock and key... always!!!
  9. That's a hog Bass for sure Bill, I say 6 1/2-7 lbs. Congrats to your gal on besting her PB!!!
  10. Good morning all!!!
  11. I hear ya Pinocchio!
  12. I think the best solution for this whole argument would be for MrMike and Holdfast to give Kemper $100 each for his reel and they could destroy it and throw it in the garbage and be assured that nobody would get ripped off by buying a bad reel. This would also show that they are truly men of their words and not just little fingers on a keyboard. Kemper could give/send the reel to either MrMike or Holdfast, which would destroy the reel with a hammer or other means and take pics of it and post them on the board... this way we would all be sure they did "The Right Thing" and are the men they say they are. Unless of course throwing the reel in the garbage is only the right thing to do when it's someone else's money! What do you say men?... ready to put your money where your typing fingers are?
  13. Good report and pics!!!
  14. Beautiful report, pics, and fish Dan!!!
  15. Great report and pics!!! That is a Hugh Jass Largie!!!
  16. Great report and pics!!! Fishin' all day with a sprained and swollen ankle is hard core!!! ... but we wouldn't expect anything less from the JB!
  17. Excellent report and pics!!! Those are some really beautiful fish taboot!!! The sun started getting too hot!
  18. Great report and pics Cliff!!! So the big one got away eh? ... I've never heard that one before! Your description of the fight reminded me of the first time the Captain hooks the Great White Shark in the movie Jaws!
  19. Nope! It's all about the fish!!! Remember how you nearly soiled yourself when you caught the PB Smallies the other day John?... that's what fishing is about!!! If it wasn't, you'd just go down to the river without your tackle and lay on the bank or flip rocks over while wading to watch the Crawdads scurry about. The other stuff is beautiful too, and it really doesn't matter if we catch fish... but that excitement is why we take the tackle!
  20. Congrats on the PB HTHM!!! ... and removing the skunk from the boat too! We're awaiting gratuitous fish porn!!!
  21. Being such an astute OFNer and making the comment about my content free "nice fish" type 3 word stuff (and with you not being any where smart enough to figure it out) I guess I must point it out to you, one of your so called CORE MEMBERS seem to have the right to attack and belittle anyone they like on this site( and I truly do believe his IQ aint all that high) has made at least 1000 of his 6000+ posts with the exact CONTENT FREE "GREAT REPORT< NICE PICS type 3 word stuff, but because he has high post number he is a OFC GOD, so go read the posts over again and put it all together and you (well maybe not you,get some help) will see that it is a spoof to one of your know it all 6000+ posters. And seriously how the hell does a person make so many freakin post on any site, for gods sake man get a freakin life. HOLDFAST keep up the good work and thanks for keepin my country the best in the world. My aren't you the eloquent one!!! You're such a charmer and say the sweetest things!!! I think I've come up with a solution that will solve Kempers problem and make everyone on this thread happy... I'll be back in a bit with it.
  22. Much obliged to you for taking time out of your busy schedule of recruiting Easterners out west (misery loves company eh!) to explain how things work around here. I'll be sure to watch my step so I don't "slip" anymore! Heaven forbid I should commit another no-no! As you can see... I was having problems figuring that one out! Roy knows just as well as I do that I don't expect any special treatment around here just because he's my nephew! How do you propose for Kemper to get rid of a nearly brand new $200 fishin' reel if he's not supposed to sell it and recoop at least part of his hard earned money back... into the garbage?... give it away? $200 may not be very much to someone that saves all their money by buying $15 reels... but it's a good chunk to me and most other folks.
  23. I guesstimate the Perch at 12"... nice Jumbo!!! ... did you have a sunburn today?
  24. I know your pain, my boat was in the shop for 6 weeks this Spring and I was rendered to shore fishing as well. You did well from shore!!! Thanks for posting!
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