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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. nah, it's a running joke on the board that I'm a redneck from Alabama that eats roadkill. Those would be Sandhill Whopping Cranes and they were nearly slaughtered to extinction by people eating them... They're a protected species now.
  2. Looks like supper to me!!! mmmmmmmmmmm Great Egret!!! I wonder if they ever get hit by cars???
  3. Excellent report and pics Tom!!! Those Crawdads would have made a heckuva feast!!!
  4. If anybody is wondering what to get me for Christmas... you can look here: http://www.eknifeworks.com/webapp/eCommerc...art=&Brand= I accidently email this link to Ol' Yeller about once a week starting in October.
  5. Keeping with the Topic of Pocket knives, here's a few more of mine: A Baby Boker A few novelty pocket knives: Mermaid novelty A novelty set I like to call the Great White North collection
  6. I hear y'all on the lightning, not safe at all to be on the water during an electrical storm...BUT! Typical Summertime thunder storms happen during the afternoon after the sun has heated the clouds. If you can drag your butt out of bed and get on the water by first light, you can usually get in a few hours of good fishing without the worry of lightning... even if it is raining. This is also a good time to go on the weekends because the knuckleheaded jet skiers and water skiers are still passed out in bed. You'll most likely have the whole lake to yourself for a few hours. The lake or river has calmed down overnight from the boat traffic the day before and the fish are more willing to bite. Fishing in the afternoons is mediocre at best this time of year on crowded lakes. Now about that rain, I would gladly trade the blistering hot and near drought conditions for a couple weeks of rainy weather with cooler temperatures... anybody wanna swap?
  7. Here's a little something to cheer y'all up on a rainy day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i35WRFDcKGo
  8. The Frogg Toggs make you invincible... you need not fear any mortal man, fish, or lightining while wearing them!!! Buy yourself a set and you'll see what I'm talking aboot!!!
  9. ... and y'alls point is? The fish don't care if it's raining or not... they're already wet! As a matter of fact, the low light conditions of cloudy/rainy weather is an excellent time for fishing Wall-ice and Crappie!!! Go buy yourselves a hood set of Frogg Toggs and give those fish hell!!! ... at least you're not having a drought!
  10. Sounds like wasting a trout or salmon for the roe isn't anything new eh? Shouldn't you be out on lake O sifting thru little fish to find a big one?
  11. I feel sorry for those poor little Atlantic Salmoons today!!!
  12. Looking forward to some reports from you!!!
  13. I like to use one of those "hook thingies"!!!
  14. Great report and pics Jack!!! Looks like fun was had by all!!!
  15. Be keerful, have fun, and catch lotsa nice fishes!!! Have you contacted the Ukrainian Boy Scouts yet so they can keep an eye on you?
  16. They can be quite expensive down here too, especially the MOP, Abalone, and Damascus steel blades.. if you can even find them!
  17. Congratulations to the Dan!!! You da man!!!
  18. I have that same Scrimshaw design on one of my Schrades Roy!!! That Henchels is kinda cute Dan'l... ... but if you want to peak my interest, you need to talk Case pocket knives. I call what I have my "collection", but to a real collector... they would consider it an accumulation. I like to request sexy Case knives for Christmas and birthday presents. Here's a few: Abalone handle Trapper Case Mother of Pearl handle Whittler Case Peacock handle Doctor with Damascus steel blade Chestnut handle Doctors with Damascus steel blade Texas Toothpick with Barbwire carved handle This is a Bulldog brand Big Canoe with engraved Bluegill on the blade Just remember... if it aint a Case, it aint crap!!!
  19. Thank you for being a part of this wonderful world Jack!!!
  20. Read it and tell us who dies at the end Cliff.
  21. What're you doing with a shaker Chinny if you only catch big ones???
  22. You forgot to mention that you should eat smaller (younger) fish because toxins are cumulative.
  23. It makes me wonder... if you're only supposed to eat 2 meals a month of a certain species from a certain area... is it really good to eat that fish at all?
  24. ...
  25. ...
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