I really agree with Bill and ccmt, we can fish your dock if we want to. I don't fish docks all that often, rarely as a matter of fact. I will not fish one if there's anyone around, in or out of the water... especially in the water!
I prefer submerged structure and points... and dams!!!
Like ccmt, I've had very nice people talk to me from their property... and have heard of cuss fights over fishermen and dock owners.
A friend of mine that fishes docks regularly told me aboot a mean old lady that would bring a block of ice down to the water and drop it in making a big splash and spooking the fish every time he fished her dock, you may want to consider something like this.
The boaters that fish an occupied dock are inconsiderate in my opinion and some dock owners feel like you are stealing "their" fish if you catch a fish from an unoccupied dock... you own the dock, but not the water or the fish.
To tell the absolute truth, I'd rather nobody fish my dock if I owned a place on the water... but wouldn't say anything if someone did.