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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Most of the docks around here have Christmas trees concreted into 12" masonry blocks around here for Crappie structure, they just love to eat those expensive crankbaits!
  2. ...
  3. I'm sorry... NOT!!! you say the sweetest things Pete! I just couldn't help myself Bubba!
  4. yeah... we saw that one last week and it was weak then...
  5. Please let us know exactly when and where y'all get a place on the lake so we can come fish yours... I'm sure you won't mind a bit eh?
  6. I'm not much on the small children pics and vids, but that was just too cute!!! Ya gotta love the baby animulz!!! Thanks a bunch for postng that!!!
  7. Nice pic and fish!!! ... did you forget to wash your face?
  8. Ooooo!.. don't get me started on those sock cookers!!!
  9. Great going and congratulations to Percher Dan!!! Couldn't happen to a finer feller!!!
  10. Ya idgit galoot!!!... even the retnek knows aboot this stuff... he also knows all troll caught fish are "no-counters"...
  11. I wouldn't hesitate to go the 6 1/2 or 7 Bill... heck! you released it and it's still growing eh!!! next time get a length and girth, it'll give you a little more to work with when guesstimating of for the replica! ... and like Fidel said, good to see a post from you on the board Bubba!
  12. 10-4! well said!! just my 2 cents!!! Imagine whirrled peas!
  13. I really agree with Bill and ccmt, we can fish your dock if we want to. I don't fish docks all that often, rarely as a matter of fact. I will not fish one if there's anyone around, in or out of the water... especially in the water! I prefer submerged structure and points... and dams!!! Like ccmt, I've had very nice people talk to me from their property... and have heard of cuss fights over fishermen and dock owners. A friend of mine that fishes docks regularly told me aboot a mean old lady that would bring a block of ice down to the water and drop it in making a big splash and spooking the fish every time he fished her dock, you may want to consider something like this. The boaters that fish an occupied dock are inconsiderate in my opinion and some dock owners feel like you are stealing "their" fish if you catch a fish from an unoccupied dock... you own the dock, but not the water or the fish. To tell the absolute truth, I'd rather nobody fish my dock if I owned a place on the water... but wouldn't say anything if someone did.
  14. This one will go over like a "turd in a punch bowl".
  15. I loser with the bi-carb daily, so I should be good to go!!! ... but really, you have to live your life right from start to finish to be anywhere near cancer proof... and what about the people that smoke a pack a day and live to be 110? I just dunno. Out of shape and overweight is the worse thing you can do in my opinion... but we all know what opinions are like eh!
  16. Hey Now!!! That's not very nice... I was gonna say that!!!!
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  19. If you host your pics on photobucket, it resizes them for you when you upload. I can also resize pics right on my Sony camera without ever having to even put them on the puter. I'm sure there's a shipload of ways to do it... but what ever works best for you is the way to go! btw... is that eggs in your beard RT2?
  20. I'd say spool and rod size are probably your problem as well, you may want to step to a 7' UL rod with a 2500 size reel... still small and light, but a little bigger.
  21. I haven't seen any of this line in the stores down here yet, but I'll keep an eye out for it.
  22. I know! They need to put out more NETS... Oh!... but wait, isn't that the reason fish populations are and have been declining worldwide? Ban netting worlwide and watch the fish populations grow again!... instead of dwindle to nothing!
  23. ...
  24. Very nice fish Forrest!!!
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