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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. " Send Lawers, Guns, and Money" http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=QPlMmwOq7U8
  2. IF... the hound hadn't stopped to squat, he'd have caught the rabbit!!!
  3. Great report and pics!!! I think morning fishin' is the best bite this time of year!
  4. A Goby with a very powerful sting!!! Lionfish Sting: Although the sting is not fatal, it does cause intense pain and swelling around the wound. The pain is greatest approximately 1 to 1.5 hour after the injury and usually lasts 6 to 12 hours. Some people have pain or tingling sensations around the wound for several days or weeks. On rare occasions when the venom spreads to other parts of the body, people may experience headaches, cramping, nausea, paralysis, seizures and chills. The most common treatment for a lionfish sting is to: Remove the spine (if it broke off in the skin). Place the wound in hot (45oC) water for 30-90 minutes or until the pain is gone. Give a tetanus shot and possibly antibiotics
  5. Have fun and catch lots of big fish!!!
  6. Holy Hog Snot Batman!!! ... another inch or two in a certain direction and the could treated the cause but left the symptoms (swelling) Eh!!! Time to set off some bug bombs in the house!!!
  7. That's a great pic!!! ... and congrats to your daughter!!!
  8. It wasn't a Black Widow bite, theirs is a neurotoxin that affects the central nervous system... with symptoms of labored breathing and convulsive like tremors. Drop for drop, the Black Widow venom is one of the most poisonous venoms known to man. This sounds more like a necrotic type venom that disolves the flesh, but may just be an allergic reaction to a milder type venom. I have an allergic reaction to Tick bites with pretty much the same symptoms, nothing else bothers me... but a Tick bite will give me fits and send me running to the doctor!
  9. All y'all need to take a Prozac and chill!!! ... and let me explain to you why Scientology is important to me!
  10. Great report and pics Patrick!!!
  11. It sounds like a great boat to me Rizz!!!
  12. Happy Birthday and best Fishes!!!
  13. It looks like they were afraid of it! Excellent report and pics!!!
  14. I thought you were supposed to be an intelligent human being? Don't you know the longer you leave something like that untreated the worse it will get and the longer it will take to heal? Not to mention complications like blood poisoning and tissue loss! Seek medical attention today!!!
  15. Wooo-Hooo!!! Congraqts again Dan!!!
  16. I beg to differ! There's enough clearance between the trigger on the bottom of the rod and the back of the reel to let the trigger set behind the back of the holder and the reel to set inbetween the 2 locks. ... and the salties work well as you described ... but I refuse to put my drag on the "cream puff" setting!!!
  17. The OFC can be used for good or evil ... it's your choice!!!
  18. Where ever you decide to go Stan, be sure to whip the water to a dang' froth... the fish like that!!!
  19. ...
  20. I find that thunder storms tend to spook the fish and they'll "cower" for a day or so afterward... you may have better results. Ya never know unless ya go!!!
  21. ...
  22. What I don't like in the the pic Roy posted is that the butt of the rod can be bumped forward and it's bye-bye rod and reel, plus the rod is past the point of balance in the holder. In the pic you posted, the rod isn't at the point of balance in the holder either, plus the blank is exposed to the metal edge of the holder which will cause wear with vibration. The rod shouldn't come out of the holder extremely easily, and the more you sue it the easier it will become... the rod should have to be intentionally lifted out of the holder. You should try fighting the rod out of a Downeaster rod holder with a decent fish on sometime... I don't which is the bigger fight, the fish or the holder! btw... it looks like that reel is past due for a good cleaning.
  23. One of these transducer brackets will be more secure than the suction cup mount. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...t21402&rid= Keep an eye on your battery compartment for moisture and corrosion.
  24. Your reel is too far back in the holder, move it up so that the reel seats inbetween the 2 locking rods. The reel is too far forward in the pic Roy posted, the reels should seat inbetween the locking rods IMO.
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