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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Nice report and pics!!! Keep plugging away at those fish! You've got to sort thru the small ones to get to the big ones!!!
  2. Thanks for posting that Cliff, I've wondered about how safe they are too. The way they do the consumption advisories by meals per month, pregnant women, and developing children kind of creeps me out... I guess older men can eat them because we're tougher... or they're trying to kill us off???
  3. Do you really want to go out there and beat up on those poor little fishies again like you did last week? Don't forget a big straw hat for the sunburn!
  4. Very nice Atlantic Salmoons!!!
  5. I guess a poor excuse is better than no excuse eh?
  6. What are you going to do Jack?... not pay it??? Pay the minimum... 3 mos.? 6 mos.?... and keep shopping!
  7. ...
  8. Yup! Lakerz love to hang at the docks!!!... not yourz though... other peoplz!!!!... especially if there are swimmerz in there area, they feast on the boogerz and occasional diaper dropping of small childrenz!!!
  9. I may stop in for a minute...
  10. Some very respectable Green Trout in those pics Justin, as much as you hang around the slop... you ought to change your moniker to Slop Hog or something!!! Great report and pics!!!
  11. There is another killer out there... more deadly than any alcohol or drug, it's slow... it's silent... ... it's old age!!!
  12. ...
  13. Try reading the board before you post... this was posted by Justin a few hours earlier.
  14. ...
  15. Do you really think it was JUST alcohol that did that?
  16. I work night shift and sleep during the day, I don't need that kind of racket while I'm trying to sleep!!! I demand that you cease and desist immediately or I'm calling the Cops!!!
  17. ...
  18. Your buddy is a nincompoop, how many fish does he think he'll catch around people swimming? Does he think the fish are drawn in from the quieter sections of the lake to feed on the boogers and whizz of child swimmers?
  19. I really like the way the splashing and screaming of children swimming draws in the hungry Bass and sends them into a feeding frenzy!!!
  20. Sorry Cliff, but it ate all the little Duckies right after the camera was turned off...
  21. Well did you read all the replies or just the negative ones? I think the board members did very well with a vast majority agreeing with you not to fish docks with people present. I really did expect more negative comments than you actually drew... especially with you being a newbie and nobody actually knowing you. There are always going to be some negative replies and unfortunately there will be ignorant boat owners that will fish or troll your dock while people are present. Some fishermen aren't as skilled as others and may not be able to catch decent fish anywhere else but docks. ... and since we don't know which lake your cottage is on or exactly which cottage it is... you can't really take the replies to this thread too personally... can you? There's an old saying "Sticks and stones..." ... and internet sticks and stones don't pack near the wallop real life ones do... do they?
  22. Na, Pete (BITEME)is a great guy!... and he and I were just exchanging a little friendly abuse. He does own a damn ugly straw hat that he has to wear way to often for some reason though...
  23. Yeah, dirty sticky gummy carb, had that problem back in the spring. A rebuild job on the carb will prolly make it run like new.
  24. Bowfins are edible and tasty although the meat is very soft and is only fit for a fish soup.
  25. Bowfin
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