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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Excellent report and pics!!! Some beautiful Muskies there too!!! Cliffs fish were little weenie fish compared to those!!!
  2. Great report, pics, vids, and fish Simon!!! Man! It's gotta be dang' freezin up there for that ice to for that quickly in the evening!... BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! The Whiskey Jack birds look a lot like our Mocking birds down south here, we have one around the house here that mimicks about a dozen different bird calls... and a cell phone ring!!!
  3. HA!... thought I'd gotten the boot... was just wondering which post done it!
  4. Well done and beautiful trophy Jacques!!!
  5. Stan, Stan, Stan!!! Never leave the camera behind!.. but it must have at least one pic of a previously caught fish on it! Forget the net and carry a gaff if you have to! Glad you finally got into some fish Bubba! Your report was a good read even if it didn't have any pics.
  6. A STEELHEAD???... no no no son!... you don't want a Steelhead, they're all skin and bones I tell ya... you want a SNOOK!... pay attention when I'm a talkin' to ya son! (the boy is about as sharp as a bowling ball)... now here's what ya do... You may be stuck in a rut, using the same presentations on the same waters that have produced in the past. You may want to consider changing presentations and downsizing, change colors, change sizes... give them something they've never seen before! I know you're fishing where the fish are because you can see them... and they can see you too! Wear camo, blend in with your surroundings... be stealthy, wait a few minutes before you make your first cast when you get to the water... be bewy bewy quiet!... we're huntin Steelheads today. No, I've never caught a Steelhead before... but I have caught a fish or 2.
  7. You asked, I replied... I thought the answer was obvious, but sometimes people can't see the obvious.
  8. Is it because you don't know as much as you think you do?
  9. Upset forrest?
  10. Real nice report and some excellent pics Bern!!! That Moose vid is very cool!!!
  11. I wish everybody would take up hunting!!! Then I'd have all the lakes all to myself!!!
  12. Since you've fixed the pics... I'd have said to heck with huntin', "I'm goin' "
  13. A dog or 3 is the best burgular alarm there is, most theives won't even go near a place that has a loud dog. Try getting close enough to mine to even throw her a milk bone, let alone trying to get her to eat it.
  14. Glad to have you back Jacques! Congrats on your PB!!! Sounds like some good meat for the table for the Holidays!!!
  15. The table quality of freshwater Drum leaves a lot to be desired for my taste, tried one once and won't make that mistake again!
  16. Some very fine eatin' there!!! Was reading an article in In-Fisherman magazine that said Crappie move around and eat more than any other Sunfish in waters 41*F.
  17. A good exercise program will relieve more pain than most people realize!
  18. I'd love to join... but I gotta go pass out now ... if ya tell the secret info, it nolonger will be a secret Bubba.
  19. Mercury is good for ya!!! ... ever seen what happens to a thermometer on a hot day?... does the same thing to Mr. Wiggley!!! Not sure, but I think purified water tastes like pee-pee douG... isn't that what our kidneys are?... purifiers?
  20. Meh! I just like usin the pic douGless... ripping off the Penn name I don't care for. Penn International is a fine company/maker of quality fishing tackle. I own a red faced Senator that has beaten many a denizen of the salty depths into submission, and wouldn't trade it for a dozen solid gold Moose turds!!!
  21. I understand TJ, but would have felt better about it and entered had they just asked for the board user name... after all it was just for this board eh? Board user name and PM to notify the winner... whats wrong with that? ... what are the sponsors going to do with with the email addy's...?
  22. We call that "seasoning" down here in the South.
  23. Penn = Good stuff!!! penfishingrods = ?
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