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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Great "how to" report Rich!!! Some nice Goldfish for ya too!!! Keep that kinda bait away from Splenda... I'm sure he'd gobble them down in a heartbeat!!!
  2. Yup! TILLER!!!
  3. Great report and pics Simon!!! ... and some roight noice fish ta-boot!!! It looks like the conditions were perfect in your "winter wonder land"! Your cat pic gave me a good smile this morning too, thanks!!!
  4. Canadian hunting ethics may be different than the ethics I was brought up with. The Golden Rule of Hunting EAT WHAT YOU KILL
  5. ... and that's why we always take pics of our nice fishes Lew! ... just kiddin' ya Bubba! I always enjoy reading your fishing posts and lookin' at your nice pics, whether they have fish in them or not!!! Please keep posting!... with or without fishes!!!
  6. Dammit man!!! I hate to hear that, like a 'Coon hates to hear the tree bay of a ! The only way this sounds like it could be more painful, is if they had to go in around the corner via the "Hershey Highway"! Look on the bright side though Bubba!... you can go ice fishin' in your skivvy shorts!!! All jokin' aside, I wish you a very speedy recovery and look forward to seeing and fishin' with you in June!!!
  7. Thank's Y'all!!!... I personally am looking forward to the pumpkin and pecan pies!!!
  8. The intention of this poll is to hopefully make people stop and think before they do something risky out on the ice. I am fortunate enough to have relatives (by marriage) and a lot of very good friends that live in Canada... and I really do consider them all a part of an extended family! I really do hate reading the obituary types posts that appear on this board at this time of year because of carelessness on the ice... but I do read them to see if it was somebody I know.
  9. ... but is your gym bag clean?
  10. I really don't like this poll, but every year there are too many posts about stupid people falling thru the ice and losing their live because of their stupidity! I really do hope that nobody goes to an icy grave this year, and if this thread just makes one person stop and think before they do something stupid... it's worth it! Be careful out there y'all!!! Wear your flotation suits or a PFD, take a buddy with you! Go to areas where there are other people!!! Have fun, be careful, and catch lots of fish this hardwater season!!!
  11. Yes yes yes, for millionth time... the auto industry is in bad shape... JHC! It's just a ploy to break up the Northern unions and move down to the South where the labor is much better and a hell of a lot more dependable!!!
  12. Tiger should now return the favor and sponsor GM with all the gazillions $$$ he has.
  13. You have a PM T.J.
  14. I gave $100 in 1989 for a lifetime Alabama fishing license, I've been fishing on it for "free" for the past 8 yrs. and have 12 more years of free fishing left. The state of Alabama started requiring a saltwater fishing license in 1993, since I bought my lifetime freshwater fishing license before that date I was "grandfathered" in on a lifetime saltwater fishing license at no extra charge.
  15. Very good link!!! I especially like this vid: http://www.coldwaterbootcamp.com/flash/Gord_demo.swf
  16. Real nice year in review for you and the young'un Mike!!! ... but I gotta tell ya, if I lived that close to the Larry I believe I could have a Musky pic or 2 in there... at least 1 little one eh?
  17. My goodness!!!... the auto industry is in trouble!... why haven't I heard about this sooner??? What a unique and oringinal idea for a thread!!! .. and on a fishing message board no-less!!!
  18. Yup! Thanks for the reminder... oh wait!... I have a lifetime license... nevermind.
  19. Go North young man!
  20. That explains why you replied to a 2 yr. old thread instead of starting your own.
  21. Yeah!...you know!
  22. Tiny stuff!!!.. the smallest live minnows I can find work best for me in the winter months, but they'll also bite tiny artificials too... 1/32 to 1/100 oz. jig heads with tiny plastic bodies. Tiny spoons and vibrating baits like the Cicada will produce too. A winter Crappie would rather eat 100 tiny little things than 1 big thing.
  23. Real nice report!!!
  24. DAMMIT MAN!!!... it must be super cold up there for that ice to be like that!!! Thanks for posting that Simon!!! I don't consider it a complete skunking if you get bites and fight fish... maybe just a baby skunk.
  25. DANG!!! Excellent report, pics, and fish!!! I especially like those White Bass!!! Fat and very deep bodied!... very healthy lookin' fish!!! That's some "Hardcore" "Diehard" fishin' right there now!!! Did you catch those fish trolling or casting?... or both? Thanks for posting that report!!!
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