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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. How about a little "meat hunter" music to go along with this thread?
  2. Can you find Roy in this vid? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM9_c06y9EU...feature=related
  3. Yeah! We put a Royal arse whoopin' on them Brits back then... I 'member it like it was yesterday!!!... and if those Frogs had said just one word (that we could've understood), they'd have gotten some of it too!!! ... get it?... British... Royal... never mind. Was great chattin with Bernie, Patrik, Misfish, HTHM, Beans, Chuck, Jacques, Simon, MTP, and all the rest that showed up!!! ... looking forward to next time!!!
  4. ... a few hosers there now ganging up on me!... HELP!!!
  5. ... did I mention I'll be posting pics of my angiogram scar there?
  6. I'll be there for a bit.
  7. I like: #1. Danner Boots... the most comfortable boots I've ever owned!!! 2.Meindl... almost as comfortable as the Danners and very durable! 3.Merrell... like the Meindl. 4. Irish Setters.. comfortable, affordable, and long lasting. 5.Worx... warm, comfy, and durable. All come in Gore-Tex and different insulation weights.
  8. That's the one that fetched Ol' Yeller for me!!!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbY9ePebWB8...feature=related
  10. In retrospect, I think this was advance Good Karma for the very good thing you did with the Fire Dept. Cliff! You may also want to prepare for Post Good Karma too!
  11. Yeah, but all the really hot yankee chix love a man with a Southern accent!!!
  12. ... I never thought about that!!! Thanks Raf!!!
  13. I know exactly how you feel HF! Seems I can't post squat anymore without something being censored, edited, or deleted!!! I think I'm going to change my ways though... I'm shooting for a much kinder and gentler GCD in '09! btw... are there any other boards out there I should know about where a man can speak his piece without fear of censure or reprimand?
  14. Does this mean you're actually gonna go fishin' or something???
  15. Why are there fish on the fish finder but I'm not catching anything?
  16. My goodness! Why are drunk driving laws so harsh? I actually like those drunk driving laws... 1 beer and get behind the wheel, what's the difference between one and two?... two and three?... three and a 2/4? If you're going to drink, plant yourself for the evening or have a sober designated driver!!! As far as not smoking in your own house with company.... make the company go stand outside while you burn one, a couple of times of that and you won't have to worry about those pesky non-smokers coming over and bugging you!
  17. To be a real Cajun, you'd have to learn how to speak like a Cajun again Art. Now repeat after me "Y'aaaaaaaaaall waaaaaaaaaaaaan't sooooooooooome cheeeeeeeeeeeese griiiiiiiiiits?
  18. I would say to ask your son for the courtesy of discretion on the public displays of affection.
  19. ... and that's what ya get for living in Yankeeville!
  20. ... and that's why we leave the driver's side window DOWN at the launch ramp!
  21. Uhhhh... nice mini report and mini pics You seem like an internet and computer savvy kinda guy, a copy and paste job on your report may have been in better taste than hyping and redirecting us to your site... some folks might consider that kinda spammy. Just put a link to your site in your sig... like everyone else does
  22. Great report and pics Sean!!! Mike and Paul are great guys!!! I got skunked my first year too, I think ya gotta pay dues or something.
  23. If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? yes
  24. Really nice report and pics... beauty fish too!!! I really like those beautiful Browns!!!
  25. Excellent report, pics, and fish bly!!! Good on Will for taking you out and putting you on that PB too!!! That one beat Cliff's new PB... and since it was the closer, he'll prolly have to wait 'til next year to "try" and best you!!! The smile in the last pic says it all!!! Congrats on that beauty PB gal!!!
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