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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. It was prolly before your time... grand funk is ok... if you like the sound of a galvanized garbage can being blown down an asphalt road in a high wind.
  2. ... but do you remember this one?
  3. How the hell are you going to catch a fish while yer sittin' in a tree??? ... trees are for monkey's!!! Come fish with me for a day in August, and I'll have you begging for a blizzard!!!
  4. I like a nice dark T-shirt and inflatable PFD to keep me nice and toasty on the cold blustery day!!!
  5. We Americans like to call that "Sport" forrest. Cabelas has the same promotions I believe, give them a try I'm sure you'll be much happier! I keep my orders with Basspro to a minimum because they use the USPS are their primary shipping carrier and it takes twice as long as Cabelas. BPS' expedited carrier is Fedex and they can't find my house!!!
  6. Yup! A very productive season for you Jacques!!! Do you eat the Catfish or let them go? Congratulations on some great catches!!!
  7. Sounds like a stripped prop to me too, Rizzo did the same thing earlier this year on his bow rope. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...c=22974&hl=
  8. I've had my share of that pain back when I was swinging a hammer for 60 hrs. a week Joey Menthol creams such as Ben-Gay, Flexall 454, and Icy Hot will bring some relief... and the self adhesive menthol patches will work even better! Add a couple safety coated Ibuprofens too (taken internally). A good hot soak in Epsom salts water before the patches or cream will work even better! Your elbow should heal over the winter... just in time to start all over again in the spring!!!
  9. Keep your rod tip outta the birthday cake!!!
  10. Uhhhhhh... I believe this is the question Lex would like answered: He has decided on the brand and wants to know WHERE he can get a decent deal!!! Sorry I can't help Lex... for obvious reasons.
  11. Yeah, I put a quarter in the radio every time I want to hear a song.
  12. Yer a jealous bee-yatch, and you still can't have my shirt!!!
  13. Teats 'n beer?... liquor 'n porn? I'll be there a little after 8, go ahead and start without me...
  14. It was such a beautiful day today... I had to put everything on "hold" this afternoon and take the boat out. Twas 64*F and light winds... for about 30 minutes after I was on the water The main agenda for today was this: Relaxation!!! I didn't even hit the dam, because that would have been too much work casting! Drowning minnows and lookin' for Mr. Crappie was today's task... never did find Mr. Crappie! ... but these "spots" wanted to play! I caught all but 1 on my homemade Cabela's wobble jig (1/8th oz.) and a 5" plastic grub. A little cutie pie! A little bigger Just slightly larger than the one above Biggest "jig" fish of the day This one couldn't resist the live minnow on the Sabiki rig! As you can see, the wind got up a little and it turned freezin' cold... so I had to put on a long sleeve shirt! It was a nice 4 hrs. on the water!
  15. Real nice report, pics, and fish!!! Glad to see you're getting a bit of fishin' in! Shold we ever meet, I can learn you how to take pics and get the whole fish in the frame... they look bigger that way, kinda like when they shave off yer pubes at the hospital! ... and if I should ever meet Snagelina, I'll be sure to tell her you said this:
  16. Happy Birthday ya ol' Salty Sea Dog!!! Best Fishes to you on your special day Bubba!!!
  17. Boot + = peace and quiet!
  18. I will say it is ignorant for any boater to encroach on a shore fisherman's opportunities, I've had it happen to me before and it's not a pretty sight (I was fishing from shore). A boaters opportunities are nearly infinite, whereas a shore fisherman's opportunities can be very limited! It's just plain rude and stupid!!!
  19. Just call me Early, and Cliff...Warning! Yall make preparations! Lot'sa chili and hot chocolate now ya heah?
  20. Yer late Cliff http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25646
  21. Not everyone is familiar with this method, but it is the best way to remove the hook from a fishes gullet! I stumbled on this method as a kid fishing for Bluegills and have used it my whole life. It's not just for baithooks, it works with lures and treble hooks too. http://www.in-fisherman.com/magazine/artic...oval/index.html
  22. TV will rot your brain Bubba
  23. I've had the same thing happen Bubba, and it is very frustrating!!! I guess a word document is the way to go, but I don't use them. I will however copy my long reports and post before hitting the "add reply" button now though. Then if it goes to smithereens the first time you can paste it for the second time.
  24. Another Alberta Clipper is on the way, so I don't see it warming up anytime soon for y'all! http://www.weather.com/newscenter/national...ml?from=hp_news
  25. Musta been that stuff I got off of Holdfast in the Mod Test thread Joey... http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25611
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