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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. How much E coli bacteria do you have to eat for one of those??? I think I'll stick to diet and exercise.
  2. Diet and exercise helped me lose 35 lbs. and keep it off for the past 10 years. You can lose weight with diet alone, but if you're out of shape you still look like a blob... only smaller. You'll also be more prone to put the weight back on. You actually need to change your lifestyle. Instead of sitting in front of the TV or computer every night you will need to execise. You'll also need to eat healthier. I lost the weight with a low fat diet... low or no carb works for others. Find one that works for you, and stick with it!!! You'll feel much better with exercise, and it will help you gain back a more youthful appearance! Hope this helps.
  3. Imagine that!!! A critter... running thru the snow!!! In Canada!!! In the winter!!! Who'da ever thunk!
  4. Really??? I thought trouts had lower frontal lobes and that really dull look in their eye ... yanno, like the ones you see in the steelhead reports here...
  5. No prollum there Bern! We drive rigs like that all the time down here!!!... you steer by sense of smell!!! Always remember! Shiny side up and greasy side down!!! Got's a good 'stension cord fer the TV! ... call me when you hit the Tennessee state line and I'll put the collard greens and hog jowls to simmerin'!!!
  6. We LOVE the pics!!!
  7. 154 channels and nothings on eh?
  8. Is that those Mexican type Carp you were tellin' me about in chat the other night Bubba??? They look kinda like Brook Trout... don't they? Great effort on both you and your Bud's part!!! ... but I gotta say, they must not have been in there that thick if you didn't catch very many eh? Lookin' forward to your next report!!!
  9. You did well! ... and from what I can see, the jigs look good!!!
  10. Join http://register.photobucket.com/, it's sooooooo much easier!!!
  11. Excellent report and roight noice fish, pics, and vids!!! WTG on the NGL Troot upgrade for your team ... but don't y'all need a Walleye too??? ... on second thought though, it would probably be better not to overload Captain Slowpoke with more than one entry at a time eh?... or maybe you're waiting for Roy to pull something up thru the ice?
  12. A good mornin' to all y'all!!! Good tune Roy! here's another: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl0jYYK5AAQ TGIF!
  13. Real men can do without the sensitivity stuff! ... maybe you'd like to send Stoty a Valentine next Saturday?
  14. Still recruiting for the west eh Holdie! Stoty!... pull yourself up by the bootstraps and move on Bubba! Nobody ever told you that that job would be forever! You'll probably find a better one down the road... or not! Keep your eyes open and your ear to the ground, you'll find another job!!! I never drew so much unemployment in my life as during the Jimmy Carter administration, but it taught me something... plan and save for eventualities!!! This is probably a life lesson for you... make the best of it!!! Endure and persevere!!! .. read my sig!
  15. ... and it's that attitude right there that will get your canned the quickest!!!
  16. Lotsa great stuff there Nauti!!! I'll give you $5 US for that lure book right now! The 16' pole should have a wire loop at the end to tie your line to. Some folks use them down here for Crappie fishin', you can fish around the branches of a tree that has fallen into the water with minimal hang ups... drop your line straight down, no bites in a minute, lift your line straight up! The 16' length give you enough distance from the fish as to not spook them.
  17. Could someone swing by and pick me up for this?
  18. Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick eh!!! The little buggers gotta eat sometime! Glad to see you got out, the wind is blowin' a million miles an hour here!!!
  19. Did we learn something here? Never leave your good luck charm at home!!! Now we know the real reason you married the lovely Miss Jessy!!!
  20. Not only was it the shape that made Mr. Yamamoto's Senko famous, but the amount of additives (mainly salt) he used to give it that slow fall and weight for casting distance without a weight. As with all copies, they come close... but aren't ever exactly the same. I think the Dinger comes the closest, but the Yamamoto Senko is still the best.
  21. Some nice fat Perch there!
  22. Some pictures would've been nice.
  23. Noice Poike!!! Pike are good eats!!!
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