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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Anyone that wants to enter the US will need a Passport... from any country
  2. Yup!!! ... or freeze to death applying and waiting for a Passport!
  3. Is the wind blowing in Canada??? ... how unusual!!! We got some pretty big winds here yesterday, I can imagine how they're going to be up there today!
  4. As of June 1st 2009 all U.S citizens that leave the country will need an approved passport document to reenter the U.S., birth certificates and photo ID will no longer be acceptable! You can get into Canada with as little as a Wal-Mart reciept if you look presentable and are polite. Getting back into the U.S is a completely different story! We will be dealing with the Department of Homeland Security, they're all business and can be real asses at the slightest provocation!!!... but I don't blame them and I like the job they're doing! This is a link to what you'll need: http://travel.state.gov/travel/cbpmc/cbpmc_2223.html
  5. ... nor can you help that the value of your dollar is dependent on the value of our dollar... it sux to suck hind teat eh!
  6. My goodness! Canadians debating the U.S. economy and politics!... how original!!! I guess their own isn't interesting or "big" enough to draw their own interest... Do we have a case of "Economy Envy"" here???
  7. Ok, those are kinda wimpy compared to the ones we have in Alabama. http://www.ag.auburn.edu/aaes/communicatio...er00/elise.html
  8. What the hell is a Gar Pike???... I Goggled it and came up with no results! ... are you talking aboot Gar or Pike?
  9. The full res pics will be in your email directly!!!
  10. Topics will be determined internally... Just type GCD when you enter and it will beep me.
  11. ... yer too late!
  12. I see Slackdrifter has been taking slacking lessons from the Snag type slackard!!! Don't make me have to come up there and put a boot in your butt boy!!! ... you have until 8pm EST to have that report on my desk son!
  13. Maybe you should go cook something B... ... some fat, cholesterol, and calories will make you feel better!
  14. A nice big plate of Collard greens will calm you down Harry!
  15. that doesn't sound good.
  16. Some states try to all the fun out of launching a boat!!!
  17. It's amazing! The plans and excuses people make up to get out of the cardio workout! Cardio exercise strengthens your heart and lungs, while increasing your stamina and metabolism!!! You'll lose weight, burn fat and feel so good!!! C'mon give it a try... you'll like it, I promise!!!
  18. It's workin' good here now... I hope it stays this way!
  19. Welcome back Bubba!!! You can PM me the "Snapper" pics!
  20. Be sure to take your OFC Community.com logo and a camera for the tourney!!! Get us a nice one!!!
  21. Great report, pics, and fish Jack!!! I updated our entries thread this morning and that beautiful fish put us at 101.5 inches!!! Keep bumping those fish up!!!
  22. It wasn't just you TB, was slower than smoke off of poop for me too... just came up to speed a few minutes ago.
  23. It's the 27th of June this year... or so I hear. There's fish there... they're just insolent!!! Hoping the later date this year will make it a little better on the cold fronts coming in!... maybe it'll be warmer too and I won't freeze my tucas off!!!
  24. Let's "Red" things up a little bit! Lookit them gitfiddlers go!!!
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