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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Give that man a Cigar!!! It's ok to say it, as long as it doesn't offend anyone. ... truth to be known, they were probably trying to pressure someone into saying their little prayer that didn't want to say it... nobody likes a pushy fanatic!!!
  2. Being the devout Scientologist that I am... it would really chap my to hear someone say that too!!!
  3. You should be able to catch nice Ling/Burbot at night thru the ice!!!
  4. They'll be pigged out and stuffed by then... they is workin fish! 9-5 mon.-fri.!!! Sat and Sun., they're off!
  5. Well!... I put a lot of thought into this!!! bite my !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Mods!!!... please be advised!.... I believe this Hosers sig is over sized!!!! ... and he needs to take a shave too!!!
  7. He's a Hillbilly from Ar-can-saw!!!... what do you 'spect?!!!
  8. MARRIED??? I didn't even know he was pregnant!!! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Maina!!!
  9. Me too Jacques! If you'll look at the prerigged ones, over 80% of them have the tail up! That's a good point, I noticed that happening when I was rigging mine up! Then your jig swims in circles and twists your line... not to mention looking real dumb to the fish and scaring them away!!! I did the opposite of that, and that's when I realized I was getting more bites and catching more fish with it down. That's ok fireball, maybe I can fish the back of the boat with you someday and show you all the fish you're missing!!! Thanks for the replies folks!!!
  10. Excellent pics Bernie!!! I like seeing the old rods and reels from back then!
  11. When rigging a plastic grub on a jig, do you prefer the tail up? Or the tail down? Until recently, I always thought the tail should go up... but have found I have better results with the tail down. I believe this is because when the jig is worked/retrieved near the bottom the tail kicks up more mud/sand/debris giving it the appearance of a crawfish or baitfish fleeing. I also like the tail down when tipping the jig with a live minnow... it keeps the tail from flogging the minnow to death. How do you rig yours?
  12. OH BOY!!! Canadians talking about American politics again!!! Why can't y'all talk about your own?... or go fishing???
  13. Yeah, I'm very jealous! Those are some very nice fish!!! You musta drilled the hole over whitey/laker central eh!!!
  14. Slackard!!! Those pics are from last year!!! cheater cheater cheater!!!
  15. ...isn't that what guides are for?
  16. I always incorporate the pelvic thrust into all of my techniques for Bass!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKGqjZgu-SE
  17. That's what you get for cheatin' Simon! ... you can't even count that Smelt, because it was foul hooked!!! I wish you much better luck for this weekend!!!
  18. Well if you don't catch any, that's what you'll be blaming it on!!!
  19. Reel Snazzy there Kemp!!! ... but can it catch fish???
  20. How much fun would it be around here, if you couldn't pick on a Newfie or a Redneck every once in a while?
  21. ... because you don't know how to use it???
  22. Oh!... isn't that just Ducky!!! A Newfie that doesn't know how to sharpen a fillet knife!
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