Blessing Banned
Some Canada Post letter carriers in Cornwall say it's political correctness gone too far. They're being disciplined for a 25-year-old tradition.
For more than a quarter century some mail carriers in the community have said "Merci Seigneur pour la belle jounee" as they leave to begin their routes. The phrase translates to "Thank you Lord for the beautiful day."
After a human rights complaint, Canada Post management has now banned the use of the phrase because it brings religion into the workplace.
Some carriers say banning the phrase is crossing the line. Two employees have already been disciplined for using the blessing after being told not to. If they "Thank the Lord" again they'll face suspension.
Obviously, not everyone in the workplace was happy with this blessing/prayer!
Maybe they should change it to a Buddist chant, and instead of saying it in French... maybe they could say it in Hindi?
Would everyone be happy then...?