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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. What does an "office boy" know about being an electrician?... besides burning their eyeballs out of the sockets when they don't " lock out, tag out"???
  2. I may need to look again... but I swear I didn't see any buzzbaits in there!
  3. Humpback Creeper
  4. Those are some good looking fish!!! Even if it does look like they're nuptialating!!!
  5. Real nice lookin' fish you got there gal!!! You can email me a plate of those when you get them cooked up eh!!!
  6. Jeds a tough ol' bird when his back aint actin' up! He was able to spend the day out in the cold because he had Granny's antifreeze pumpin' thru his veins!!! Maybe y'all didn't catch as many as you wanted to today... but I'm sure you skeered the out of the ones you didn't catch! Y'all will get them next time!!!
  7. Only 4 baited hook points are legal in Canada eh? A jig is a lure, what is it when you tip it with a minnow?... 1 baited hook point?... or is it still a lure? If the quick strike rig was made up of 1 single and a treble it would be completely legal.
  8. Great report, pic, and fish Jack!!! I've put your fish on the Entry board and it gives us 67.5" total!!! Thanks for braving the elements for that contribution!!!
  9. Looks like I missed the "White Tornado"! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vur_Mg1yffg
  10. I'm outta here too... I'll leave y'all with one of my faves!... the uniform!... the hair!... the legs! ... the noctournal emissions.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9t72qSl2RY
  11. Speaking of which... is there anyone her that fits this description??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBWcRMonvWA ... I think there might be a couple eh!!!
  12. Steve Martian? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBS6r2qkU90
  13. I hear ya Paul!!! ... dat's a good one fer sure!!! I like this one too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH7dj6wOnao
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QShSmpI0r9k
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9BNoaUlVtY
  16. I've seen better days!
  17. Anyone fit this description? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJN3PGqDRNg
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxpblnsJEWM
  19. ... now play the one that doesn't suck!!!
  20. I think these 2 guys are talkin' aboot you Brian! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvol_SmbHCI
  21. I think you have this problem Brian!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7-E1qTVJgE
  22. Your god would have to stand on it's Momma's shoulders to just barely be able to reach up high enough to kiss my god's
  23. I dunno about you... but they'd prolly get more truth out of me if they made me swear on a stack of vintage Playboy magazines!
  24. Blessing Banned Some Canada Post letter carriers in Cornwall say it's political correctness gone too far. They're being disciplined for a 25-year-old tradition. For more than a quarter century some mail carriers in the community have said "Merci Seigneur pour la belle jounee" as they leave to begin their routes. The phrase translates to "Thank you Lord for the beautiful day." After a human rights complaint, Canada Post management has now banned the use of the phrase because it brings religion into the workplace. Some carriers say banning the phrase is crossing the line. Two employees have already been disciplined for using the blessing after being told not to. If they "Thank the Lord" again they'll face suspension. Obviously, not everyone in the workplace was happy with this blessing/prayer! Maybe they should change it to a Buddist chant, and instead of saying it in French... maybe they could say it in Hindi? Would everyone be happy then...?
  25. If you want to pray, go to the Church of your choice! I don't know about your work place, but mine never paid me to pray... they paid me to work!!!
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