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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. You're absolutely right Jamie, had I seen the red/orange on the inside of it's mouth... I'd have gotten it right the first time! I tend to lump Pinfish and Grunts together when they're that size... an insult to the Pinfish I know!!!
  2. Glad to see you getting out Tom! Some nice lookin' fish too!
  3. Sounds like a great couple of hours Jacques!!! I'll take that kinda action any day!!!
  4. That's a heckuva beautiful boat Lew!!!... Congratulations!!! ... can I borrow it?
  5. This is a Snapper (Mangrove Snapper) This is not! (Pinfish) Those lil' baby 'Cudas and that Mangrove Snapper are some fine eating if you didn't realize it! Excellent report and pics Bubba mang!!! *insert Babe emoticon here* I'm hoping they'll loosen the travel restrictions from the UC to Cuba so I can visit one day!
  6. JHC!!!.. it'sa bout time boy!!!
  7. Great report and pics Kevin!!! Looks like a fun day, and congrats to Stephanie on that very nice PB Pike!!!
  8. LMAO!!!... or PINK even!!!
  9. It is a horrible agony, and I feel for anyone going thru it to... if you've never had it, you just don't know!!!
  10. Were you able to find the menthol back patches Joey?... they really will help! Sometimes I'll have Ol' Yeller plaster me up with 4-6 of them on my lower back... it looks like she's startin' to Mummify me on a bad day.
  11. ... as I was offering you a free buzz and foreplay!!!
  12. 1990 Geo Metro!!! ... but really, any full size utility (truck) vehicle will pull your boat much better than a car. 4WD or positraction is a big plus on boat ramps.
  13. Excellent report and pics Erik!!! The "so-called" Gizzard Shad is clearly a mutant Whitefish and should've had it's pic taken with our Team Logo to be entered into the tourney Bubba!!! ... as a matter of fact, pic all of your fish with the logo... and I'll decide what they are at the time of posting!!! Thanks for taking the time to post that Bubba!!!
  14. If I want yer opinion Daddy-O... I'll sedate you with the "shine", and beat it out of you with a chunk of firewood!!!
  15. Wimpy Wimpy Wimpy!!!!! I knew I shoulda listened to Mama!!!
  16. They are beautiful vehicles... but don't you own a larger type boat?... and isn't a Ridgeline a little small for pulling it? I guess I'm just old school. I hope it brings you many years of enjoyment!
  17. Bwahahaha!!! I knew your sheet was weak the instant I saw the pic!!! ... hope yer life insurance is paid up bubba!!!
  18. WAKE UP Y'ALL!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H68zqzzrBxA...feature=related
  19. With the second strongest bite in the animal kingdom (1500 psi) I don't think so! I've caught more than my share of those ill tempered boogers while catfishin' (they love chicken livers and cut bait!) You learn very quickly to handle them with care (I've never been been bitten), some folks would rather kill them than run the risk of being bitten while unhooking one... but I respect wildlife more than that. 1. when you get the ill mannered booger to shore, step gently on it's tail to keep it from lumbering around! 2. to remove the hook, apply firm pressure on the fishin' line to extend turtles head beyond the shell! 3. grasp turtles neck behind the head with your free hand, then remove the hook with a pair of pliers while holding turtle firmly by the neck! 4.most important!!! Pull on turtles neck until it is fully extended from the shell!!! Keep pressure on afore mentioned neck, then quickly let go... your hand will recoil back towards you and the turtles head will recoil back towards the shell... but!!! the jaws will be snapping at your hand like a flamenco dancers castonets!!!... but with your hand pulling back towards you and the turtles head pulling back towards the shell... all he gets is a big mouthfull of air!!! 5.gently lift your foot from the tail and he'll find his own way back to the water!
  20. ... just posted this on another thread... but I think it fits here too!!!
  21. Always look on the bright on the bright side... ... at least Beans stayed warm, safe, and dry!!!
  22. ... but did you unnerstan the song??? How aboot passin' that SCREECH one time!.. eh!
  23. I unnerstan this one perfeckly well!!! If you don't... I'll try to 'splain it to ya, if you don't like it... you can kiss my....
  24. This ones for you Paul... I'm sorry man, I wish there was something I could do... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHDdqubE7zQ...feature=related
  25. Uh-huh!... the Big Elbow off the TOP ROPE for you Big Boy!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25AT2EyAIw4
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